
摘 要
随着国电子商务的发展,越来越多的用户开始体验网上购物。国有很多中小型的B2C 专业,在众多的中货比三家,怎样才能不需要登陆每个来查看自己想要购买的商品呢?网购人就有了快速对比商品价格、信誉、购物方便性、支付的安全性等方面的优劣的需求。本文主要讲的是家用电器在线比价系统,用户可以在该系统中看到各种家用电器的信息,让您轻松浏览产品信息
With the development of domestic e-commerce, more and more users begin to experience online shopping. There are many small and medium-sized domestic B2C professional websites, many websites to shop around, how can we do not need to visit each site to see the goods they want to buy it? Online shopping population will have a quick comparison of commodity prices, the credibility of the website, shopping convenience, security and other aspects of the merits of the demand for payment. This article is primarily concerned with household appliances Online parity system, the user can see a variety of household appliances in the system, allowing you to easily browse product information
Here we use the PHP language and MySQL database to implement the system. The main functions of the system, the user can view the product information to find the product you purchase goods. Businesses can upload their goods and to modify the product information. Administrators can manage orders for goods.
Keywords:Parity system;PHP;MySQL
