1. ___ hard he tries, he never seems able to do the work successfully.
A. Whatever    B. However    C. Whichever    D. Whenever
2. We have to be patient. It will be some time ___ we get the full result.
A. since    B. that    C. before    D. after
3. She lied to us ___ she had to ___ a job.
A. what; to get    B. because; get    C. because; in order get D. all; get
4. I was about to go out ___ the telephone rang.
A. then    B. when    C. suddenly    D. so
5. This equipment is so old ___ it can’t be used any more ___ some of its parts are changed.
A. as; unless    B. that; unless    C. that; if    D. whether; or
6. I’ll tell you the result of the test ___ I know it.
A. because    B. the moment    C. though    D. for
7. You can’t go out to play ___ you finish your homework.
A. if    B. because    C. unless    D. when
8. I was late today ___ there was something wrong with my bike.
A. since    B. as long as    C. because    D. when
9. You can’t waste natural resources ___ you have much of them.
A. as if    B. even if    C. when    D. if
10. Please speak clearly ___ we can follow you.
A. so…that    B. so    C. so as to    D. so that
11. ___ you have made a decision, don’t change it frequently.
A. Once    B. Before    C. While    D. Even if
12. He used to tell children the story ___ he had had the experience.
A. as though    B. even if    C. even though    D. like
13. He came to help us ___ he had plenty of work to do.
A. as    B. while    C. although    D. whenever
14. ___, he knows how to live and study.
A. A child as he is    B. As he is a child    C. Child as he is    D. Though he is child
15. We found people friendly ___ we went.
A. to which    B. in which    C. wherever    D. to where
16. ___ the weather is fine, I’ll open all the windows.
A. Now that    B. Since that    C. Because of    D. For
17. It was ___ he couldn’t finish it by himself.
A. so difficult a work as    B. such a difficult work as
C. so difficult work as        D. such difficult work that
18. ___ I know, this book will be used as a text book.
A. So far as    B. So far    C. So long as    D. As to
19. He had disappeared in the darkness ___ I saw who he was.
A. before    B. after    C. till    D. while
20. We’ll build a power station ___ water resources are plentiful.
A. where    B. in which    C. which    D. that
21. ___ we don’t lose heart, we’ll find a way to overcome the difficulty.
A. So long as    B. When    C. After    D. Although
get out of
22. ___ you talk to someone or write a message, you show your skills to others.
A. At times    B. Every time    C. By the time    D. Some time
23. You should run the machine ___ the workers have shown you.
A. as    B. and    C. but    D. so
24. ___ my mother was too busy to do the housework, I took her place instead.
A. Since    B. Even though    C. Or    D. Wherever
25. Wounded ___ he was, he refused to come back from the front.
A. as    B. though    C. although    D. both A and B
26. He has had to cook by himself ___ his mother went on business to Beijing.
A. during    B. since    C. after    D. when
27. He looked at the train moving out of the station ___ it had disappeared.
A. when    B. until    C. after    D. since
28. ___ the class was over, the children hurried out of the classroom.
A. Unless    B. Until    C. As soon as    D. Since
29. He has changed so much ___ I can hardly recognize him.
A. as    B. so that    C. that    D. but
30. Most plants need sunlight just ___ we need food.
A. because    B. when    C. as    D. for
31. The bell is rung ___ there is a fire.
A. even    B. that    C. if    D. although
32. Jane wore a raincoat ___ it was raining.
A. so    B. but    C. however    D. because
33. You will be late ___ you leave immediately.
A. unless    B. until    C. if    D. or
34. We won’t give up ___ we should fail ten times.
A. even if    B. since    C. whether    D. until
35. What was the party like?
Wonderful. It’s years ___ I enjoyed myself so much.
A. after    B. before    C. when    D. since
36. Mother was worried because little Alice was ill, especially ___ Father was away in France.
A. as    B. that    C. during    D. if
37. ___ you have seen both fighters, ___ will win?
A. Since; do you think who    B. As; who you think
C. When; whoever        D. Since; who do you think
38. If we work with a strong will, we can over come any difficulty, ___ great it is.
A. what    B. how    C. however    D. whatever
39. ___ the poem a second time, the meaning will become clearer to you.
A. Your having read    B. While reading    C. If reading    D. When you read
40. ___, mother will wait for him to have dinner together.
A. However late is he    B. However he is late C. However is he late    D. However late he is
41. It is ___ work of art that everyone wants to have a look at it.
A. so usual    B. such unusual    C. such an unusual    D. so an unusual
42. I thought her nice and honest ___ I met her.
A. first time    B. for the first time    C. the first time    D. by the first time
43. ___ journalism seems like a good profession, I would prefer to be a teacher.
A. Although    B. Even    C. No matter    D. Now that
