Test for 9AU3 2020. 10
Paper A
I. Complete the sentence with the proper word with given initial:
1. This manager's job is to deal with the customer's c________ about the service in the hotel.
2. In this m________ society, few people care about traditions as before.
3. Generally speaking, the old should be r________ by the young.
4. After he had finished packing the furniture, the whole room was in a m________.
5. When Tom was studying abroad, he always felt e________ lonely.
6. One must feel e________. when being tricked by others.
7. He finally found a job in a famous company paying a good s________.
8. You need to d________ the suspect as clearly as possible to the police to help catch him.
9. A light-bulb h________ from the ceiling and filled the room with a cold yellow light.
II. Choose the best answer:
1. The fat man always says his meat looks ________ and sells ________.
A. good ... good        B. well ... well          C. good ... well          D. well ... good
2. Only Tony and Mary live far away from school. ________ students live in the nearby estate.
A. Others            B. The other            C. The others          D. Another
3. A: That T-shirt with Yao Ming's picture on it ________ belong to David. He admires him a lot. 
  B: No, it ________ be his. He dislikes black colour.
A. can ... can't        B. may ... needn't        C. must ... mustn't        D. must ... can't
4. It's very cold outside. You'd better ________ out. Why ________ TV at home.
A. not to go ... not watching          B. not go ... not watch
C. not to go ... not watch            D. not go ... not watching
5. Nowadays, water pollution is becoming more and more serious. So people must ________ watch
A. stop from pollution            B. be stopped to pollute
C. be stopped from polluting        D. stop to pollute
6. Dr. Smith did ________ he could ________ little Tom.
A. anything possible, save        B. possible everything, to save
C. possible anything, save        D. everything possible, to save
7. ________ Oscar night, the stars in beautiful clothes walk on red carpets and receive awards.
A. At                B. In                C. On                D. For
8. A: Would you mind repairing the MP3 player for me?
  B: ________.
A. Never mind.      B. Don't worry.        C. Not at all          D. I'm glad you like it.
9. By the end of last term, we ________ about twenty English songs.
A. had learned        B. would learn        C. have learned        D. Learned
10. Young people are worried that the housing prices ________ further in the coming years.
A. will rise          B. will be risen        C. will raise        D. are rising
11. The passage is hard to understand ________ there are no new words in it.
A. when            B. unless              C. because          D. though
12. As usual, the children ________ not to play with fire that morning by their parents.
A. have been told      B. have told          C. were told        D. are told
13. He always has ________ pity ________ the beggars.
A. a, on              B. /, for              C. /, on            D. a, for
14. You ________ tell him the news because he has already learned it.
A. don't need        B. needn't            C. didn't need to      D. needn't to
15. He has the strange ________ of biting his fingernails when he is nervous.
A. hobby          B. habit                C. custom            D. activity
16. He is used to ________ the widow ________ when he sleeps.
A. keep ... open      B. keeping ... open      C. keep ... open      D. keeping ... opening
17. We have got everything ready ________ keep you waiting.
A. in order that      B. in order to          C. so as to          D. so as not to
18. David could do nothing ________ wait for the result.
A. but              B. besides            C. except            D. except for
19. ________ many people praised him because he had made ________ fast progress in his lessons.
A. Such, such        B. So, so            C. Such, so            D. So, such
20. Could you tell me ________ find another interesting detective story to read?
A. where I can        B. where can I        C. where I could        D. where could I
21. Sam attended a lecture this morning. Which of the following is correct for the underlin
ed word?
