Include 和comprise 均指把人或事物包括进去并成为其组成的部分。
Comprise 通常指所有的成分都是固定的:
The book comprises (that is, consists of or is composed of) 15 chapters.
Include, like the remaining terms,more often implies an incomplete listing:
Include 更多是指不完全的纳入,强调“包括作为整体的一部分”, 如:
The list included his name.
contain 以…为组成部分;包括或由…构成, 表示包含或拥有(某物)以作为一部分或一组分:
The album contains many memorable songs.
但contain 还有一个意思是“容纳”(if something such as a bag, box, or place contains something, that thing is inside it):
The thieves stole a purse containing banknotes.
Involve 通常作为一种逻辑推理的结果或必需条件而被包括进去,如:
Housekeeping involves cooking, washing and cleaning.

