Atlas Copco Technical specification SPRAYER - MEYCO COBRA
Concrete spraying equipment
MEYCO Cobra is the robust and ultra compact spraying mobile for mines. With its minima boom designed for confined space and excellent manoeuvrability it combines reliable performance with good mobility.
Standard features
»Concrete spraying pump
• Suprema double piston pump with MEYCO Push-over system for minimum pulsation
• Automatic reverse function for pressure relief (blockage)• Wear optimized components for maximum service life
• Sturdy hopper and grill design for concrete containing fibers  »Spraying boom
• MEYCO Minima with roll-over and telescopic extension • Retracts very compactly and can be extended easily without needing additional space
• Sturdy design for mining application
»Dosing system
• Dosa high accuracy dosing system for liquid accelerators with instant adjustment of volume with flow meter and ro-tor/stator-pump
• Auto-stop for accelerator under dosage, providing safety • Low maintenance, low pulsation pumping optimized for alkali free accelerators
»Spraying system
• wet mix concrete spraying system
»Control System
• PLC control system in easy access control box • Data logging for production data • Cable remote control with heating
• Sturdy, articulated PAUS carrier with four-wheel drive • Diesel engine US EPA Tier 2, EU stage II • Open drivers stand with protective roof, FOPS • Robust stabilizers in front
• High pressure water cleaner with hose reel • Water hose reel and hose • LED working lights
• Hydraulic driven cable reel with cable • Accelerator tank
• Concrete release agent hand sprayer • Portable fire extinguisher
• Toolbox
Working range Minima
including 1.5m stand-off distance
• Max height ................................................................... 9.2 m • Max height lance paralle ...............................................5.0 m • Max width ......................................................................15 m • Spraying head movement .........................................120/360°•
Nutation ..............................................................................8°
• High pressure water cleaner ............240-700 l/h at 10-155bar • High pressure water hose ...............................................15 m • Hose reel with water hose ..............................................60 m • Water hose with nozzle ..................................................
15 m
• Accelerator tank (stainless) ............................................450 l • Concrete release agent hand sprayer ..................................5 l • Diameter of nozzle system ...................................100/65 mm • Working lights LED 24 VDC ...................................5x 50 W •
Fire extinguishers
• Hydraulic pumps ................................................................. 4• Hydraulic oil tank volume .............................................250 l • Electric motor ..............................................................45 kW • Filtration .......................................................................
10 μm
• Concrete pump capacity .............................20 m3/h at 50 bar (max theoretical)
• Dosing pump max capacity ........................24 l/min at 10 bar • Feeding hopper volume .................................................120 l • Feeding hopper height ............................................1100 mm • Pump cylinder .........................................................ø150 mm • Hydraulic cylinder ....................................................ø80 mm • Piston stroke ..............................................................600 mm
• Central lubrication for pump unit (hand pump)
• Supply voltage ..............................................3x 400 V/50 Hz • Power with compressor ..............................................130 kW • Feeding hopper volume .................................................120 l • Cable 3x 70/35 mm² .......................................................60 m • Cable reel with hydraulic drive
• Power without compressor ...........................................55 kW
• Paus UNIVERSA 50
• Deutz 4-cylinder, BF 4 M2012 C, US EPA Tier 2, EU stage II
• Power rating ............................................88 kW at 2300 rpm • Torque ...................................................447 Nm at 2200 rpm • Articulated steering .................................steeri
ng angle ±38°• Operator stand for tramming • 4-wheel drive
• Hydrostatic power steering system • Hydrostatic transmission
• Front axle .........................................................Dana 601/112• Rear axle .................................Dana 602/112, oscillation ±7°• Automatic differential lock on rear axle
• Tire, mine type .........................................................10.00-20• Hydraulic stabilizers, front ..................................................2• Service brakes ...........................................................2 circuit • Emergency and parking brakes ....................................SAHR • Fuel tank ........................................................................100 l • Exhaust catalyzer
• Electric system ................................................................24 V • Batteries ..........................................................2x 12 V , 88 Ah • Tramming lights ........................................................4x 70 W • Brake lights
• Gradability at max. load on drive wheels .......................25%• Horn, beacon and reverse alarm
Optional Equipment
• MEYCO wet spraying nozzle system Ø65mm • Conveying line Ø 100/80mm •
Retractable nozzle head
© C o p y r i g h t  2014, A t l a s  C o p c o  M E Y C O  A G  , W i n t e r t h u r , S w i t z e r l a n d . A l l  p r o d u c t  n a m e s  i n  t h i s  p u b l i c a t i o n  a r e  t r a d e m a r k s  o f  A t l a s  C o p c o . A n y  u n a u t h o r i z e d  u s e  o r  c o p y i n g  o f  t h e  c o n t e n t s  o r  a n y  p a r t  t h e r e o f  i s  p r o h i b i t e d . I l l u s t r a t i o n s  a n d  p h o t o s  m a y  s h o w  e q u i p m e n t  w i t h  o p t i o n a l  e x t r a s . N o  w a r r a n t y  i s  m a d e  r e g a r d i n g  s p e c i fi c a t i o n s  o r  o t h e r w i s e . S p e c i fi c a t i o n s  a n d  e q u i p m e n t  a r e  s u b j e c t  t o  c h a n g e  w i t h o u t  n o t i c e . C o n s u l t  y o u r  A t l a s  C o p c o  C u s t o m e r  C e n t e r  f o r  s p e c i fi c  i n f o r m a t i o n .
9851 6629 01c    09/2014
m i n . 2070
