Part 1Listening (第一部分 听力)
I. Listening comprehension (听力理解)    (共30 分)
A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分)
        A              B              C              D
      E                F                G              H
B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) (8分)
A) Four.
B) Five.
C) Six.
D) Seven.
A)To the park.
B) To the musem.
C) To the zoo.
D) To the station.
B) David’s.
C) Bill’s.
D) Bob’s.
A) Exciting.
C) Horrible.
D) Interesting.
A)In late May
B)In late June
C)In late August.
D)In late September.
A)Paul is smarter.
B)Paul is more active.
C) Paul is quieter.
D)Paul is more polite..
A) He may not go to the play.
B) He doesn’t like the play at all.
C) He wants to show the play.
D) He doesn’t want to do the work.
A) In the library.
B) In the market.
C) In the cinema.
D) In the hospital.
C. Listen to the passage and tell the following statements are true or false. (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示。) (6分)
15. Julie and Johnny went to the lake with their parents during the holidays.
16.They were excited and played volleyball after they ran all the way there.
17. Julie hit the ball so hard and she had to run to look for it behind some rocks.
18.Julie found an old wooden box with an old map inside as she looked for the ball.
19. The next day, Johnny took the oldest map in the country to the local museum alone.
20. Perhaps Julie and Johnny are going to be the most famous children in their school.
D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences. (听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填写一词):(10分)
21. I’d like to tell you something that we’ve arranged for ______ _______now.
22. Sam’s Disco will be the place to enjoy a __________  _________ party from8:00 tonight.
23.If you’re a football player, go to WestPark _________ __________ tomorrow afternoon.
24. We’ve decided to have______________dinner together after a football match.
25. We’ll _______ _________ThorntonForest to have a picnic on Sunday morning.
Part 2  Phonetics,Vocabulary and Grammar
(第二部分 语音,词汇和语法)
II. Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案)  (共20分)
Happiness is really important in our daily life. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word?
A) / 'daɪlɪ/
B)/ 'dɪəlɪ/
C)/ 'deɪlɪ/
D)/ 'dɑːlɪ/
Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?
A) Let’s make a model ship together.
B) Shall we go home earlier today?
C) The crops are growing well here.
D) Who is knocking at the door?
Jack! Please pass _____ the glasses. I want to read the newspaper.
A) you
B) him
C) her
D) me
I got an e-mail this morning. It was _____ my foreign friend, Tony.
A) from
B) on
C) in
D) for
---Is everything ready for our school camping trip?
---We haven’t got much_____ for the trip. Will you go and get some?
A) apple
B) cake
C) tomato
D) bread
We feel proud that our country has developed ______ these years than before.
A) quickly
B) more quickly
C) most quickly
D) the most quickly
It’s raining _______. We prefer staying at home to going fishing.
A) hard
B) heavy
C) bad
D) strong
The Spring festival is coming. The Greens are busy ________ the house.
A) decorate
B) decorated
C) decorating
D) to decorate
You’d better _______ too much time playing computer games.
A) not spend
B) not to spend
C) not spent
nearbyD) not spending
--- I didn’t pass the math test. I have watched TV series every day.
--- You ______ spend too much time on that.
A) needn’t
B) shouldn’t
C) may not
D) wouldn’t
--- I was at a pet shop at three o’clock yesterday afternoon. What about you?
--- I _______ a kite in the park.
A) flew
B) will fly
C) are flying
D) was flying
--- Have you ever been to New York city?
--- Yes, I _______ there twice. It’s a modern city.
A) was
B) will go
C) have been
D) had been
There _______ a basketball match between Class Three and our class in ten minutes.
A) is
B) was
C) has been
D) is going to be
Peter’s MP3 is the same as mine, ______ it is more expensive.
A) and
B) but
C) so
D) or
--- Time to go to bed, Tony.
--- Oh, Mum, Iwon’t go to bed _______ I have finished the article.
A) after
B) though
C) until
D) as soon as
_______ useful information she offered us! We all thank her.
A) What
B) What a
C) How
D) How a
--- _______ is your cousin’s home from here?
--- It’s about one and a half hours’ ride.
A) How far
B) How often
C) How long
D) How soon
I hear one-fourth of the books in our school ______ new. Let’s go and borrow some.
A) am
B) is
C) are
D) be
--- Don’t step on the grass next time, Mike.
--- _______
A) Is that so?
B) Don’t worry
C) I don’t know
D) Sorry, I won’t.
--- Did you have a good New Year’s Day holiday?
--- _________ I enjoyed myself with my family by the sea.
