SQL 高级测试题-答案
(一)、SQL语句题 (6分/题 共24分)
--简单联接查询 select s.SNO 学生编号,s.DEGREE 成绩 from SCORE s,TEACHER t,COURSE c where s.CNO=c.CNO and c.TNO=t.TNO and t.TNAME='张旭' --子查询 select sno 学生编号, degree 成绩 from score where cno = (select cno from course where tno= (select tno from teacher where tname='张旭')) |
select * from student where sno in (select distinct sno from score where cno ='3-105'and degree> (select degree from score where sno='109' and cno ='3-105')) |
select tname 教师名 from teacher where tno in (select tno from course where cno in (select cno from score group by cno having count(cno)>5)) |
select st.sname 姓名,c.cname 选课名,sc.degree 成绩 from score sc,student st,course c where c.CNO=sc.CNO and sc.SNO=st.SNO and st.ssex='男' and c.cname='计算机导论' |
(二)T-SQL编程题 (10分/题 共30分)
go declare @cname varchar(20) ='计算机导论' --变量名可以不按要求来 declare @avg float declare @cno varchar(20) select @cno=cno from course where cname=@cname select @avg =avg(degree) from score where cno=@cno if(@avg>80) begin print '成绩优秀' --如果没有这句话扣2分 select top 3 st.sname 姓名,sc.degree 成绩 from student st ,score sc where st.sno=sc.sno and sco=@cno order by degree desc end else begin print '成绩较差' --如果没有这句话扣2分 select top 3 st.sname 姓名,sc.degree 成绩 from student st ,score sc where st.sno=sc.sno and sco=@cno order by degree asc end |
2、查询"操作系统"选修课的平均分,如果平均分低于80分,就给所有选修此课程的学生加2分,再次判断平均分如果低于80分,就继续加2分,直至此课平均分高于80分后,打印出选修此课程的学生的最高分 (while循环来实现)
declare @courseName varchar(50) ='操作系统' --选修课名 declare @courseID varchar(20) --选修课编号 declare @avgDegree float --平均分 declare @maxDegree float --最高分 select @courseID=cno from COURSE where CNAME=@courseName select @avgDegree= AVG(DEGREE) from SCORE where CNO=@courseID while(1=1) begin if(@avgDegree<80) begin update SCORE set DEGREE=DEGREE+2 where CNO=@courseID select @avgDegree= AVG(DEGREE) from SCORE where CNO=@courseID continue end else break end -- 第二种 while写法开始 while(@avgDegree <80) begin update score set degree=degree+2 where cno=@courseID select @avgDegree =avg(degree) from score where cno=@courseID end --第二种while写法结束 select @maxDegree=max(DEGREE) from SCORE where CNO=@courseID print '经过调分后选修'+@courseName+'的学生最高分为:'+convert(varchar(20),@maxDegree)+ '分' --或cast(@maxDegree as varchar(20)) go |
select sno 学号, DEGREE 成绩,成绩等级= case when DEGREE >90 then '优' when DEGREE between 80 and 90 then '良' when DEGREE between 70 and 79 then '中' when DEGREE betweenselect distinct from 60 and 69 then '差' --when DEGREE <60 then '不及格' else '不及格' end from SCORE go |
(三)创建视图 (12分)
--判断是否存在此视图 4分 if(exists(select * from sysobjects where name='V_newScore')) drop view V_newScore go create view V_newScore as select st.sname,c.cname,sc.degree,t.tname from student st,score sc,course c,teacher t where st.sno=sc.sno and sc.cno=c.cno and c.tno =t.tno and sc.degree>=60 go |
(四)创建事务 (14分)
begin transaction --开启事务 declare @lsno varchar(20) --声明变量 declare @ksno varchar(20) declare @ldegree float declare @kdegree float --赋值变量 select @lsno =sno from student where sname='陆君' select @ksno =sno from student where sname='匡明' select @ldegree=degree from score where sno=@lsno and cno='3-105' select @kdegree=degree from score where sno=@ksno and cno='3-105' declare @errorCount int =0 update score set degree =@ldegree where sno=@ksno and cno='3-105' set @errorCount =@errorCount +@@error update score set degree =@kdegree where sno=@lsno and cno='3-105' set @errorCount =@errorCount +@@error if(@errorCount <> 0) begin print '发生异常,回滚' rollback transaction end else begin print '没有异常,提交' commit transaction end go |
(五)存储过程 (20分)
--判断是否存在此存储过程 4分 if(exists(select * from sysobjects where name='proc_sname_info')) drop proc proc_sname_info go create proc proc_sname_info @sname varchar(20) as if(exists(select * from student where sname=@sname)) begin if(exists(select * from score where sno= (select sno from student where sname=@sname))) begin select sc.sno,c.cname,sc.degree,t.tname from student st,score sc,course c,teacher t where st.sno=sc.sno and sc.cno=c.cno and c.tno=t.tno and st.sname=@sname end else print @sname+'学生没有参加考试' end else print @sname+'学生不存在' go exec proc_sname_info '王芳' |
SQL语句题 | 6分/题 共24分 | 不限制答题语句方式答对得分答错不得分 |
T-SQL编程题 | 10分/题 共30分 | |
创建视图 | 12分/题 | |
创建事物 | 14分/题 | |
存储过程 | 20分/题 | |