1.The reason for not classifying carbon dioxide as a pollutant is that it is a natural component of the atmosphere and needed by plants to carry out biological synthesis. No one would argue that carbon dioxide is a necessary component of the atmosphere any more than one would argue the fact that Vitamin D is necessary in the human diet. However, excess intake of Vitamin D can be extremely toxic. Living systems, be they an ecosystem or an organism, require that a delicate balance be maintained between certain compounds in order for the system to function normally. When the excess presence of one substance threatens the wellbeing of an ecosystem, it becomes toxic despite the fact that it is required in small quantities. (GET Jun 10, 124 words)
2.Human progress is greatly accelerated by the use of language in cultural transmission; the knowledge and experience acquired by a particular person can be passed on to another in language, so that no amount of demonstration can replace the role of language. In this connection the importance of the invention of printing can never be exaggerated. At the pre
sent time the achievements of anyone in any part of the world can be made available and accessible to anyone else able to read and capable of understanding what is involved. From these uses of language, spoken or written, the most developed animal communication system, though given the courtesy title of language, is worlds away. (GET Jan 10, 114 words)
get out of3.Changes and developments in a science are determined by numerous causes. Every science grows from its past, and the state reached in a previous generation provides the starting point for the next. But no science is carried on in a vacuum, without reference to or contact with other sciences and the general atmosphere for learning. Scientists and men of learning are also men of their age and country, and they can’t live independent of the culture. Besides its own past, the course of science is also affected by the social context of its contemporary world and the intellectual premises in it. Applications of the science and the expectations that others have of it may be a very important determinant of the direction of its growth and changes. (GET Jun 09, 128 words)
4.When dominant innovators in a science respond to the challenge of a situation that demands some change in its practice, this may take a number of forms, and rival schools may grow up around different leaders responding differently to a particular situation. These rivalries may be reinforced and perpetuated by the use of standard textbooks. Any empirical science must be able to cope with its own phenomena, and once any observation is accepted as relevant, its theory and modes of description and analysis must be able to handle it with scientific adequacy, of which exhaustiveness, consistency, economy are basic principles. The extension of a science to new but relevant fields may require the further elaboration and presentation of existing theory along previously-followed lines. (GET Jan 09, 124 words)
5.Unlike the real world, where personalities are complex, motives unclear, and outcomes ambiguous, television presents a world of clarity and simplicity. In show after show, rewards and punishments follow quickly and logically. Crises are resolved, problems are solved, and justice always triumphs. The central characters in these dramas are clearly defined: dedicated or corrupt; selfless or ambitious; efficient or sentimental. To insure the
widest acceptability and tell a story entertainingly, the plot lines follow the most commonly accepted notions of morality and justice, whether or not those notions bear much resemblance to reality. The long list of commercials between parts of the play sometimes drives you crazy. (GET Jun 08, 108 words)
6.British previous colonial policies led to the spread of English across the world. This wide use of English has been reinforced by the sweeping influence of the U. S. However, the dominance of English as an international language is considered both a blessing and a curse. For one thing, it has accelerated the extinction of some languages. People have been wondering about the possibility of creating a global language which might hold promises for an end to language-caused troubles and conflicts. Unfortunately, attempts to harmonize world languages have met with little success as a result of the reluctance of native speakers of a particular language to adopt another language as their mother tongue. To discard one’s native language is to have the distinct features of his nation erased. (GET Jan 08, 129 words)
7.In this book, we offer advice that we hope will seem reasonable and worth serious consideration. But as any experienced writer knows, there are occasions when even the best advice may not apply. The demands of writing for different audiences, with different purposes, on different subjects, at different levels of formality are so varied that they cannot begin to be anticipated in a book like this, and we recognize that what is appropriate for one piece of writing may not be appropriate for another. In most cases, you will have to avoid ambiguity at all costs so as not to leave your words open to misinterpretation. (GET Jun 07, 107 words)
8.One of the unintended consequences of the flattening world is that it puts different societies and cultures in much greater direct contact with one another. It connects people to people much faster than people and cultures can often prepare themselves. Some cultures thrive on the sudden opportunities for collaboration that this global intimacy makes possible. Others are frustrated, and even humiliated by this close contact, which, among other things, makes it easy for people to see where they stand in the world in relation to everyone else. All of this helps to account for the emergence of one of the most
devastating forces today—the suicide bombers and other terrorist organizations which have no regard for human lives and which it is in our best interest to wipe out. (GET Jan 07, 130 words)
9.Social progress has done away with the need for backbreaking work and has provided time and leisure for personality development. With it, indeed because of it, today the middle-class family expects each of its members to develop his unique personality, and so does each individual, more or less, himself. This new obligation of the family to provide a setting for the development of a unique personality makes family consensus extremely difficult, if not impossible. Nothing is more problematic for a small group of quite different, unique individuals than to live in close quarters, in close harmony with each other. Besides, the necessity of cultivating teenagers’ moral character adds to the difficulty in parenting. (GET Jun 06, 114 words)
10.The wise man knows the place of these things in the scheme of life as a whole. He knows that money and possessions are means, not ends. He knows the difference betwe
en pleasures of the moment and enduring satisfactions, between being great and being famous, between reverence and superstition, between solidity and show in literature, art, and life. He knows that in the human lot some evils are unavoidable, that loss and disease and old age are bound to come; and he has made his peace with their coming. (GET Dec 05, 90 words)