旅游管理系统是一个提供给想要了解旅游信息的用户使用,该系统分为普通用户和管理员用户端,普通用户端可以查看景点信息,发布论坛分享论坛,评论论坛,查阅论坛,查看酒店信息,查看定制 的路线。管理员端主要是管理网站的数据,对用户管理,景点信息,酒店信息,用户评论信息,论坛数据,定制路线的管理。是将旅游业发展得更加数据化,管理化的一个平台。
关键词:旅游管理系统Java SSM框架

Travel management system is designed for users who want to know travel information, the system is divided into users and users, managers, general users can view visitor information, referral forums, sharing forums. View comments Customer view To view a custom route Most administrators manage website data, user management, visitor information, hotel information, user authentication information, domain information, and route management. Forjsp用什么前端框架 more information and steps to develop tourism for management.
This article will introduce the design and research of SSM-based tourism management systems, begin using the bootstrap ui front-end framework, and introduce the SpringMVC and Spring SSVC frameworks with MyBatis and JavaEE SSM frameworks, and explain. Requirements for the analysis of the travel program module In addition, there are program plans, complete design, including user login, guidance and registration modules, interest modules, hotel modules, forum management modules and other processes. The f
ollowing is a systematic overview. The final summary of the entire program.
This article designs and implements tourism management systems that promote effective information management, including visibility of information to attract tourists and promote tourism development.
Key wordsTourism Management System   JAVA   SSM
