1. 描述人或物体的状况:
- She is always busy with her work and rarely has time for herself.(她总是忙于工作,很少有时间给自己。)
- The streets of the city are always busy with people and traffic.(城市街道上总是人来人往、车水马龙。)
2. 描述地点或场所的情况:
- The cafe is always busy during lunchtime.(午餐时间咖啡厅总是很忙。)
- The airport is busiest during holiday seasons, with travelers from around the world.(节假日季节,机场最为繁忙,各国旅客络绎不绝。)
3. 描述时间段或日程安排:
- I have a busy schedule next week, with meetings every day from morning to evening.(下周我的日程安排很满,从早到晚每天都有会议。)
- The summer months are usually busier for me because of my children's activities.(夏季对我来说通常比较忙碌,因为要安排孩子们的活动。)
1. Busy with sth./Doing sth.
- She is busy with her homework and doesn't have time to play.(她忙于做作业,没有时间玩耍。)
- He has been busy organizing the conference for the past month.(过去一个月他一直在
2. Be/get busy doing sth.
- We were busy cleaning up the house before the guests arrived.(在客人到达之前,我们一直忙着打扫房子。)
- I often get busy cooking dinner for my family in the evenings.(晚上我经常很忙,要给家人做晚餐。)
3. Keep sb. busy
- The new project keeps me busy all day, but I enjoy the challenge.(这个新项目让我整天都很忙碌,但我喜欢这种挑战。)schedule用法及搭配
- The children are kept busy with various activities at school.(这些孩子们在学校里有各种各样的活动让他们保持忙碌。)
1. My father is always busy with his work, but he still finds time to spend with our family.
2. The restaurant is very popular and constantly busy, especially during weekends.
3. I have a busy day tomorrow, so I need to prepare everything tonight.
4. Being a teacher can be challenging and requires being constantly busy.
5. We kept ourselves busy during the vacation by exploring new places and trying different activities.
