电影英文对白台词《失落的大陆》-Man: Mission Control come in. Mission Control do you read Mayday. Mayday.mission: 任务mayday: 国际遇险无线电呼救信号地面指
挥中心,请回话,地面指挥中心,听见吗On reentry into Earths orbit I seem to have fallen intoreentry: 再进orbit: 轨道fallen into: 落入求救!求救!在回地球轨道的时候,我好像掉进了,I dont know some kind of tear in time and space. My coordinates are unknown. Is this evenEarthtear:裂缝coordinate: 坐标我也不确定什么地方,看起来像是什么裂缝里,方位不明确,这还是地球吗?Ships instruments indicate should be White Sands New Mexico. Obvious error. instrument: 仪器indicate: 显示Mexico: 墨西哥error: 错误飞船的定位仪器显示是在新墨西哥的白沙公园,这里显然不是,Is anyone receiving this Come back. Oh God. Oh God.有人听到我吗?请回话,哦,天哪!Recovery team Recovery team fix coordinates now Where the hell am Ifix: 定位hell:
地狱指挥中心!指挥中心!请立即定位!我到底在哪?Somebody respond Recovery team come back God damn itdamn: 该死的god damn it: 该死的听见的回话!指挥中心,请回话,见鬼! Oh God. Oh God Does No有人……天哪!天哪!有人听到……不!-Male Announcer: This is today with Matt Lauer.这里是今日新闻,我是Matt Lauer,Were back now with Dr. Rick Marshall whose new book arrives in stores tomorrow.欢迎回来,坐在我对面的是Rick Marshall 博士,他的新书明天即将上市。It was back in Oslo Doctor last monthRick Marshall 博士上星期在奥斯陆,that you just
startled your colleagues with this theory of yours that takes science in a completelynew direction.startle: 使...惊愕colleague: 同事theory: 理论direction: 方向你用你的理论震惊了你的同事,你的新理论为科学界开辟了一个全新的方向。 Quantum Paleontology.quantum: 量子paleontology: 古生物学量子…量子古生物学。-Rick Marshall: Quantum Paleontology thats correct.没错,量子古生物学。-Male Announcer: What exactly is that那到底是什么?-Rick Marshall: Not to say modestly its our very destly: 谦虚的嗯……不谦虚地说,这是关于相当遥远的未来,Matt,Its the only real solution to solving this fossil fuel crisis were experiencing.solution: 解决办法fossil fuel: 矿物燃料fossil: 化石的fuel: 燃料crisis: 危机这是解决我们所面临的……石油危机的唯一途径,And it boils down to two simple words.boil: 煮沸boil down: 浓缩可以总结为四个字。-Male Announcer: wable: 可更新的biofuel: 生物燃料生物燃料。-Rick Marshall: Close. Time warps.time warp: 时间隧道warp: 弄歪接近了,是“时空转换” 。-Male Announcer: Time warps时空转换?-Rick Marshall: Time warps.“时空转换” !-Male Announcer: Youre serious about this.你说真的吗?-Rick Marshall: Im deadly serious. Five years over 50 million on my research.deadly: 非常地千真万确。我的研究长达5 年,耗资5000 万美元。-Male Announcer: Youve spent 50 million of your own money studying time warps你把自己的5000 万用来研究你的“时空转换”?-Rick Marshall: No thats adorable. No taxpayers money. I dont have 50 million.adorable: 可崇拜的taxpayer: 纳税人不,真那样就太伟大了,我用的是纳税人的钱,我自己可没5000 万。-Male Annou
ncer: And now youre asking for more.你现在需要更多的经费。-Rick Marshall: Its all explained in plain: 解释我书中解释的很清楚了。-Male Announcer: I know. Weve plugged the book.plug: 捧场推荐我知道,我们已经帮你大
肆宣传了。-Rick Marshall: Yeah. Bantam Books. Amazon.Amazon: 亚马孙河南美洲北部大河,世界最大河流之一好,班坦图书公司出版,亚马逊上有售。-Male Announcer: We are living in a time right now with huge I saw. Huge cuts inspending. Right.cut: 削减我现在面临的经济环境,正处于……我看见了……大规模削减开支。Were in dire economic straits and youre spending 50 million on studying time warps. dire: 可怕的economic: 经济的strait: 困境经济如此低迷,你却花5000 万来研究你的“时空转换”How do you not think thats irresponsibleirresponsible: 不负责任的你不认
为这是不负责任的吗? Are you smoking我……你是要吸烟吗?-Rick Marshall: No Im making a balloon animal here earthling.balloon: 气球earthling: 居住在地球上的人不,我想吐出一个动物气球,还有地球人。-Male Announcer: But you cant smoke in the studio.studio: 演播厅演播厅里不能吸烟。-Rick Marshall: Okay no one told me that.好吧,实现没人告诉我。-Male Announcer: Just you cant.真的不行。-Rick Marshall: Fine.好吧。There are huge huge amounts of
trans-dimensional energy out there just waiting for us to throwthe switch.amounts of: 大量的dimensional: 空间的switch: 转换宇宙中存在着数量难以想象的反空间能量
等着我们去开发,Energy isis: 危机avert: 避免这样能源危机就能避免。-Male Announcer: You are asking people to stake the entire future of industrialized civilization onwhat you call parallel dimensions.stake: 下赌注entire: 全部的industrialized: 工业化的civilization: 文明parallel: 平行的dimension: 维度你想叫
人们把未来工业文明的希望……都寄托在你所谓的“平行空间”上,What about the critics who have a fair question Doctorcritic: 评论家fair: 公正的Dr. Marshall,你有听过反对者的批评声吗?-Rick Marshall: Mmm-hmm.嗯。-Male Announcer: They say this theory of yours is not science. It is non-science.theory: 理论non-science: 伪科学
他们说你的理论不是科学,是伪科学,And some are even more blunt and they say its nonsense.blunt: 直爽的甚至有人更直言不讳,说这些都是一派胡言。How do you respond to thatrespond: 回答你怎么看这个问题?-Rick Marshall: My critics Your critics. And there are a lot of them. Can you be more specificspecific: 明确的我的反对者?你的反对者,而且有很多人,能给个例子吗?-Male Announcer: Stephen Hawking. Stephen Hawking says this is nonsense. Thats his word.Stephen Hawking。Stephen Hawking,说这是一派胡言,这是他的原话。-Rick Marshall: Okay you know what This interviews over.interview: 访问好了,我想这个访问结束了。-Male Announcer: Why 为什么?-Rick Marshall: Because like your producers said you wouldnt bring that up all rightbrin
g up: 提起因为你的制作人说你不会提到这个的?-Male Announcer: Its a fair question.这是一个很好的问题。-Rick Marshall: No its not Its a hatchet jobhatchet: 胡扯不,这不是,这是恶意诽谤。-Male Announcer: That was my guest Dr. Rick Marshall whose book arrives in stores tomorrow.guest: 客人这是今天的嘉宾,Rick Marshall,新书明天就将上架。-Rick Marshall: Goddamn right it wasgoddamn: 诅咒的混蛋,没错。-Male Announcer: You might want to look for it in the quot Im out of my freaking mindquot department.freak:行为怪异department: 部门也许你能在“我是疯子”商店,到这本书,When we come back trampolines. Summer fun or silent killertrampoline: 蹦床silent: 沉默的让我们换个话题,蹦极。夏日休闲还是无声杀手。-Man: Wait wait
Hes making a run for the stagestage: 舞台小心,他想砸场!-Male Announcer: Are you out of your mindout of your mind: 你疯了你疯了吗?-Man: Hey hes so strong他力气
太大了。-Male Announcer: What are you crazy你疯了吗?-Rick Marshall: Ladies and gentlemen esteemed colleagues Ill conclude with this. esteemed: 受尊敬的colleague:
同事conclude: 作结论女士们,先生们,各位尊敬的同事们,我来总结一下,Our very future depends on one thing.我们的未来取决于一个东西,Subatomic particles that move so incredibly fast they actually travel backwards in time. Askyourselfsubatomic:
亚原子的particle: 微粒incredibly: 难以置信地backward: 反向的次原子微粒运动如此之快以至于它们在时光逆流中穿梭,试想一下,what if there was a device that could harness these tachyonsdevice: 装置harness: 利用tachyon: 超光速粒子如果有一个装置能够利用超光速粒子,We could open and travel through warps in time and space.warp: 翘曲我们就能够打开时间之窗,穿越时空。Whats that Not in our lifetime My friends Ive designed such a device.design: 设计什么?有生之年看不到?亲爱的
朋友,我设计了这个装置,I give to you the tachyon amplifier.amplify: 放大器我把它称为超馑倭W臃糯笃鳌 enius in a box. Only with this device y ou dont travel forwards ius: 天才forward: 向前的伟大的发明,有了这个装置,你不是向前或向后旅行,You travel sideways in timesideway: 旁地横向地你可以穿越时空,to another dimension where past present and future all meet. And lightsdimension: 次元到达另外一个空间,过去、现在、将来,随心所欲。开灯!All right any questions Oh Great. Yes. You right there young man.好了,有问题吗?哦!很好,你,那边的小伙子。-Boys and girls: Yeah. If you shot a ton of pot at the sun would it burn up and get everybodyhighshot: 射击ton: 吨pot: 叶burn up: 烧尽如果朝太阳射出一吨的,它是烧起来了,还是让大家都过了瘾?-Rick Marshall: No. No no. Are there any real questions that pertain to sciencepertain: 关于不,不,不。有没有一些真正关于科学的问题?-Boys and girls: Do you take Cialis Why were you crying in the bathroom before thispresentationbathroom: 浴室presentation: 报告
你用犀利士吗?(一种壮阳药)在这个讲座之前,你为什么躲在浴室里哭?How come it looks like youre about to cry now Do dinosaurs have boobsdinosaur: 恐龙类boob: 女性的乳房
怎么现在你好像又要哭了?恐龙有乳房吗?-Male Announcer: Thats it. Thats it. Everybody out of here. Get out of here Go play in theparking lot.parking lot: 停车场够了,够了,都给我出去。都出去!到停车场去玩吧!Go run around on the freeway I dont care.freeway: 高速公路跑到高速公路上去吧,我可不在乎!-Man: Okay guys lets get some sugarsugar: 糖好吧,伙计们,我们吃糖去-Holly: I have a question. Did you ever try to make the tachyon amplifiertachyon: 超光速粒子amplify: 放大我有个问题,你有试过制造这个超光速粒子放大器吗?-Rick Marshall: Who are you你是谁?-Holly: Oh Im sorry. Im Holly Cantrell. I studied all your work at Cambridge. I think yourebrilliant.brilliant: 杰出的Cambridge: 剑桥哦,抱歉,我是Holly Cantrell。我在剑桥大学研究过你的所有工作,你是个天才。-Rick Marshall: Well Holly from Cambridge who thinks Im brilliant I started but I didnt finish. Sono.好吧,剑桥的Holly,你说我是个天才。我开始了这个研究,但没完成。-Holly: No but you have to build it.
I mean its the What are you eatingincredible: 难以置信的你必须把它
做出来我想这是最不可思议的……你在吃什么?-Rick Marshall: Its a donut stuffed with MampMs.don
ut: 炸面圈stuff with: 塞是塞满MampM 巧克力豆的甜甜圈,That way when you finish the donut you dont have to eat any MampMs.这样你吃完甜甜圈后,就不用再吃巧克力豆了。-Holly: But dont you see You were absolutely right. absolutely: 绝对地,完全地你不明白吗?你是完全正确的,每
个……-Rick Marshall: Stop Chasing that theory got me laughed out of mainstream science and landedme here.chase: 追求mainstream: 主流停!研究这项理论使我受尽主流科学家嘲笑,沦落到这种地步And you know what知道吗?I dont have anyone to blame but myself. Cause as they say if you dont make it its your owndamn
pendingquotvault.quotblame: 责备damn: 该死的vault:墓穴我不能责怪任何人,只怪自己,就像他们说的“如果你做不到,就是自掘坟墓”,Thats a bitch-slap of truth right there.bitch-slap: 该死的to slap one with a backhand motion. usually when one has done somethingstupid or hasnt paid their moneyy.--From Urban Dictionary这就是残酷的现实。-Holly: If your theories are such rubbish then explain this.rubbish: 毫无价值的如果你的理论真的是垃圾,那如何解释,That fossil is over 265 million years old with an imprint of a 10 lighter. Go on explain that.fossil: 化石imprint: 印记lighter: 打火机
这是 2 亿 6 千 5 百万年前的化石,上面却有一个10 元的打火机的印痕。继续啊,解释一下。I found
it out in the desert along with crystals like this that radiate pure tachyon energy. Go on.Explain that.desert: 沙漠crystal: 水晶radiate: 辐射pure: 纯的tachyon: 超光速粒子我在一个沙漠里到的,还有这个水晶辐射着纯净的超光速粒子能量。继续啊。解释看看。-Rick Marshall: Captain Kirks nipplescaptain: 船长Kirk: 教会nipple: 乳头Captain Kirks nipples: 见鬼Something to say whenyou experience something astonishing or amazing. --From Urban Dictionary见鬼了!-Female announcer: The tar pits will be open in five minutes. Dr. Marshall please return the page.ta r: 柏油pit: 深坑拉伯雷亚沥青池在5 分钟后开放。-Holly: Dr. Marshall Oh my God. Are you all right Hey. Up you get. Here. Just Ohdear.lean: 倚靠Dr. Marshall?哦,天哪你还好吗?我扶你起来靠着墙,我的天。-Rick Marshall: Im fine okay. I just worked late. Then I got hungryhungry: 饥饿的我没事,只是熬夜了。然后饿了,and I had several meals and lapsed into a al: 进餐lapse: 陷入某种状态coma: 昏迷就吃了很多东西,就陷入昏迷了。Ive had issues with food in the past and I dont know you know just with the stress ofeverythingissue: 结果stress: 压力我以前吃东西也发生过这种情况,我也不清楚可能是压力太大,I just overdid it.overdid: 过于劳累有点体力不支了。But Im in control and I dont have to go back to Phoenix. 不过自己还能控制,不必回菲尼克斯(亚利桑那州首府,冬季旅游胜地),我想……-Holly: I wanted to come and apologize for yesterday. My behavior apologize: 道歉behavior: 行为我想对昨天的事道歉,我的话太……-Rick Marshall: No no no it was me.不,不,不,是我的错。-Holly: You finished the tachyon amplifier你完成了超光速粒子放大
器!-Rick Marshall: No. No. I mean yes. I dont know. I finished building it yes不,不……我是说,我完成了。but I didnt have the nerve to test ve: 勇气我不能确定,我是完成了但我没勇气进行试验。So I thought a trip to Arbys might give me some courage but urage: 勇气no dice: 不行dice: 骰子本来认为去
Arbys 吃东西能给我勇气,但还是不行(Arbys:美国第三大快餐连锁店)Then I had Popeyes Del Taco. Fourteen thousand calories latercalory: 卡路里接着我又吃了Popeyes 的炸鸡,墨西哥卷,1 万4 千卡路里下去后,I found myself down at Subway powering through a 12-inch veggie on whole wheat babbling toa cutout of Jared.subway: 地铁veggie: 素食者wheat: 小麦babbling: 胡说cutout: 切下或删掉的东西jar:刺耳声我发现自己在地铁里晕倒了,以一个超越12 英寸高的靠全麦面包生活的素食主义者的声音,发出切割般的嘶吼。It still didnt give me the strength to turn that thing on. Im a coward.strength: 力量coward: 懦夫我仍然没勇气去打开那个东西,我是个懦夫。-Holly: You are not a coward. Youre a visionary. This is probably the greatest work of genius in thelast 100 years.visionary: 有先见之明的genius: 天才你不是,你是个有远见的人,这可能是近百年来最伟大的发明。-Singing: “God I hope I get it I hope I get it ”-Holly: Is that A Chorus Linechorus: 合唱队这是个唱片机吗?-Rick Marshall: Its leftover data from the drive. What a piece of crapleftover: 残余的data: 数据drive: 驱动器crap: 垃圾这是硬盘里剩余的数据,真是个垃圾!
Singing: “Look at all ”-Rick Marshall: The machine I mean. Not A Chorus Line.这个机器,不是唱片机。I love show tunes. They really tell the story of the human condition.tune: 歌曲condition: 情况,条件我爱音乐,它们能唱出人类的心声。-Holly: Its a bit gay.gay: 欢迎的,放荡的;美国俚语同性恋的有点意思。-Rick Marshall: It is great.没错。-Holly: Right. Dr. Marshall youre gonna stop selling a: going to selling short: 卖短好了,Dr. Marshall 别再埋怨自己了,Youre on the verge of major discovery. Now get up.verge: 边缘major: 重大的你正在一项伟大发现的边缘,起来。-Rick Marshall: Whoa Where are we goingwhoa: 惊叹声等等,我们去哪?-Holly: Were gonna go and test this little device in a: going to device: 装置in the field: 实地我们要到野外去试试这个装置。-Rick Marshall: Are you crazy Im not prepared for a field test.你疯了吗?我还没准备做野外试验。-Holly: Look were not gonna make a big deal out of it. Its just a a: going to make a big deal out of: 小题大作expedition: 探险routine: 常规我们不会做大型试验的。这只是个常规试验。-Rick Marshall: A routine expedition常规试验?-Holly: Purely routine. Here. Here it is. This is where I found the fossil. The Devils Canyon MysteryCave.fossil: 化石canyon: 峡谷mystery: 神秘cave: 山洞devil: 恶魔非常得常规。这里,就是这里,我发现化石的地方,神秘洞穴之魔鬼峡谷。-Rick Marshall: This dump is a portaldump: 垃圾场portal: 入口这个垃圾场是入口?-Holly: Well just look at these readings Weve just gotta get back in a: lt美俚gthave got to看看这些读数吧!我们要进到这个洞穴里。-Rick Marshall: No problem. The place is obviously
abandoned.abandoned: 被抛弃的obviously: 显然地没问题,这个地方显然被遗弃了。-Holly: Not exactly.其实没有。-Will: So whats your pleasure I got Roman candles bottle rockets twitter glitters dancingbutterflies.Roman.