1This book is more interesting than____D____that you have just read.
A.this        B.these        C.one      D.the ones
2You will be dismissed______A____you will never be late again.
A.unless     B.until        C.when    D.after
3The board of management_____B____seven persons.
A.consists    Bprises     C.makes up    Dposes
4The boy is lonely;he could be happier if he had someone_____B____he could play.
A.who      B.with whom    C.whom      D.that
5This song_____C____memories of my childhood in the countryside.
A.calls for    B.turns off      C.calls up     D.turns up
6My grandfather’s ideas are always___C___.He is too old to keep up with the times.
A.in style      B.in time        C.out of style   D.out of the question
7It’s surprising that John and his twin brother have nothing_____A_____.
A.in common    B.in turn      C.in short      D.in the end
8If something unexpected_____C_____at the office,I will be home late.
A.rises        Bes        C.arises        D.goes
9It is____A_____to rain.We’d better take our umbrellas with us.
A.likely       B.possible      C.like          D.unlike
10The village is_____C____far from the highway that we feel apart from the world when we are there.
A.such        B.too          C.so           D.enough
11When the results of the vote were announced the Prime Minister ___A___defeat.
A.acknowledged      B.told    C.reported      D.found
12The passengers on the plane _____C_____their seat belts when it took off.
A.locked      B.closed        C.secured        D.buttoned
13It was only when Simon finally _____A_____to sleep that the headaches eased.
A.drifted off      B.took off      C.picked up    D.gave up
14Someone was heard______B_____the stairs.
Ae up      B.to come up      C.went up    D.goes up
15When Grandma turned 85,her eyes began to _____D_______.
A.break        B.lose        C.defeat          D.fail
16The people who lived near the river had to _______C____the flooding waters.
A.escape      B.run        C.flee            D.struggle
17I am busy at the moment.You can put the book _____C_______you like .
A.whichever    B.whenever    C.wherever      D.whatever
18I wonder if there is anything ______A______for you.
A.I can do      B.which I can do    C.that can I do    D.which can I do
19Don’t be too nervous. Dr.Smith will ______C_____your health.
A.look after      B.worry about    C.check on    D.make sure
20It seems that the picture is not hanging ____B_______it should on the wall.
A.when      B.where        C.that      D.while
21It is an _____B_____fact that Mr.Johnson has gone bankrupt.
A.abstract      B.absolute    C.advanced    D.aggressive
22Our manager is always out .The vice manager is the __A____head of the business.
A.virtual      B.virus        C.virtuous      D.visible
23A warm welcome ____A_______all our customers on their arrival.
A.awaits      B.waits        C.awaits for    D.waits on
24I bet the weather ______D_____get better tomorrow.
A .is real to    B.is sure to      C.is certain    D.is bound to
25This research result will not stand if we do not __C___there is no force of friction
A.assist        B.assign        C.assume      D.assert
26This new country did’t come into _____D______until the year 1918.
A.exhibition      B.exception    C.exchange    D.existence
27We may ____A_______a lot of opposition to the work scheme.
Ae up against    Be up with    C.live up to  D.get away with
28She is the person who can be ______A_____whenever needed.
A.depended on    B.deposited on    C.focused on    D.landed on
29100 people died and only 5 people____C______this earthquake.
A. were surbived form    B.survived form  C.survived    D.were survived
30The famous scenery spot attracts 2,000 visitors per day ______C_____.
A.in average    B.below average    C.on an average    D.in an average
31The whole family looked everywhere in the village ______C____the lost child.
A.after      B.at        C.for        D.into
32It was reported that five drivers were ____B_____with drunk driving.
A.accused      B.charged        C.blamed        D.responsible
33The passengers were accused _______A______not offering help when the accident took place.
