        网页课件、教案不但方便学习者远程学习课程,而且有利于知识产权保护。通过使用ISpring FreeAdobe CaptivateMacromedia FlashPaper软件,使教师不需掌握高深的编程知识,通过按几个按键就能轻松制作网页课件、教案,大大提高了网页课件和教案的开发速度。
        关键词 网页课件、教案;iSpring Freeispring是什么软件Adobe CaptivateMacromedia FlashPaper
        中图分类号:G436 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1671-489X(2012)24-0046-03
        Making Web Page Courseware and Teaching Plan Easily//Zhang Fan
        Abstract The web page courseware and teaching plan are not only convenient for learners to learn distance courses, but also helpful for intellectual property protection. By using the software of ISpring Free, Adobe Captivate and Macromedia FlashPaper, the teac
her, without mastering the advanced programming knowledge, is able to make web page courseware and teaching plan easily simply by pressing a few buttons .This will greatly improve the development speed of the web page courseware and teaching plan.
