语用学术语对照表(解释+翻译) Part 1
·abstract meaning --抽象意义decontextualized meaning: Abstract meaning is also known as "lexical meaning", "semantic meaning", or "decontextualized meaning".·abstract reference -- 抽象指称a referring expression that refers to an abstract concept: "Colour" can be used in expressions with abstract reference as in the phrase: showing one's true colours.
·accomplishment verb -- 非瞬间完成性动词a verb that expresses a change in status over a period time: The words "learn" and "teach" are both accomplishment verbs.
·achievement verb --瞬间完成性动词a verb that expresses a change in status without duration: Verbs like "win", "kick", "arrive", and "open" are achievement verbs.
·activity verb -- 前指a process where a word can substitute for a preceding word or group of words, used as a secondary reference: In the sentence "Tom likes ice cream but Bill can't eat it," the word "it" is a substitute for ice cream, which is an example of anaphora.
·affixal negation --词缀否定negation of a word by a negative affix such as the prefix un-, in-, non-, -less, etc. in English: Affixal negation is based on the affixation of the negative prefixes and suffixes.
·antonymous group --反义词a group of antonymous words where any one member of the group is in opposition to all other members : Since nouns tend to describe complexes of qualities, they tend to form into larger antonymous groups.·antonyms
·assertives --描述性,说明性的(语言功能) acts of asserting, stating, denying, confessing, predicting, etc.: "He was a fisherman in southern China, earning 150 yuan a month" is an example of assertives.
·background -- information that is essential to understanding a situation or problem: "the embassy filled him in on the background of the incident"
·background knowledge --背景知识information that is essential to understanding a situation or problem: "the embassy filled him in on the background of the incident"·co-hyponyms
·cognitive semantics --认知语义学An approach to the study of meaning based on our experience of the world: What is new in cognitive semantics is the way in which it has been able to be more concrete and specific about the way in which structures of our perceptual interactions work their way up into our understanding of more abstract conceptual domains
·collocation --搭配the way in which some words are always used together, or a particular combination of words used in this way ('commit a crime'): Collocation refers to the restriction on how words can be used together, for example which prepositions are used with particular verbs, or which
verbs and nouns are used together.
·collocation --可搭配性the possibilities of co-occurrence of words: An important fact about language is that all lexical items are more or less restricted in their distribution, i.e. collocation.
·commissives --承担性的(言语功能) commitments made for the speaker to engage in some future course of actions: "I'll let you have my reply by 5 pm Friday" is an example of commissives.
·common ground --共识knowledge we share with our interlocutors: This joint activity requires us to share a common ground, the type of knowledge we assume we share with our interlocutors
·Communicative event --
Notion that communication is not simply an arrangement of words and representation of an idea, but an interaction among participants. Dell Hymes, an important sociolinguist, proposes a SPEAKING model to analyze important aspects of speech as an interactive event. Kenneth Burke proposes a his Dramatistic Pentad (Thomas & Tchudi 108-10) to involving "an interplay of speaker, setting, audience, and purpose" as in a play (108).
·Competence --
Speaker's knowledge of language rules and structures that allow her to interpret and generate utterances. We have competence in Modern English. Our knowledge is different from the competence of that of a speaker of another language; we have different rules.
·conceptual metaphor --概念隐喻Metaphorical concept, referring to abstract notions: A conceptual metaphor of upward orientation in English says that BEING HAPPY IS BEING OFF THE GROUND, as shown by the following examples: high flyers; soaring with joy; over the moon. See also: orientational metaphor , linguistic metaphor , ontological metaphor
·concrete reference --具体指称关系a referring expression that refers to a tangible object: The word "colour" can be used in an expression with concrete reference as in: Children love bright colours.
·context --1. context noun 背景the set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation or event: "the historical context"
See also: circumstance
2. context noun 上下文,文章脉络what comes before and after a word, phrase, statement, etc helpin
g to fix the meaning: Can't you guess the meaning of the word from the context
3. context noun 语境discourse that surrounds a language unit and helps to determine its interpretation
See also: linguistic context , context of use
4. context noun 上下文circumstances in which an utterance is produced: The context often helps in understanding the particular meaning of the word, phrase, etc. See also: contextual meaning
5. context noun(countable or uncountable) 环境,背景(n) The context of an idea or
reference group
