tubular adenoma管状腺瘤
An adenoma is a type of polyp, or a small cluster of cells that forms on the lining of your colon.
When doctors look at an adenoma under a microscope, they can see small differences between it and your colon’s normal lining. Adenomas typically grow very slowly and look like a small mushroom with a stalk.
Tubular adenomas are the most common type. They’re considered benign, or noncancerous. But sometimes cancer can develop in an adenoma if it isn’t removed. If adenomas become cancerous, they’re referred to as adenocarcinomas.
Less than 10 percent of all adenomas will turn into cancer, but more than 95 percent of colon cancers develop from adenomas.
Types of adenomas
There are two types of adenomas: tubular and villous. These are categorized by their growth patterns.
Sometimes doctors refer to polyps as being tubulovillous adenomas because they have features of both types.
Most small adenomas are tubular, while larger ones are typically villous. An adenoma is considered small when it’s less than 1/2 inch in size.
Villous adenomas are more likely to turn cancerous.
There are several other types of polyps, including:
Understanding your pathology report
When polyps in your colon are removed, they’re sent to a pathology lab to be studied.
A specialized doctor, known as a pathologist, will send your healthcare provider a pathology report that gives information about each of the samples that were taken.
The report will tell you the type of polyp you have and how much it looks like cancer under a microscope. Dysplasia is a term used to describe precancerous or abnormal cells.
Polyps that don’t look much like cancer are referred to as having low-grade dysplasia. If your adenoma looks more abnormal and more like cancer, it’s described as having high-grade dysplasia.
Symptoms of adenomas
Many times, adenomas don’t cause any symptoms at all and are only detected when they show up during a colonoscopy.
Some people will have symptoms, which may include:
rectal bleeding
change in bowel habits or color of stool
iron deficiency anemia, which means you have low red blood cell counts due to insufficient iron
Treatment of adenomas
Your doctor will probably remove any adenomas you may have because they can turn into cancer.
Doctors can take out a tubular adenoma with a retractable wire loop that’s placed through the scope that’s used during a colonoscopy. Sometimes small polyps can be destroyed with a special device that delivers heat. If an adenoma is very large, you might need to ha
ve surgery to remove it.
Typically, all adenomas should be completely removed. If you had a biopsy but your doctor didn’t completely take out your polyp, you’ll need to discuss what to do next.
Follow-up colonoscopy
Once you have an adenoma, you’ll need to have frequent follow-up testing to make sure you don’t develop any more polyps.
Your healthcare provider will probably recommend that you have another colonoscopy screening:
within six months if you had a large adenoma or one that had to be taken out in fragments
within three years if you had more than 10 adenomas
in three years if you had an adenoma 0.4 inches or larger, if you had more than two adenomas, or if you had certain types of adenomas
in 5 to 10 years if you had just one or two small adenomas
Talk to your doctor about your specific situation and when you might need to have another colonoscopy.
retractable腺瘤性息肉adenomatous polyp又称“息肉状腺瘤”。黏膜的腺瘤,多呈息肉状,见于胃肠黏膜,更多在结肠。单发性或多发性,有蒂或无蒂。家族性息肉病患者,结肠黏膜有多个大小不等的息肉状腺瘤,数目可多达数百、数千,使整个结肠和直肠黏膜布满息肉,易发生
