1远光信号灯(upper)(high)beam tell-tale
2近光信号灯 (dipped )(low)beam tell-tale
3雾灯信号灯fog light tell-tale
4转向信号灯 direction indicator
5危急报警信号灯 hazard warning system tell-tale
6行车制动系警报灯 service braking system warning tell-tale 7轮胎充气压力警报灯 tyre inflation pressure warning tell-tale 8安全带警报灯seat belt warning tell-tale
9门开警报灯 automatic door warning tell-tale
10机油压力警报灯 oil pressure warning tell-tale
11机油油面警报灯 oil level warnig tell-tall
12温度警报灯 temperature warnig tell-tale
13蓄电池充电状况警报灯 battery charging condition tell-tale
14燃油油面警报 fuel level tell-tale
15挡风玻璃电加热器信号灯 windscreen eletric heater tell-tale
16驻车制动系警报灯parking braking sytem warning tell-tale 17被动式乘员安全警报灯passive restraint tell-tale
18乘客与驾驶员联系信号灯 passenger-driver communication tell-tale 19无线电话信号灯 radio communication sytem tell-tale 20空气滤清器警报灯 air filter tell-tale
21机油滤清器警报灯 oil filter tell-tale
22驾驶室锁止警告灯 cab lock tell-tale
23灯光和照明系统 light and lighting sytem
25灯光 light
26光源light source
27灯具的几何可见度角angles of geometric visibility of a lamp 28外表面apparent surface
29基准轴线 reference axis
30基准中心reference center
31发光面 light-emitting surface
32照明装置的光照面 illuminating sruface of a lighting device 33反射镜的光照面 illuminating surface of a reflex reflextor 34信号装置的光照面 illuminating surface of a signalling device 35灯组的调整adjustment of setting
37光特性colorimetric characteristics
38光度特性 photometric characteristics
39光束亮度beam intensity
40光束中心 beam center
41远光束 main beam
42近光束dipped beam
43远光high beam
44近光 lower eam
45对称光symmetrical beam
46非对称光asymmetrical beam
49认视距离bright viewing distance
50配光 luminous intensity distribution 51透光直径transmission diameter
52灯光颜lamp color
55局部黄selective yellow
57琥珀 amber
59谱值spectral value
60CIE光三角区zone of the CIE color triangle 61断路break
63短路short circuit
66线路图wiring diagram
67电压波纹ripple voltage
68起动电流 inrush currant
69绝缘强度dielectric strength
70闪频flash rate
71瞬间超电压强度transient overvoltage strength 72通电时间 current"on"time
73直流电direct current
74交流电alternating current
75会车光束倾斜角dipped beam inclination
76灯光明暗截止线 "cut-off"line
77初始倾斜角 initial inclination
78封闭式灯光组sealed beam unit
79半封闭式灯光组semi-sealed beam unit
retractable80配光镜lens(glass lens)
82配光屏filament shield
83定焦盘prefocus plate
84等照度曲线 isolux curve
85等光强曲线isocandela curve
86信号系统signal sytem
87闪光频率 flash rate
88起动时间 starting time
89光度仪器photometric device 90光学设备 optical device optical device
91校准器 aimer
92光束轴 beam axle
93校准屏幕 aiming screen
94聚光装置 optical block
95对光装置 alignment device
96投影设备 projection equipment
97远距离屏幕 distant screen
98照明系统 lighting system
99照明设备 lightig equipmetn
100灯具 lamp
101等效灯具 equivalent lamps
102成对灯具 lamps constituting a pair
103偶数灯 even number of lamps
104操作指示灯 operational tell-tale
105倒车灯 backup(reversing)lamp
106车宽示廓灯 clearance lamp
107复合灯 combined lamps
108内藏灯(暗灯)concealable lamp
109反射发光装置 reflex reflexting device
110回射装置 retro0reflecting device
111放电灯 discharge lamp
112雾灯 fog lamp
113组合灯 grouped lamps
114危险警告灯 hazard warning lamp
115近光前照灯 lower-beam (dipped beam)headlamp 116远光前照灯 upper-beam(main beam headlamp)
117前照灯水平调整装置 headlamp levelling device
118识别灯 identification lamp
119外形示廓灯 end outline marker lamp
120牌照灯 license plate lamp
121后牌照灯 rear registration plate lamp
122可伸缩灯 retractable lamp
123封闭式灯 sealed -beam lamp
124搜索灯 search lamp
125侧示廓灯 side marker lamp
126单灯 single lamp
127专用警告灯 special warning lamp
128制动灯 stop lamp
129工作灯 working lamp
130混合灯 reciprocally incorporated lamp
131停车灯 parking lamp
132示廓灯 position lamp
133转向信号灯 trun signal lamp
134前照灯 headlamp
135封闭式前照灯 sealed beam headlamp
136半封闭式前照灯 semi-sealed beam headlamp
137外装式前照灯 external mounted headlamp
138内装式前照灯 flush mounted headlamp
139辅助前照灯 auxiliary headlamp
140组合前灯 comination headlamp
141信号灯 signal lamp(indicator)
142尾灯 tail lamp
143组合尾灯 combination tail lamp
144示宽灯 width lamp
145示高灯 height lamp
146警告灯 emergency warning lamp
147门灯 door lock warning lamp
148转向指示灯 turn light indicator(direction indicator lamp) 149反射器 reflex reflector
150“回路接通”指示灯 "circuit closed" tell-tale
151信号灯 pilot lamp
152壁灯 bracket lamp
153顶灯 ceiling lamp
154阅读灯 reading lamp
155踏步灯 step lamp (courtesy light)
156仪表板照明灯 instrument panel lamp
157携带式手提灯 portable lamp
158防空灯 black-out lamp
159发动机室照明灯 engine compartment lamp
160行李箱照明灯 luggage boot lamp
161前照灯清洁器 headlamp cleaner
162放电灯泡 discharge bulb
163白炽灯泡 filament bulb
164白炽灯 filament lamp
165斜度计 inclinometer
166灯泡接头 bulb adaptor
167管状灯泡 tubular bulb
168小型灯泡 miniature bulb
169卤素灯泡 halogen bulb
170石英碘灯泡 quartz iodine bulb
171闪光器 flasher
172电容式闪光器 capacitor type flasher
173热丝式闪光器 hot wire type flasher
174翼片式闪光器 vane type flasher
175晶体管闪光器 transistor flasher
176危险报警闪光器 hazard warning signal flasher
177卡口插座 bayonet socket
178灯丝 filament
179灯泡接电触点 bulb contact
180灯泡灯座片 bulb socket tag
181灯泡灯座 contact holder
182灯座 lamp seat
183调光座盘 beam adjusting disc plate
184灯圈lamp ring
185装饰圈 ornament
186灯壳 lamp housing
187遮光罩 light shield
188灯孔lamp aperture
189灯总成 lamp assembly
190灯黑lamp black
191灯泡 lamp bulb
192灯头、灯座 lamp cap
193灯座,车灯支架 lamp carrier
194灯组件 lamp comp
195灯孔 lamp compartment
196灯罩【灯圈】lamp door
197灯玻璃 lamp glass
198灯头、灯座 lamp holder
199灯壳 lamp housing
200灯组件 lamp insert
201灯套件 lamp kit
202灯玻璃,配光镜 lamp lens
203(辅助灯)灯套件 lamp package
204车灯板 l amp panel
205车灯反射镜 lamp reflector
206全封闭式前照灯灯芯固定圈lamp sealed beam unit retaining ring 207灯壳座 lamp seat
208(辅助灯)灯组件【套件】 lamp set
209灯座 lamp socket
210前照灯【散热器】固定框 lamp support
211(照明系统)灯组件【单元】lamp unit
212灯玻璃 lamp window
213车灯(配)线lamp wiring
214立方角锥棱镜Cube Comer Retroreflector, 缩写为 CCR
