2018·桂林B. 单词填空,根据中文或首字母提示,写出单词在句中的正确形式,每空一词,请将单词完整第写在答题卡上。。
1.2018·桂林81.My pet animal is a _______ ()
2.2018·桂林82. Wang Ling goes to school by _______ (公共汽车).
3.2018·桂林83.Guilin is a _______ (美丽的) city.
4.2018·桂林84.Chinese often _______ (微笑) when we meet visitors.
5.2018·桂林85.Online shopping has many _______ (优势).
B. 81. cat 82. bus 83. beautiful 84. smile 85. advantages
6. (2018·滨州76.) You’ll be __________ (惩罚) if you break the traffic rules.
7. (2018·滨州77.) In my hometown, there was a big old tree __________ (……对面) the s
8. (2018·滨州78.) In most countries, Thanksgiving is always on the fourth __________ (星期四) in November.
9. (2018·滨州79.) On March 14th, 2018, the world-famous British __________ (科学家), Stephen Hawking, died
  at 76 in Cambridge, UK.
10. (2018·滨州80.) Maybe you are just one of millions in the world, but to me, you are the __________ (整体的)
76. punished      77. opposite      78. Thursday      79. scientist        80. whole
11.  (2018·济宁5.) People often fly kites on sunny and     (多风) days.
12. (2018·济宁6.) It's a good habit to brush your     (牙齿) after a meal. 
13. (2018·济宁7.) The stamp I bought yesterday     (花费) me 20 yuan. 
14. (2018·济宁8.) When we left, the kids said goodbye to us     (礼貌).
5. windy  6. teeth  7. cost  8. politely
15.(2018·泰安54) China has been making many great ______(成就) in every field these years, which amazes the world.
16. (2018·泰安55.)Teenagers should be _____(鼓励) to learn and spread Chinese traditional culture.
54. achievements 55. encouraged
17. 2018·青岛中考36.— ________________ (谁的) baseball is this? 
  — It belongs to Tony. 
18. 2018·青岛中考37. Teenagers should have more ________________ (机会) to make their own decisions. 
19.2018·青岛中考38.Believe us! We can finish the work with the ________________ (最少的) money.
20.2018·青岛中考39.The mother walked into the bedroom ________________ (安静地) while the baby was sleeping.
21.2018·青岛中考40.There is a bookstore ________________ (……对面) our school.
【答案】36.Whose  37.chances  38.least  39.quietly  40.opposite
22. (2018·安徽X. 91.) My grandparents are b________ (忙碌) making zongzi for the Drag
an Boat Festival.
23. (2018·安徽X. 92.) Everyone has a r________ () to play in making our country more beautiful.
24. (2018·安徽X. 93.) The little boy is always keeping his bedroom clean and t_______ (整齐).
25. (2018·安徽X. 94.)  A good hobby a_______ (增加) a lot of fun to our spare life.
26. (2018·安徽X. 95.) Please think t_______ (两次) before you hand in your paper.
91. busy  句意:我的祖父母正在为端午节忙着包饺子。根据首字母及汉语提示知填busy
92. role  句意:每个人都在让我们国家变得更美丽的过程中扮演着的一个角。play a role in…意为“在……中扮演一个角”。故填role
93. tidy  句意:这个小男孩总是把床收拾得干净而整洁。“keep sth. + adj.”是固定结构,再根据语境和首字母提示知填tidy
94. adds  句意:一个好的业余爱好会把很多的乐趣添加到我们业余的生活中。add…to意为“把……加到……”。从句意知,本句用一般现在时态表达,因其主语a good hobby为单数,故填adds
95. twice  句意:请在交卷之前三思。think twice意为“再三考虑”。故填twice
A) (2018·南京) 请根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为41—45的相应横线上。
27. (2018·南京41.) Simon,   ▲  () hard when I tell you to.
28. (2018·南京42.) —What’s the   ▲  (日期) today, Millie?
—It’s 17 June. Oh, tomorrow is Dragon Boat Festival.
29. (2018·南京43.) Students can ask for help   ▲  (无论何时) they need it at school.
30. (2018·南京44.) Lin Tao was   ▲  (勇敢的) enough to save his neighbour from a fire.
31. (2018·南京45.) Look, our library is   ▲  () of the classroom building. It looks moderns
41. push        42. date        43. whenever        44. brave        45. east
32. (2018·南充66.)Although Peter’s mom is           (残疾的)he still takes pride in her.
33.  (2018·南充67.) It is good for our health to eat more fruit and         (蔬菜).
34. (2018·南充68.) He’s a nice boy. He always talks to others         (礼貌地).
35. (2018·南充69.)On her         (第十二)birthday, she received a valuable present from her aunt.
36.  (2018·南充70.) Our graduation ceremony is coming. Let’s come up with some useful ideas to ________ (庆祝) it.
66.disabled 67.vegetables 68.politely 69.lebrating
37. 2018·德阳)根据句意和汉语提示,写出该单词的正确形式,并将答案写在答题卡上指定的位置。
38. 2018·德阳71. If you work hand, your          (梦想) can come true.
71. dream(s)句意:如果你(们)努力工作,你(们)的梦想能够实现。
39. 2018·德阳72.Tom was so          (粗心的) that he made many mistakes in this math test.
