It was my 14th birthday and I would have the biggest party ever.The number of the (1)had quickly grown from seven to seventeen.Nearly every girl in my class was (2).When each guest excitedly(3) the invitation,I was especially happy.
The (4) was full of shouts and laughter.We had just finished a game of Twister when the doorbell rang.I was so (5) and I could feel my face turning red,because when I (6) the door,there at the front door stood Sarah Westly--the quiet girl--and she was holding a (7) .I thought about the guest list.How did I (8) to invite Sarah
I remembered that I only added a name to the (9) when someone showed an interest in me.
But Sarah had (10) done that.I accepted the box,a gift from Sarah,and asked her to join in the party. "I can't (11)"she said. "My dad's waiting in the car." At that moment,I felt bad about forgetting to invite her and really wanted her to rest for some time in my room. "Tha
nks,but I have to go," she said,turning (12) toward the door,"See you Monday."
I stood at the door with Sarah's gift in my hands and an empty feeling in my heart.
I didn't open the box until the party was (13) .Inside the small box was a ceramic(陶瓷) tabby cat.It was the best gift I had received (14) I didn't like cats.I later (15) that the gift looked exactly like Sarah's cat,Seymour.I didn't know it then,but now I realize that Sarah was my true friend.
1. A. boys    B. guests    C. books    D. desks
2. A. invited    B. invented    C. showed    D. suggested
3. A. made    B. found    C. accepted    D. passed
4. A. classroom    B. library    C. restaurant    D. living room
5. A. surprised    B. angry    C. proud    D. sad
6. A. touched    B. opened    C. caught    D. saw
7. A. cat    B. toy    C. pen    D. box
8. A. forgettoday    B. stop    C. hope    D. choose
9. A. gift    B. list    C. diary    D. box
10. A. still    B. even    C. never    D. only
11. A. stand    B. sing    C. wait    D. stay
12. A. quickly    B. carefully    C. finally    D. early
13. A. ready    B. successful    C. over    D. interesting
14. A. and    B. so    C. because    D. though
15. A. took out    B. found out    C. thought out    D. put out
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(ABC D)中选出最佳选项。
SurveyWhat's Your Favorite Restaurant
"I'm an actress.There's a small French
restaurant near my apartment.It's my
favorite.The service is great.The food is
always cooked well and served beautifully.
The music which is played in the restaurant
always makes you relaxed" Jessica
"I'm a high school student.I'm interested in fast
food.Chicken,burgers,fish,French fries I
love them all.Miller's is my favorite.My mom
says I should eat healthier food but it tastes so
good!Also,I'm not rich and the price of fast
food is just right for me." Jimmy
"I'm a housewife with three kids.I look for a
place that has good food at a reasonable
price.I look for a place that's comfortable
for children and serves the food quickly.
That's why I like Sam's Chinese restaurant."
"I'm a doctor.I can't remember the last time I ate
outmaybe that's because my wife and I really
like to cook.Instead of eating out,we look
through a cookbook and cook at home."
16.Why does Jessica like the French restaurant ______
A. Because the food is delicious and the service is very good.
B. Because the price is right for her.
C. Because she is busy and has no time to cook.
D. Because the restaurant is comfortable for children.
17.If you like fast food,which is the best choice ______
A. The French restaurant.    B. Miller's.
C. Sam's Chinese restaurant.    D. Home cooking.
18.What is the most important to Daniel and his wife ______
A. A restaurant has good service.
B. A restaurant has tasty food.
C. People enjoy cooking at home.
D. A restaurant has cheap food.
"Today I will give you a special test," said the English teacher with a smile on his face.
All the students sat up straight and waited for the test to begin.The teacher began to give the test papers to all the students.After he finished handing out the test papers,he asked them to begin.
The students were very surprised to see that there was not a question but a black dot (圆点) in the center of the paper.The teacher noticed the students' surprise and said, "I want you to write about what you see there." At the end of the class,the teacher took all the students' answer sheets and read the answers.All of them described the black dot.After reading all the answers,the teacher said, "Here everyone only paid attention to the black dot,but no one wrote about the white paper." The whole class listened silently,because they were afraid to fail in the exam.Then the teacher said, "Don't worry about your marks for this test.I just want you to think about our life.The white paper is like our whole life and the black dot in the center of the paper represents (代表) problems in our daily life."
Our life is a gift,with love and care.However,we just pay attention to the problems like illness and povertyand never see happy things in our life.So we should try to solve our problems and enjoy each moment life gives us.
19.What was in the center of the paper ______
A. A question.    B. A white dot.    C. A black dot.    D. A black gift.
20.Which of the following is true about the test ______
A. The students were asked to draw pictures on the paper.
B. Many students wrote about the white paper.
C. Some students failed the test.
D. The students were very surprised when seeing the paper.
21.What's the Chinese meaning of the underlined word "poverty" in the last paragraph ______
A. 污染.    B. 富有.    C. 贫穷.    D. 保险.
22.What did the teacher mainly want to tell his students ______
A. Our life is a gift with love and care.
B. Our life is just like the black dot.
C. Marks for the test are not important.
D. We should solve our problems and enjoy life.
We are pleased to announce(宣布) the results of our competition to create a new school festival for students to celebrate this year.This competition,which we have had twice,has been a huge success.But this year,we have had more entries (参赛作品)than ever before.
We have received many wonderful suggestions,including one that suggested there should be a festival of shoes!This was certainly a creative idea,but not surprisingly,our judges(裁判) liked other suggestions more
The winning suggestion was from Henry Chan,who suggested that there should be a festi
val of bicycles.It was the judges' favourite.Henry,who is in Grade Eight,said that he went to school by bicycle every day and enjoyed taking bicycle trips very much.He added that so many public bicycles were in use in our city that it would be a shame not to celebrate them.
As part of the festival,a bicycle trip will be organized in the city.Then students will hold a ten-metre bicycle riding competition,in which anyone who can ride the slowest wins.What's more,you students are called on to ride bicycles to school as often as possible.
The Bicycle Festival will start on June 18th and last two days.We hope you will take part in the festival and do your bit to protect our environment.
