1. 章程
章程:Articles of Association
债权人: Creditors
债务人: Debtors
董事会:Board of Directors
监事会:Board of Supervisors
执行董事: Executive Director
董事长: Board Chairman
总经理: General Manager
副总经理: Vice General Manager
董事: Director
监事: Supervisor
股东: Shareholder
股东会:Shareholders’ meeting
出资: Contribution
出资额: contribution amount
任期: Term of office
执行: execute
制定: formulate
任命: appoint
雇用: employ
股权: stock ownership
所有者权益:owner’s equity
2. 资产评估
资产评估:asset assessment
资产占有者:asset occupant
评估基准日:base date of assessment
3. 验资报告
分红: dividend
奖金: bonus
验资: capital verification
注册资本: registered capital
实收资本: paid-up capital
委托: entrust
指派: assign
中国注册会计师:Certified public accountant
4. 票据
全国统一发票监制:Nationwide Uniform Seal for Supervision of the Invoices
北京市商业企业专用发票:Beijing Commercial Corporation Invoice
北京市交通运输业,建筑业, 金融保险业, 邮电通信业, 销售不动产,和转让无形资产专用发票:
Beijing Special Invoice for Traffic Transportation on Industry, Construction Industry, Finance and Insurance Industry, Post and Telecommunication Industry, Realty Selling and Incorporeal Asset Transferring
国家税务总局税收票证监制章:Supervisory Seal for Taxation Voucher of State Administration of Taxation
国家税务总局农业税收票证监制章:Supervisory Seal for Agricultural Taxation Voucher of State Administration of Taxation
全国统一发票监制章北京地方税务局监制:Nationwide Uniform Seal for Supervision of the Invoices, Under Supervision of Beijing Local Taxation Bureau
(北京市工商行政管理局档案管理中心)查询专用章:Special Seal for Inquiry of Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce Files Management Center (sealed)
***银行储蓄业务专用章 Special Seal for Savings Business of ***Bank
***骑缝章:Seal on the Perforation of ***
***填票专用章:Special Seal for Filling, ***
5. 法律
中华人民共和国公司登记管理条例:Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Administration of Registration of Companies
中华人民共和国企业法人登记管理条例:Regulations of the People's Republic of China for Controlling the Registration of Enterprises Legal Person
中华人民共和国合同法:Contract Law of the People's Republic of China
6. 税种
营业税 Business tax
个人所得税 Individual income tax
教育附加税 Educational surtax
城市维护建设税Urban maintenance and construction tax
增值税 Value-added tax
企业所得税 Enterprise income tax
7. 其他
国有企业 state-owned enterprises
集体企业 collectively-owned (partnership) enterprises
私营企业 private business
民营企业 privately-run businesses
中小企业 small-and-medium-sized enterprises
个体工商户 sole proprietorship
三资企业(中外合资、中外合作、外商独资) overseas-invested enterprises; foreign-invested enterprises (Chinese-overseas equity joint ventures, Chinese-overseas contractual joint ventures, wholly foreign-owned enterprises)
企业会计制度Enterprise Accounting System
企业会计准则Enterprise Accounting Rules
信用卡credit card
坏帐bad debts
亚洲开发银行 ADB: Asian Development Bank
大专毕业: Diploma
大学毕业: University
中专毕业: technical school
高职:vocational school
硕士: Master
博士: Doctor
分期付款: pay by installment
主要经济指标: major economic indicators
扩大内需: expand domestic demand
互助基金: mutual fund
长期国债: long-term treasury bonds
按原口径计算: calculate on the base line
列入财政预算支出: listed in the fiscal budget
开办人民币业务: engage in Renminbi (RMB) business
出口退税制度: the system of refunding taxes on exported goods
住房抵押贷款: home mortgage loan
流动性风险: liquidity risk
配套政策: supporting policies
消费价格指数: consumer price index (CPI)
零售价格指数: retail price index (RPI)
存款保证金: guaranty money for deposits
货币回笼: withdrawal of currency from circulation
利改税: substitution of tax payment for profit delivery
费改税: transform administrative fees into taxes
配套资金: counterpart funds