Researchers in Singapore have developed an electronic material that helps robots sense and touch nearby objects.
The material is a kind of foam: a solid substance that is filled with air and is soft. And the foam has another useful quality. It repairs itself when damaged, much like human skin. The material is called AiFoam, which is short for artificially innervated foam. To innervate means to supply with nerves. In robots, AiFoam would gather information from nearby and send it to a computer controlling the robot. AiFoam is a stretchy polymer (聚合物) combined with a mixture that lowers surface tension. This means that if you cut the material, it can return easily into one piece.
To copy the human sense of touch, the researchers mixed microscopic pieces of metal into the material. Then they added very small electrical connections beneath the surface of the foam.
Benjamin Tee, a lead researcher on the new material at the National University of Singapore, said that when there is pressure on the material, the metal particles (颗粒) get closer. The movement changes their electrical properties. The electrical connections sense these changes and send information about them to a computer, which then tells the robot what to do.
“When I move my finger near the sensor, you can see the sensor is measuring the changes of my electrical field and responds accordingly to my touch,” he said. The robotic hand senses not only the amount but also the direction of the force placed on it. That could make robots more intelligent and responsive.
Tee said AiFoam is the first material of its kind to combine self-repairing properties with nearness and pressure sensing. After spending over two years developing it, Tee and his team hope the material can be put to use within five years.
12. What is one feature of AiFoam?
A. It is made out of air.
B. It is a low-cost material.
C. It has self-repairing ability.
D. It can replace human skin.
13. How does the author develop paragraph 2?
A. By giving instructions.
B. By listing examples.
C. By making comparisons.
D. By offering explanations.
14. Which of the following gives orders to the robot?
A. Benjamin Tee.
B. The researcher.
C. The sensor.
D. The computer.
15. What can we learn about AiFoam from the last two paragraphs?
A. It can measure the shape of your finger.
B. It can change the direction of the force.
C. It will come onto the market in the near future.
D It makes robots more sensitive than human beings.
Over the past few years, electric scooters have been brought to Paris and dozens of other c ties worldwide as an environmentally-friendly individual transport option. What cities have gotten instead is chaos-scooters shooting down sidewalks at dangerous spee
ds or laying abandoned on sidewalks. Both riders and pedestrians have been injured and sometimes killed.
The people of Paris have spoken loud and clear: get electric scooters off of our streets. Among the 100,000 people, nearly 90% of them vote in favor of s scooter ban. It’s easy to see why.
When it comes to scooters, there are often not many rules regulating them, and enforcement(执行) is far from per feet In Paris, for example, the city technically banned multiple riders on a single scooter and scooter son sidewalks, but it is not unusual in Paris to see couples on a single scooter, flying down a city sidewalk. In New York City, there is a scooter speed limit. But it’s pretty rare to see a New York City policeman doling out a ticket to a scooter rider. Other cities require scooter riders to obey standard traffic laws, but these regulations are often overlooked.
Another problem with scooters is that there is no obvious spot for them within urban infrastructure. They go far too fast to be safe on the sidewalk, which may bring potential ri
sks to pedestrians. But scooters are also inappropriate for the bike lane—they don’t move like bikes, which makes them difficult to see and navigate around and can be dangerous for scooter drivers and cyclists. Scooters also aren’t suitable for the road, Scooters don’t go fast enough to share space with cars; and their riders are not protected against vehicles going 30 miles per hour or more.
