文献标题:A Comparative Study of Top Web Design Models that are using Java Technologies(使用Java技术的顶级Web设计模型的比较研究)文献作者及出处:Sathyaseelan B, Cordova R S. A Comparative Study of Top Web Design Models that are using Java Technologies[J].International Journal of Innovations and Advancement in Computer Science. 2016,5(5):41-44
A Comparative Study of Top Web Design Models that are
using Java Technologies
Abstract In today's professional workplace, enterprise applications are complex, adaptable, distributed, part-based, and mission-critical. They might be conveyed as an assortment of platforms across corporate systems, intranets, or the Internet. They are information driven, easy to use, and should meet stringent prerequisites for security, organization, and support. To put it plainly, they are highly complex systems. Various enterprise applications have been in the market today and there are numero
us methods available for developing enterprise applications.
This paper discusses the major differences between two competing design models for developing Web applications using Java technologies which are Struts and Java Server Faces (JSF). Struts is an open source java framework and is an action-based framework.On the other hand, JSF is a new technology that supports ready-to-use components for rapid Web application development. These two technologies will be analyzed depending on the factors such as the controller flexibility or event handling, navigation, page development, integration and extensibility.
Keywords: web design models, Struts, Java Server Faces and Java technologies
A STRUT is a web application system that has been popular over Java Servlets. It envelops the ordinarily utilized MVC design pattern. A STRUT automates normal tasks, liberating up to explore more of the Action- to-result pages mapping utilizing SML-based configurations. The system makes the progress level subtle elements of the usage of Web-based applications and gives a bit of structural software. JavaServer Faces (JSF) abridges the development of web application user interfaces, usually by defining a user interface component model tied to a well-defined request proce
ssing lifecycle. It characterizes a set of UI components— basically, a balanced mapping of the html structure component set along with some extras—that could a be utilized as an application programming interface for extending and modifying standard components or developing new components.
II.Key Differences
The figures below illustrate the key differences between a STRUTS and JSF request-response scenario. This is necessary in order to fully understand the architecture of each web design models.
Figure 1. Struts Request-Response Scenario
In figure 1, the client sends request to server through a web-browser for a
particular resource. This request is forwarded to the server through a Controller. A servlet goes about as a controller, accepting all requests from the customer. The servlet hands off the request to a different business layer for handling. When processing is finished, the servlet advances or diverts the request to a JSP, which is exclusively in charge of creating the following view for the client. There is no business logic within the JSP.
Figure 2. JSF Request-Response Scenario
In figure 2, the server handles requests from the client, starting from an initial request to a postback request. When a client makes an underlying request for a page, it is asking for the page for the first time. When a client executes a postback, it presents the structure contained on a page that was beforehand stacked into the program as a result of executing an underlying request. When the life cycle handles an underlying request, it just executes the restore view and renders response phases in light of the fact that there is no client information or activities to prepare. Then again, when the life cycle handles a postback, it executes the majority of the phases.
In this study we will compare JSF and Struts. We will create two models
employing the JSF and Struts request-response scenario. JSF is a “component” framework while Struts is an “action” framework.
This paper compares and evaluates the ease of application development and the performance of two design models (Struts and JSF) by presenting the two design models and critically analyzes each technology.
Web Development Challenges
The challenges in Web development are much more than the application development. The main challenge is in hosting the application over a webserver and then handling the network issues while accessing those via network. The performances of the web-based application are based on the network availability and its speed. These are not challenges for desktop applications as they run on the local host and the resources are based only on that system.
Challenges in STRUTS
Despite the fact that Struts accompanies a rundown of remarkable elements however it is important not to neglect the few negative applications about Struts and would require loads of improvements.
Greater expectation to learn and adapt - To utilize MVC with STRUTS, you must be alright with the standard JSP, Servlet APIs and a substantial and elaborate system.
Poor documentation - Compared to the standard servlet and JSP APIs, STRUTS has less online resources, and some first-time clients locate the online Apache documentation confusing and inadeq
uately sorted out.
Less straightforward -With STRUTS applications, there is significantly more going ahead in the background than with ordinary Java-based Web applications which makes it hard to comprehend the system.
Challenges in JSF
JSF is a very powerful innovation for creating Java-based web applications. It is intended to improve the development of client interfaces for Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) applications via programmed handling of low level HTTP requests and
client information processing. JSF utilizes a part based model for web advancement. Utilizing the visual JSF web application instrument offered by NetBeans () integrated development environment (IDE), segments can be actually "painted" on a virtual JSF page by relocating them from a palette of JSF segment library.
Event handlers can then be characterized for every part the same route concerning creating standalone Java graphical user interface (GUI) application. Route standards are determined for ever
y page from a central XML arrangement document (l). Client activities on a web interface will trigger an event which in return figures out which page is to be shown along the rules specified on that page.This methodology encourages measured and adaptable design, making web application development much more straightforward and faster.
The route decides determined for that page. This methodology encourages measured and adaptable configuration, making web application advancement much less difficult and speedier.
In this study, STRUTS and JSF were analyzed in terms of their controller flexibility or event handling, navigation, page development, integration and extensibility. This is important to compare each web design model and present the advantages and disadvantages of each technology.
Controller Flexibility/Event Handling
Controller is considered as the heart of the Struts. It uses the Front Controller Pattern and Command Pattern. A single servlet takes a request, and then translates HTTP parameters into a Java ActionForm, and passes the ActionForm into a Struts Action class. The URI designates which Action
class need to be executed. The Struts framework has one single event handler for the HTTP request. When the request is met by the event handler, the Action returns the result back to the front controller. This in turn will be used to choose the navigation destination.
Controller Pattern is been used by the JSF. Each face request goes through a
single servlet, whose responsibility is to get a faces page with components. It will then trigger the events for each component and render the components using a render toolkit. It is also possible to bound the components to the data from its model. JSF have several event handlers on a page while Struts is geared to one event per request. In addition, with Struts, the ActionForms have to extend Struts classes, creating another layer of complicated coding while JSF gives the ability to peg into the model without breaking layering.
Navigation is a key feature of both Struts and JSF. There are 2 types of navigation: static navigation - when the output of a particular page is known so that it is very easy to predict its expected output; and dynamic navigation – when the output is unpredictable and some business logic determines the output of that particular page. Both frameworks have a declarative navigation model and define navig
ation using rules inside their XML configuration file. Both JSF and Struts support both types of navigation.
Page Development
JSF was built with component models which support RAD development, while struts don’t have that support. The Struts framework provides custom libraries to peg into Action Forms and offers some utilities. JSF provides the ability to build components from a variety of view technologies and does it in such a way to be component based.
Struts are model neutral, so there is no special hook into a model layer. The page data has to be moved from the Action Form to another Model input format which requires heavy complicated coding. The ActionForm class, provides an extra layer of tedious coding and state transition.
JSF, on the other hand, encapsulates and hides the details of any data inside the component tree. Data grids and similar rich components can be bound to any Java class. This allows the combination of JSF and SDO which are powerful RAD development.
