Date: 4 November 2008
Origin: European
Latest date for receipt of comments: 28 February 2009
Project no.: 2008/02798
Responsible committee: GEL/20/17 Low voltage cables Interested committees:
Draft BS EN 50525-2-21 Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Cables for general applications
Flexible cables with crosslinked elastomeric insulation
Supersession information: If this document is published as a standard, the UK implementation of it will supersede NONE and partially supersede. BS6500 : 2000 (R05) If you are aware of a current national standard which may be affected, please notify the secretary (contact details below).
THIS DRAFT IS NOT CURRENT BEYOND 28 February 2009. This draft is issued to allow comments from interested parties; all comments will be given consideration prior to publication. No acknowledgement will normally be sent. See overleaf for information on commenting. No copying is allowed, in any form, without prior written permission from BSI except as permitted under the
Copyright, Designs and Patent Act 1988 or for circulation within a nominating organization for briefing purposes.  Electronic circulation is limited to dissemination by e-mail within such an organization by committee members. Further copies of this draft may be purchased from BSI Customer Services, Tel: +44(0) 20 8996 9001 or email
cservices@bsigroup . British, International and foreign standards are also available from BSI Customer Services. Information on the co-operating organizations represented on the committees referenced above may be obtained from the responsible committee secretary.  Cross-references
The British Standards which implement International or European publications referred to in this draft may be found via the British Standards Online Service on the BSI web site www.bsigroup .
Direct tel:
0208 996 7281
Responsible Committee Secretary : Mr S Bounds (BSI) E-mail: simon.bounds@bsigroup
Draft for Public Comment
Head Office
389 Chiswick High Road London W4 4AL Telephone: +44(0)20 8996 9000 Fax: +44(0)20 8996 7001
Form 36 Version 8.0
C o p y : L o n d o n  S o u t h  B a n k  U n i v e r s i t y , S o u t h  B a n k  U n i v e r s i t y , 31/01/20
09 04:02, U n c o n t r o l l e d  C o p y , (c ) B S I
This draft standard is based on European discussions in which the UK took an active part. Your comments on this draft are welcome and will assist in the preparation of the consequent British Standard.    Comment is particularly welcome on national legislative or similar deviations that may be necessary.
Even if this draft standard is not approved by the UK, if it receives the necessary support in Europe, the UK will be obliged to publish the official English Language text unchanged as a British Standard and to withdraw any conflicting standard.
UK Vote
Please indicate whether you consider the UK should submit a negative (with reasons) or positive vote on this draft. Submission
The guidance given below is intended to ensure that all comments receive efficient and appropriate attention by the responsible BSI committee.  Annotated drafts are not acceptable and will be rejected.
All comments must be submitted, preferably electronically, to the Responsible Committee Secretary at the address given on the front cover.  Comments should be compatible with Version 6.0 or Version 97 of Microsoft® Word for Windows™, if possible; otherwise comments in ASCII text format are acceptable.  Any comments not submitted electronically should still adhere to these format requirements.
All comments submitted should be presented as given in the example below.  Further information on submitting comments and how to obtain a blank electronic version of a comment form are available from the BSI web site at: www.bsigroup/en/Standards-and-Publications/Current-work/DPCs/
Template for comments and secretariat observations  Date:  xx/xx/200x Document:  ISO/DIS xxxxx
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C o p y : L o n d o n  S o u t h  B a n k  U n i v e r i t y , 31/01/2009 04:02, U n c o n t r o l l e d  C o p y , (c ) B S I
D r
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r  E n q u i r y
October 2008
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 35, B - 1050 Brussels
© 2008 CENELEC -  All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members.
ICS  Will supersede HD 22.4 S4:2004, HD 22.10 S2:2007, HD 22.11 S2:2007, HD 22.12 S2:2007,
HD 22.16 S2:2007
English version
Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages
up to and including 450/750 V -
Part 2-21: Cables for general applications -
Flexible cables with crosslinked elastomeric insulation
Câbles électriques -Câbles d’énergie basse tension de tension assignée au plus égale à 450/750 V -  Partie 2-21: Câbles pour applications générales -
Câbles souples isolés en matériau élastomère réticulé  Kabel und Leitungen -
Starkstromleitungen mit Nennspannungen bis 450/750 V -
Teil 2-21: Starkstromleitungen  für allgemeine Anwendungen -  Flexible Leitungen mit vernetzter Elastomer-Isolierung
This draft European Standard is submitted to CENELEC members for CENELEC enquiry. Deadline for CENELEC: 2009-03-27.
It has been drawn up by CLC/TC 20.
If this draft becomes a European Standard, CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/
CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.
This draft European Standard was established by CENELEC in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.
CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without notice and shall not be referred to as a European Standard.
C o p y : L o n d o n  S o u t h  B a n k  U n i v e r s i t y , S o u t h  B a n k  U n i v e r s i t y , 31/01/2009 04:02, U n c o n t r o l l e d  C o p y , (c ) B S I
D r
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prEN 50525-2-21:2008 - 2 -
2 This draft European Standard was prepared by the Technical Committee CENELEC TC 20, Electric
3 cables. It is submitted to the CENELEC enquiry. 4
5 This document, which is one of a multipart series, will supersede HD 22.4 S4:2004,
6 HD 22 10 S2:2007, HD 22.11 S2:2007, HD 22.12 S2:2007, HD 22.16 S2:2007.
7 _______________
8 9
C o p y : L o n d o n  S o u t h  B a n k  U n i v e r s i t y , S o u t h  B a n k  U n i v e r s i t y , 31/01/2009 04:02, U n c o n t r o l l e d  C o p y , (c ) B S I
D r
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- 3 - prEN 50525-2-21:2008
10 Page
11 1 Scope (4)
12 2 Normative references ..................................................................................................... 4 13 3 Terms and definitions .................................................................................................... 5 14 4
General purpose cables ................................................................................................. 5 15    4.1 Ordinary duty cables – H05RR-F ............................................................................. 5 16    4.2 Ordinary duty cables – H05RN-F ............................................................................. 6 17    4.3 Heavy duty cables – H07RN-F ................................................................................ 7 18    4.4 Heavy duty multicore cables – H07RN-F ................................................................. 8 19 5
Water resistant cables ................................................................................................... 9 20    5.1 Heavy duty cables – H07RN8-F .............................................................................. 9 21    5.2 Heavy duty multicore cables – H07RN8-F ............................................................. 11 22 6
Heat resistant cables (90 °C) ....................................................................................... 12 23    6.1 Ordinary duty cables – H05BB-F (12)
24    6.2 Heavy duty cables – H07BB-F
............................................................................... 13 25    6.3 Ordinary duty cables – H05BN4-F .......
.................................................................. 15 26    6.4 Heavy duty cables – 15 27    6.5 Heavy duty multicore cables – H07BN4-F ............................................................. 17 28 7
Heat resistant cables – TPU sheathed  (90 °C) ........................................................... 18 29 7.1 Ordinary duty cables – H05BQ-F
........................................................................... 18 30 7.2 Heavy duty cables – H07BQ-F .............................................................................. 19 31 8
Heat resistant EVA cables (110 °C) (20)
32 8.1 Ordinary duty cables – H05GG-F and H05GGH2-F ............................................... 20 33 Annex A (normative) Tests for cables to EN 50525-2-21 .................................................... 22 34 Annex B (normative) General data ...................................................................................... 26 35 Annex C (normative) Requirements for compatibility test ................................................. 32 36 Annex D (normative) Water resistance test for H07RN8-F flexible cables – 37 Electrical test ...................................................................................................................... 34 38 Annex E (normative) Water resistance test for H07RN8-F flexible cables –
39 Mechanical properties of sheath after water immersion .................................................. 35 40 Annex F (normative) Special national conditions .. (37)
41 Bibliography ....................................................................................................................... 38 42 Tables
43 Table A.1 - 60 °C cables ....................................................................................................... 22 44 Table A.2 - 90 °C and 110 °C cables (24)
45 Table B.1 .............................................................................................................................. 26 46 Table B.2 .............................................................................................................................. 27 47 Table B.3 .............................................................................................................................. 30 48 Table B.4 .............................................................................................................................. 31 49 Table C.1 ............................................................................................................................. 32 50 Table C.2 ............................................................................................................................. 32 51 Table C.3 ............................................................................................................................. 33 52 Table E.1 - Requirements for tensile strength and elongation at break . (36)
C o p y : L o n d o n  S o u t h  B a n k  U n i v e r s i t y , S o u t h  B a n k  U n i v e r s i t y , 31/01/2009 04:02, U n c o n t r o l l e d  C o p y , (c ) B S I
