keep to的用法
"keep to" is a phrasal verb typically used to talk about adhering to a particular rule, agreement, schedule, or plan. Here are some common usages of "keep to":
1. Keep to a schedule: Follow or stick to a predetermined timetable or routine. Example: "I always keep to my study schedule to ensure I stay organized."
2. Keep to an agreement: Abide by or honor a previously made arrangement or pact. Example: "We agreed to split the bill evenly, so please keep to our agreement."
schedule用法及搭配3. Keep to a specific topic: Stay focused on a particular subject during a conversation or presentation. Example: "Let's keep to the main topic of today's meeting and avoid discussing unrelated issues."
4. Keep to one's word: Fulfill or follow through on a promise or commitment. Example: "If you said you would help me move, please keep to your word and show up on Saturday."
5. Keep to a limited area or restricted space: Stay within a confined or designated area. Example: "The children were instructed to keep to the playground and not wander off."
Overall, "keep to" is used to express the idea of staying true to a certain rule, commitment, or limitation.
