Part A  Reading Aloud
How natural is the natural world? The story of how a particular view of the wild came to shape Africa. The only problem is, the more we look, the more we find this view to be at odds with the bigger picture. Because of a quirk of nature, grasses and trees have a different way of turning sunlight into food. When they die, they leave slightly different forms of carbon in the earth. And the main force behind these cycles is the climate. As geological time gave way to historical time, the human influence over the environment moved into a new phase.
Part B  Role Play
生词 tag 标签
W: Hi Tom. Did you know that a cat was found in our dormitory building?
M: Was it? Where did it come from?
W: I have no idea. She doesn’t have a name tag on her.
M: Do you think that I can keep her?
W: I’m afraid not. We are not allowed to keep pets in college. Maybe we should send her to the animal protection organization where she can be taken good care of.
M: You are right, but I do miss my dogs back home.
W: Oh, so you keep pets at home?
M: Not really. In fact, my family raises dogs for helping the blind, and we have really good
experience with dogs.
W: When did your family start raising dogs for the blind?
M: Actually, about forty years ago, my grandfather started the whole thing to help his blind neighbor. Gradually the whole family joined him and began to train dogs for the blind.
W: How do you train the dogs?
M: Well, it’s a long process. We get the dogs when they’re very young and then we teach them some basic things like “sit〞, “come〞 and so on. When they’re about two years old, they go on a different training course. They are taught more professional skills for helping the blind.
W: Have you ever seen the dogs you trained on the street?
M: Over the last five years, we’ve trained fifteen dogs. They were sent to different families, yet we seldom see them. But one of them happens to live nearby, so I see him quite often. And I can tell that he is doing a great job.
Questions to raise:
    When did your family start raising dogs for the blind/seeing-eye dogs?
    How do/did you train the dogs? (言语1分,信息1)
Have you ever seen/Did you see the dogs you trained on/in the street?
Questions to answer:
1.Where will the cat probably be sent?
(The cat will probably be sent to) the animal protection organization.
2.Why did Tom’s grandfather start raising dogs?
(He started it) to help his blind neighbor. (言语1分,信息1)
3.When are the dogs trained with professional skills?
(They are trained) when they are about two years old. (言语1分,信息1)
4.How many dogs have they trained over the last five years?
(They have trained) fifteen dogs. (言语1分,信息1)
5.Why does Tom often see one of the trained dogs? nearby
Because he/it happens to live nearby. (言语1分,信息1)
Part C  Retelling
Marys Invitation
Mary was seven years old. She was often left alone at home by her parents, so she wanted to have someone to talk to. Mary loved to play with the phone in the living room. Beside the phone was a list of names with phone numbers.
One day, Mary tried to call the first number on the list. A familiar voice came from the phone. That was one of her mothers best friends! Mary was greatly excited and invited her to dinner. After the first call, she phoned everyone on the list, inviting all of them to dinner.
Marys parents returned home and found their living room full of friends. Too late to prepare dinner, they started ordering food for the guests. When the father and mother finally had time to talk to each other, they found out that neither of them had invited the guests. Then Mary said proudly, “It’s my party! I invited them all by phone!〞
All the guests laughed. They were surprised that little Mary held a big dinner party by hers
elf. Before leaving, each guest thanked Mary and invited her to their home. Now little Mary had many people to talk to.                   
Mary单独打  请父母的朋友聚会,之后获得全部X的邀请。
alone 〔单独〕
phone 〔  〕
invite 〔邀请〕
dinner 〔晚餐〕
surprise 〔惊讶〕
1.    Little Mary was often home alone, and needed someone to talk to.
2.    Mary loved to play with the phone.
3.    Mary tried the first number on the list beside the phone.
