The Call of the Wild
1. The author of “The Call of the wild” is Jack London   .
2. ( D )The main idea of the extracts above is probably that                    .
A. It was not easy for Buck, a dog from the south, to live in the north.
B. Buck, a dog from the south, began to learn lessons from the hard life in the north.
C. Some people were evil enough to steal dogs and sell them for money
D. Buck, a dog from the south, was explosed to harsh environment in the north.
3. B)What kind of dog did the gold-seeker want? They wanted              .
A. Heavy dogs   
B. strong long-haired dogs
C. Small dogs with furry coats
D. Fierce dogs good at fighting
4. (    B  )Manuel stole and sold Buck because                .
A. he needed money to support his family
B. he spent more than he earned
C. Judge Miller was cruel to him
D. Buck bit and hated him
5. (  D   )The fat man cruelly beat Buck with a club to             .
A. make him unconscious
B. punish him
C. kill him for his rage
D. make him obey
6. B)During the imprisonment on the train, Buck was desperate for            .
A. food    B. drink      C. a blanket      D. friends
7. (  C   )Where did dogs sleep in the cold winter? They slept           .
A. in the camp
B. near the fire
C. under the snow
D. in the forest
8. (  C   )How many huskies were there in the team of nine dogs?
A. Eight      B. Seven    C. Six    D. Five
9. (  C )The huskies from a nearby Indian village came to the camp          .
A. to fight with the team dogs
B. to watch the flight between Buck and Spitz
C. to look for food
D. to growl with each other
10. (  C  )The indian dogs that attacked the team of Perrault and Francois can be said to be all of the following but            .
A. bony and skinny 
B. wild and war-like
C. strong and fair
D. hungry and crazy
11. (  nearbyD  )Buck soon learned that Perrault and Francois           .
A. were as bad as the fat man who hit him with a club
B. liked him as much as Mr. Miller did
C. only knew how to make dogs work for them
D. were fair and honest men
12. (  B  )Francois made four little shoes for Buck because             .
A. Buck worked the hardest
B. Bucks feet were not hard enough yet
C. Buck was Francois favourite dog
D. Buck asked for them insistently
13. (  B  )Why is Buck a dangerous rival to Spitz? Because             .
A. Buck is larger
B. Buck is more intelligent
C. Buck is more patient
D. Buck is more cruel
14. (  B  )During the first part of the flight,            .
A. Spitz suffered from serious wounds
B. Buck was too eager to attack wisely
C. Buck was untouched
D. Spitz ran away for fear
15. (  A  )Buck won the battle for survival because of his              .
A. imagination
B. strenghth
C. experience
D. courage
16. Bucks trying to be the new lead-dog proves all that is in his nature except  D  .
A. Intelligent  B. ambition  C. hard work  D. timidness
17. (  B  )What made Dave happy?            .
A. Eating his portion of food
B. Being in harness
C. Spending the night in the snow
D. Becoming the leader of the dog team
18. B )After the gamble, Thornton and his partners traveled in the wilderness    .
A. with a lot of food   
B. in search of an old gold mine
C. steadily day after day
D. with a mapped destination
19. C  )At the end of their wandering, they found          .
A. the lost gold mine     
B. fifty pounds of gold dust
C. a valley rich in gold
