Pumas are mammals, felines, and golden cats. It is about the same size as a leopard, but has no pattern on the appearance and a small skull. Males are larger than females. The male head is 1.02-1.54m long, and the female head is 860-1310mm long. The male tail is 680-960mm long, and the female tail is 630-790mm long. The weight of males is 36-120 kg, and that of females is 29-64 kg. It is the largest of feline subfamily. The body is even, the limbs are medium long, and the toes run. The head is large and round, the snout is short, and the sense of sight, hearing and smell are well developed. Canine teeth and split teeth are extremely developed; The upper split tooth has three tooth tips, and the lower split tooth has two tooth tips; The molar teeth are degenerated, and the crown diameter is smaller than the height of the lateral incisors. The fur is soft, and the whole body is single gray, reddish brown or red. The front foot has 5 toes and the rear foot has 4 toes; The claw is sharp and retractable. The tail is relatively developed.
It inhabits all kinds of environments except tropical rainforests, and is good at climbing and j
umping. It can be active all day. Likes to live alone. It is a kind of meat. It often kills various vertebrates in ambush. It mainly feeds on wild animals such as rabbits, sheep and deer, and steals domestic animals and poultry when hungry. If the cougar catches more prey, it will hide the remaining food in the tree and eat it later. It is distributed in America.
