The Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging(JMRI)is owned by the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine(ISMRM) and published by Wiley Subscription Services,Inc.,a Wiley Com-pany.JMRI is devoted to the timely publication of basic and clinical research,educational and review articles,and other information related to the diagnostic applications of magnetic resonance.
All manuscripts must be submitted electronically.For complete instructions on how to do so,go to mc.manuscriptcentral. com/jmri and follow the instructions for creating an account and submitting a manuscript.
General correspondence concerning JMRI may be directed to
Mark E.Schweitzer,MD,Editor-in-Chief,JMRI
Stony Brook Department of Radiology
HSC L4Room120
Stony Brook,NY11794-8460
General guidelines for manuscript length and number of references and illustrations are as follows:
Original Research:up to20manuscript pages(5,000words),40 references,10figures and tables.
Technical and Clinical Notes:up to10manuscript pages(2,500 words),20references,5figures and tables.
Reviews:up to30manuscript pages(7,500words),100refer-ences,15figures and tables.Authors of systematic reviews and meta-analyses are advised to adhere to the PRISMA statement(Pre-ferred Reporting items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses),
Letters to the Editor:up to500words,10references,one figure/ table.
The preceding guidelines are intended as general parameters rather than limitations.
The instructions that follow address preparation of INITIAL manuscript submissions and resubmissions intended for review and possible publi-cation in JMRI.Instructions for preparation and submission of REVISED manuscripts intended for possible publication in JMRI are included in decision notification letters that are sent to authors AFTER peer review. Authors preparing REVISED manuscripts should refer to the instruc-tions and checklist provided in their decision notification letter.
Original writings will be accepted with the understanding that they are contributed solely to JMRI.Please ensure that all pages of the manuscript(including the reference section)are double-spaced and in12-point type,with at least2.5cm margins.Acceptable typefaces include Arial,Times New Roman,and Bookman Old Style.
Each manuscript component should begin on a new page in this order:
Full Title Page(upload as a SEPARATE file when submitting
Abbreviated Title Page(include full manuscript title only) Abstract/Key Words
Tables(each on a separate page)
Figure Legends
Number all manuscript pages in the upper right corner,beginning with the abbreviated title page.Do this even though the system also supplies page numbers in the PDF view of the submission after it is uploaded.
Double-Blinded Review:To ensure anonymity in the review pro-cess,authors’names should appear o
n the full title page ONLY.Do not give names of authors or their affiliations in the text,on the fig-ures or tables,or in the acknowledgments.In the body of the text make a conscious effort to use phrasing that does not reveal the identity of the authors.For example,instead of using phrases such as"In "followed by a reference number identifying your group,use phrases such as"In a ".After review,the original wording can be restored.Reviewers receive manuscripts with abbreviated title pages(no authors’names listed)to ensure unbiased, double-blinded review.
When submitting your manuscript,(1)upload the full title pages as the first file(designate it as Supplemental Material for Review)and (2)upload the ,all elements except the full title page) as the next file(s)(designate them as Main Document or Image[as appropriate]).NOTE:If you have uploaded the files correctly,you WILL be able to view the full title page in the PDF and HTML proofs of your manuscript.This is so that the editor and editorial office can eas-ily view the author information during the pre-review check and reviewer selection stages.As long as you have uploaded the full title page as a separate file,the editorial office will be able to"hide"the full title page at the appropriate ,prior to reviewer assignment). Full Title Page
Title:Do not use registered/trademark terms in the manuscript title.Use their generic equivalents instead.
Author Names and Degrees:Provide first names,middle initials, and highest academic/technical degree(s)of all ,MD, PhD,MS,BS,RN,RT).Please do not list honorary fellowships.
Author Affiliations:Please list departmental/institutional affil-iations for authors.Please tie each author to the appropriate depart-ment(s)/institution(s)using consecutive,superscripted Arabic numbers.
Corresponding Author and Reprint Info:Provide the name, street address,telephone and fax numbers,and the e-mail address of the corresponding author.If the reprint address differs from the address of the corresponding author,please provide the additional name,street address,and zip code.
Grant Support:List grant support,if any,on the full title page.
Running Title:At the bottom of the page,please include a short running title of40characters/spaces or less.
Abbreviated Title Page
An abbreviated title page,giving only the title,should be included in the manuscript.This allows for anonymity during the review process. Abstract/Key Words
Abstract:An abstract of no more than200words must be submitted with each manuscript.Include the abstract in the text file AND in the appropriate field of the web site.Abstracts submitted with Original Research papers and Technical Notes must be structured as follows:Pur-pose(state the reason for the study;use an infinitive phrase rather than a complete ,]),Materials and Methods(briefly describe how the study was performed),Results(briefly describe the most important results),Conclusion(briefly state what is concluded from the results).Abstracts submitted with Clinical Notes and Review Articles fol-low an unstructured format and should state in a single paragraph what was done,what was found,and what was concluded.
Key Words:Every manuscript must include a list of three to six key words below the abstract.These words will assist indexers who will then classify the paper under specific subject headings for future indexes. Text
It is recommended that authors use Microsoft Word for preparation of text files.The text of observational and experimental studies is arranged in sections with the headings Introduction,Materials and Methods, Results,and Discussion.Long papers may need subheadings in both the Materials and Methods and the Results sections to clarify their con-tent.The discussion section should be entirely in narrative form with no subheadings.Begin last paragraph of Discussion
with‘‘In conclusion.’’Introduction:Clearly state the purpose of the study or observa-tion.Give only strictly pertinent references,and do not review the subject extensively.
Materials and Methods:Describe your selection of the observa-tional or experimental subjects(patients or experimental animals, including controls)clearly.Identify the method,instrumentation (manufacturer’s name and address in parentheses),and procedures in sufficient detail to allow other workers to reproduce the results. Do not include the name of the institution where the work was per-formed,either within the text or at the top of each manuscript page.Give references to established methods,including statistical methods that have been published but are not well known;describe new or substantially modified methods,give reasons for using these techniques,and evaluate their limitations.Include numbers of obser-vations and the statistical significance of the findings when appropriate.
Results:Present the results in logical sequence in the text,tables, and illustrations.Do not repeat in the text all the data in the tables and/or illustrations;summarize only important observations.
Discussion:Emphasize the new and important aspects of the study and conclusions that follow from them.Do not repeat in detail the data given in the Results section.Include in the Discussion the implic
ations of the findings and their limitations,and relate the observations to other relevant studies.Link the conclusions with the goals of the study,but avoid unqualified statements and conclusions not supported completely by the data.Avoid claiming priority and alluding to work that has not been completed.State new hypotheses when warranted,but clearly label them as such.Recommendations,when appropriate,may be included. Acknowledgments
Use this section to acknowledge individuals who have provided per-sonal assistance.Please give full names of all individuals mentioned in this section.To help ensure anonymity during the review process, do not include names of submitting authors or their institutions in this section until after peer review.
Number references consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned;place the numbers between parentheses on the line.Only literature that is published or in press(with the name of the publication known)may be numbered and listed;abstracts and letters to the editor may be cited,but they must be less than3years old and identified as such.Refer to only in the text,in parentheses,other material(manu-scripts submitted,unpublished data,personal communications,and the like)as in the fol
lowing example:(Smith J,unpublished data).If the owner of the unpublished data or personal communication is not an author of the manuscript under review,a signed statement is required verifying the accuracy of the attributed information and agreement to its publication.
The abbreviations used for periodicals cited in the references should follow the style of Index Medicus.For journal articles,list surnames and initials of all authors when six or less,such as:
1.Geurts JJG,Barkhof F,Castelijns JA,Uitdehaag BMJ,Polman CH,
Pouwels PJW.Quantitative H-MRS of healthy human cortex,hippo-campus,and thalamus;Metabolite concentrations,quantification pre-cision,and reproducibility.J Magn Reson Imaging2004;20:366–371. When seven or more authors are listed,only the first three names need to be identified,followed by‘‘et al,’’such as:
2.Schwickert HC,Roberts TP,Shames DM,et al.Quantification of
liver blood volume:comparison of ultra short TI inversion recovery echo planar imaging(ULSTIR-EPI),with dynamic3D-gradient recalled echo imaging.Magn Reson Med1995;34:845-852.
For online only articles,or articles"in press",the DOI(Digital Object Identifier)provides a persistent link
to the article:
3.Madelin G and Regatte RR.Biomedical applications of sodium MRI
in vivo.2013;in press.doi:10.1002/jmri.24172
In the case of books,the authors of a chapter,title of the chapter, editor(s),title of the book,edition,city,publisher,year,and specific pages must be provided.For the complete book,the number of pages is given ,512p.
4.Desnick R,Ioannou YA,Eng CM.a-Galactosidase A deficiency:
Fabry disease.In:Scriver CR,Beaudet AL,Sly WS,Valle D,edi-tors.The metabolic and molecular bases of inherited disease,8th edition.New York:McGraw-Hill;2001.p3733–3774.5.Feller W.An introduction to probability theory and its applications,
2nd edition.New York:John Wiley and Sons Inc;1968.48p. Abstracts,editorials,and letters to the editor should be noted as such,giving page number range or abstract number in parentheses at end of reference.
For meetings other than ISMRM,give the author list,presentation title,meeting title,sponsoring organization name,month,day(s),year of meeting,location,page number range or abstract number,and if the proceedings have been published,give the publisher name and location:
6.Rodenburg JB,Smink J,Salverda P,et al.Slice tracking and navi-
gator gating provide good image quality without the need for breath-holding in lung imaging.In:Proceedings of the8th Annual Meeting of ISMRM,Denver,2000.(abstract954).
Please be sure that all documentation is accurate.
Tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals in the order of their appearance in the text and should have a brief title.All abbreviations used in the table should be explained in a footnote.Each table should be structured with three horizontal lines and no vertical lines or boxes.
Figure Legends
A legend must be supplied for each illustration and should not dupli-cate text material.All figure legen
ds should appear collectively on one or more pages at the end of the text file,and each legend should also appear below the corresponding figure.
Figures should be limited to those required to show the essential features described in the paper.Excessive illustrations encroach on the total space available in JMRI to the detriment of the publica-tion.Images to be combined into one cut,such as anteroposterior and lateral views,should be the same height to facilitate reproduc-tion.Images should correspond in appearance to the tonal relations of the original image(with the patient’s right to the observer’s left for coronal images;axial images should employ the‘‘view from below’’).
Figures should be numbered in the order in which they are men-tioned in the text.All figures should be labeled a,b,c, the upper left corner,but not within the figure frame.Symbols,letters,and num-bers must be legible after reduction,with the smallest data points no less than1.5-to1.7-mm high.Images need to be cropped and all irrele-vant parts removed.
For each accepted manuscript,the Journal provides one page of print color free of charge,which may contain multiple illustra-tions.All color figures will be reproduce online free of charge;any additional pr
int color pages are$500each.Authors are encouraged to submit color illustrations that highlight the text and convey essen-tial scientific information.For best reproduction,bright,clear colors should be used.Please place your color images against a white back-ground wherever possible.Please contact the production editor at jmri@wiley for further information.
It is extremely important that authors check the accuracy of any keys on the images before the final versions are sent to the Editorial Office.For additional information regarding preparation of figures, see‘‘Electronic Submission of Graphics’’in these instructions.
Radiation measurements and laboratory values should be given in the International System of Units(SI)(resources:SI Units in Radiation Protection and Measurements,NCRP Report no.82[August1985];‘‘Now Read This:The SI Units Are Here,’’JAMA1986;255:2329–2339). Blood pressure should still be reported in millimeters mercury.Abbre-viations should be spelled out when first used in the text,such as‘‘cer-ebrospinal fluid(CSF).’’Magnetic resonance terminology should conform to the Glossary of MR Terms published by the American Col-lege of Radiology.Laboratory sl
ang,clinical jargon,and uncommon abbreviations should be avoided.Discussion of previous literature and material presented must be restricted to the significant findings.
Informed Consent
Manuscripts reporting the results of experimental studies on human sub-jects must include a statement to the effect that informed consent was obtained after the nature of the procedure(s)had been fully explained.
The maintenance and care of experimental animals to provide humane treatment and to ensure reliable results are described in the National Institutes of Health guidelines for use of laboratory animals. Authors are advised to comply with these guidelines and to acknowl-edge such compliance in their manuscripts.
Author Responsibility and Exclusive Submission Authors must be certain that no manuscript on the same or similar material has been or will be submitted to another journal by them-selves or others at their institution before their work appears in JMRI.The submission by authors of similar material to advertising media must be indicated at the time JMRI receives the manuscript.
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Authors must describe any direct or indirect financial interest they may have in the subject matter of a submitted manuscript,and must authorize the ISMRM to publish this financial disclosure with the ar-ticle if deemed appropriate.The Financial Disclosure policy of the ISMRM is as follows:
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Rapid Inspector TM gives authors of scientific,technical and medical journals a resource for certifying their illustrations prior to submission. Utilizing this software will ensure that your graphics are suitable for print production.To download this journal’s free Rapid Inspector soft-ware,please visit http;//rapidinspector.cadmus/wi/index.jsp.
Minimum figure resolutions are as follows:1200dots per inch (dpi)for line art;600dpi for color,and300dpi for black and white. To ensure good reproduction online and in print,the minimum black value on a halftone scan(highlight)should be4%black.The maximum value(shadow)should be no higher than95%.Avoid the use of fine lines (point and below)for graphs and charts.Use only Adobe Type1fonts in creating images,and limit the number of fonts used.Do not reletter images in Photoshop.If relettering must be done,import the image into either Freehand or QuarkXPress and reletter,then make an EPS file. Make sure all scanned images are‘‘clean.’’Look for and clean up dust
specks,scratches,tape marks,and anything that is not part of the actual image.Files generated in Freehand should be saved in EPS format.
If QuarkXPress is used for image assembly,please follow these guidelines:
(a)After creating the image,adjust the page size in the‘‘Document Setup’’window in the pull-down menus.(b)Modify the page size to be only slightly larger than the image size.If the image is20pica wide by10pica deep,make the page size22pica wide by12pica deep and center the image within the page.(c)Once this has been done, save the page as an EPS file by doing a‘‘’’from the pull-down menu.(d)Each image must be submitted as a separate EPS file.Do not submit an entire Xpress file saved in EPS format.
Submission of Supporting Information
Supporting Information may include(but is not limited to)video clips,large sections of tabular data,program code,or electronic graphical files that are otherwise not suitable for print media.When submitting material for consideration please follow the guidelines below.
Peer review:Supporting Information must be submitted at the time of peer review.
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Publication Access:Supporting Information for published articles can be accessed through the online version of the article,which is available at onlinelibrary.wiley.
Anyone who would like to help in reviewing books for JMRI should contact
Diego R.Martin,MD,PhD
JMRI Associate Editor,Book Reviews
Professor and Head,Radiology Department
University of Arizona
University Medical Center
1501North Campbell Avenue
PO Box245067
Copyright Assignment and Authorship Criteria
A copyright assignment form signed by all authors needs to accompany any accepted manuscript.An
appropriate form is occasionally printed in JMRI as space permits,and can be found in the For Authors section on the journal’s homepage( onlinelibrary.wiley/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1522-2586/ homepage/ForAuthors.html).
JMRI requires that all authors and co-authors satisfy the author-ship criteria described by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors(ICMJE),which state:‘‘Authorship criteria should be based on:(1)substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data,or analysis and interpretation of data;(2)drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and(3)final approval of the version to be published.Authors should meet conditions1,2,and3.’’
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