今天早上收到编辑的审稿意见:Revise and Resubmit as New。今年9⽉投的稿,这轮审稿2个⽉的时间,其中四个审稿⼈⼀个是minor revision,两个是Major Revision,唯独⼀位给的是reject,感觉编辑回复并没有正⾯评价,⼼⾥好慌:
We now have reviews of your above referenced submission to IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. Copies of the review comments are enclosed.
Unfortunately, based on these reviews, we are not able to recommend this submission for publication.
You may resubmit your paper, but it will be treated as a NEW submission and given a new log number. If you choose to resubmit your paper please include this original log number in your cover letter when submitting. Please also be sure to include a separate, supplementary file with the summary of the changes you have made in response to the AE and reviewers. We will link your two submissions' records. The new manuscript will then undergo a new review process.
While the reviewers found the topic of this work to be timely, there were some fundamental
Overall, the authors have raised serious concerns on the contribution of this work and, hence, this paper cannot be accepted in TMC in its current form.
We hope that you will find the comments from the reviewers to be useful in your future work. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
