I.  Directions:
Read the two columns of sentences. Choose one sentence from the right column to match each of the sentences in the left column. The two sentences will make up a dialogue. There are four more sentences than needed in the right column. Each sentence can only be used once. Write your answer at the indicated place below. (3*10 = 30 points)
1. I haven’t finished my homework yet.
A. Not regularly. I’ve always hated running.
2. Could you write this more clearly please?
B. O.K.
3. If my sister calls, tell her to meet me at six.
C. No. I don’t work for the magazine anymore.
4. Could you speak louder, please?
D. Oh, really? How was your trip?
5. May I speak to Ms. Clark, please?
E. Can I meet you a little later?
6. Was either of your parents born in another country?  seem
F. Well, the Number 1 stops a block away.
7. Do you speak English well?
G. Ok. May I speak to Mary?
8. Do you still work for that magazine?
H. Yes, both of them. They were born in Poland .
9. Do you ever get any exercise, Dennis?
I. It sounds familiar, but I don’t remember what it’s called.
10. How about another piece of chicken, Sally?
J. Sorry, I’ll write it again.
K. We may be out of it. Look in the medicine cabinet.
L. No, thanks. It was delicious, but I’m really full.
M. May I tell her who’s calling?
N. I hardly have an accent at all, but my grammar isn’t very good.
II.  Directions:
Put each of the following sentences Chinese. (5*11 = 55 points)
1.  I've always loved exploring old cities, and Prague is one of the most beautiful in terms of architecture. There are fantastic castles and museums that are relatively unknown to most tourists。
2. Chinese is so very different from the languages I've studied, and of course the writing system is completely different. I had to use a lot of gestures and sign language.
3. There is a proverb that goes: When in Rome, do as the Romans do. This means that it is a good idea to try to learn the customs of the place you are visiting, and then behave in a similar fashion.
4. Fellini is known for combining realism and fantasy, often making up the story as he goes along.
5. When Fellini was a young boy, he ran away to join the circus.  Even though he had to return to school, the experience greatly influenced his films, many of which are autobiographical. 
6. Hitchcock, the “Master of Suspense,” made movies in both England and the United States. Many of them are about innocent people who get into trouble and can’t seem to escape.
7. Stretching from the top of North America to the tip of South America were many different groups, each with its own name and way of life.
8. When Columbus “discovered” America in 1942 , he found people already living there. Thinking he had landed in the East Indies, he called these people “Indians”. But they didn’t call themselves “Indians”.
9. Even though you may be familiar with pictures of people in Tokyo crowded into trains during rush hour, be aware that people in Japan value their personal space.
10. You will find rice served at every meal. Always alternate a bite of rice with a bite of the side dishes. Don’t eat just one dish at a time; this is considered rude.
11. When dining out, before you start a meal, you will be given a basket with a hot towel in it. Use this towel to wipe your hands and then put it back in the basket. A napkin is not usually used.
III. Directions
Read the passage with five questions or incomplete statements. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words. (3*5 = 15 points)
A train stopped at a small station. A passenger looked out of the window and saw a woman who was selling cakes. The gentleman wanted to buy a cake, but the woman was standing rather a long way from the carriage.
The gentleman didn’t want to go for the cake himself, so he called a little boy who was on
the platform near the carriage and asked him: “ How much does a cake cost?” “ Three pence, sir,” answered the boy. The gentleman gave him six pence and said to him: “ Bring me a cake and with the other three pence buy one for yourself.”
A few minutes later, the boy came back. He was eating a cake. He gave the gentleman three pence change and said: “ There was only one cake left, sir.”
1. Who wanted to buy a cake?
2. Where was the woman selling cakes when a train arrived at that time?
3. The gentleman asked ____________________________ beside the carriage to do him a favor.
4. The boy was given ______________________________________________to buy tw
o cakes.
5. It was quite unexpected to the gentleman that the boy bought a cake for _______________ and _______________ the gentleman the other three pence.
Answer Sheet (答题纸)
Name __________            Score __________
1. _____    2. _____    3. _____    4. _____    5. _____
