英语短语daily life
    1. take it easy:放轻松
    例如:Don't worry too much, just take it easy.(不要太担心,放轻松一点。)
    2. hang out:闲逛
    例如:Let's hang out at the mall this weekend.(这个周末我们一起去商场逛逛。)
    3. catch up:赶上
    例如:I need to catch up on my work before the deadline.(我需要在截止日期之前赶上我的工作。)
    4. keep in touch:保持联系
    例如:We should keep in touch after graduation.(毕业后我们应该保持联系。)
    5. run out of:用光
    例如:I ran out of milk this morning, so I couldn't have cereal for breakfast.(今天早上我牛奶用光了,所以我不能吃麦片作为早餐。)
    6. make a difference:有所改变
    例如:Your hard work really makes a difference in the company's success.(你辛勤的工作真的对公司的成功有所改变。)
    7. break the ice:打破僵局
    例如:We played an icebreaker game to break the ice and get to know each other.(我们玩了一个打破僵局的游戏,以便彼此认识。)
    8. hit the road:出发
    例如:We need to hit the road early in the morning to avoid traffic.(我们需要早上出发,以避免交通拥堵。)
    9. get over:克服
    例如:It took me a while to get over my fear of public speaking.(我需要一段时间克服我对公众演讲的恐惧。)
    10. hang in there:坚持下去
get out of    例如:Things may be tough right now, but hang in there and keep pushing forward.(现在可能很困难,但坚持下去,继续前进。
