The passage warns of which of the following dangers?
A.Companies in the United States may receive no protection from imports unless they actively seek protection from import competition.
B.Companies that seek legal protection from import competition may incur legal costs that far exceed any possible gain.
C.Companies that are United States-owned but operate internationally may not be eligible for protection from import competition under the laws of the countries in which their plants operate.
D.Companies that are not United States-owned may seek legal protection from import competition under United States import relief laws.
E.Companies in the United States that import raw materials may have to pay duties on those materials.
Which is the following statements about the first two definitions of ethnicity discussed in the first paragraph is supported by the passage?
A.One is supported primarily by sociologists, and the other is favored by members of ethnic groups.
B.One emphasizes the political aspects of ethnicity, and the other focuses on the economic aspects.
C.One is the result of analysis of United States populations, and the other is the result of analysis of European populations.
D.One focuses more on the ancestral components of ethnicity than does the other.
E.One focuses more on immigrant groups than does the other.
The third paragraph plays what role in the passage?
A.It summarizes all the points expressed in the first two paragraphs.
B.It raises new arguments that expand on those previously expressed.
C.It suggests a possible area for useful research in the future.
D.It rejects the arguments expressed in the first paragraph.
E.It provides concrete evidence against arguments expressed in the second paragraph.
4、Since 1990 the percentage of  bacterial sinus infections in Aqadestan that are resistant to the antibiotic  perxicillin has increased substantially. Bacteria can quickly develop resistance  to an antibiotic when it is prescribed indiscriminately or when patients fail to  take it as prescribed. Since perxicillin has not been indiscriminately  prescribed, health officials hypothesize that the increase in  perxicillin-resistant sinus infections is largely due to patients' failure to  take this medication as prescribed. Which of the following, if true of  Aqadestan, provides most support for the health officials' hypothesis?
A.Resistance to several other commonly prescribed antibiotics has not increased
since 1990 in Aqadestan.
B.A large number of Aqadestanis never seek medical help
when they have a sinus infection.
C.When it first became available, perxicillin
was much more effective in treating bacterial sinus infections than any other
antibiotic used for such infections at the time.
D.Many patients who take
perxicillin experience severe side effects within the first few days of their
prescribed regimen.
E.Aqadestani health clinics provide antibiotics to their
patients at cost.
viewed from the window of a speeding train, the speed with which nearby objects
move seems faster than that of more distant objects.
A.the speed with which nearby objects move seems faster than that of
B.the speed that nearby objects move seems faster than for
C.the speed of nearby objects seems faster than
D.nearby objects’ speeds seem to be faster than those of
E.nearby objects seem to move at a faster speed than do
6、Rats injected with morphine exhibit decreased activity of the immune system,  the bodily system that fights off infections. These same rats exhibited  heightened blood level
s of corticosteroids, chemicals secreted by the adrenal  glands. Since corticosteroids can interfere with immune-system activity,  scientists hypothesized that the way morphine reduces immune responses in rats  is by stimulating the adrenal glands to secrete additional corticosteroids into  the bloodstream. Which of the following experiments would yield the most useful  results for evaluating the scientists' hypothesis?
A.Injecting morphine into
rats that already have heightened blood levels of corticosteroids and then
observing their new blood levels of corticosteroids
B.Testing the level of
immune-system activity of rats, removing their adrenal glands, and then testing
the rats' immune-system activity levels again
C.Injecting rats with
corticosteroids and then observing how many of the rats contracted infections
D.Removing the adrenal glands of rats, injecting the rats with morphine, and
then testing the level of the rats' immune-system responses
E.Injecting rats
with a drug that stimulates immune-system activity and then observing the level
of corticosteroids in their bloodstreams
The author uses the word “only” in line 23 most likely in order to______
A.highlight the oddity of the service improvement
B.emphasize the relatively low value of the investment in service improvement
