oracle的条件查询语句怎么写,Oracle条件查询语句-where where语句的查询
select * from emp where deptno = 10;
select * from emp where sal = 3000;
--到部门中编号是 7788的员⼯
select * from emp where empno = 7788;
--在使⽤where 查询条件,字符串是单引号⽽且区分⼤⼩写
select * from emp WHERE ename = 'SCOTT';
--select from emp where hiredate = '1981-5-1';
--⽇期默认格式是 DD-MON-YYYY 查询条件按照⽇期来,⽇期也要加单引号
select from emp where hiredate = '1/5⽉/1981';
select * from emp where sal>=3000; ---注意:sal=>3000 是错误的!数据库将不认识此符号!
select from emp where sal>=1500 and sal<=3000;
-- between..表⽰介于 两个值之间,包涵边界值
select from emp where sal between 1500 and 3000;
select from emp where ename = 'KING' or ename ='SCOTT';
--IN 表⽰出现在集合中的记录
select from emp where ename in ('KING','SCOTT');
select from emp where sal <> 3000; --method1
select from emp where sal !=3000; --method2
select * from emp where not sal = 3000; --method3 取反运算
-- is null 表⽰某个字段为空 不为空 is not null
select from emp where comm is not null;
-- 取反的意思 where not comm is null
select from emp where not comm is null;
-- not 也可以代表取反的意思
select语句查询日期select * from emp where ename not in ('KING','SCOTT');
-- 使⽤ like 和 通配符
-- 两个通配符 %代表0个或者多个字符 _⼀个字符
select from emp where ename like '%S'; ---字符(或是' ')⾥⾯严格区分⼤⼩写。建议全部⼤写书写语句!--查询名字中带有0的
select from emp where ename like '%O%';
select * from emp where ename like '_L%';
--ESCAPE ‘’ 相当于⾃⼰定义⼀个转义符
select * from emp where ename like '%a%' ESCAPE 'a';