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Plot Change :Foreign Forces Transform Hollywood Films
    When director Adam McKay pitched a sequel to his 2004 hit movie 'Anchorman,' he thought it would be a no-brainer for Hollywood.
当导演亚当•麦凯(Adam McKay)提出要为他2004年的热门电影《王牌播报员》("Anchorman")拍摄续集时,他以为这对好莱坞来说就是顺理成章的事情
The $20 million comedy, starring Steve Carell and Will Ferrell, grossed more than $90 million at the box office. But only $5 million of that came from ticket sales abroad. Viacom Inc.'s Paramount Pictures nixed the sequel this spring, fearing the comedy's uniquely American brand of humor wouldn't play abroad.transform中文翻译
斥资2,000万美元、由史蒂夫•凯瑞尔(Steve Carell)和威尔•法瑞尔(Will Ferrell)主演的喜剧片《王牌播报员》当年获得了超过9,000万美元的总票房,但其中的海外票房收入只有500万美元。今年春季,维亚康姆(Viacom Inc.)旗下的派拉蒙影业公司(Paramount Pictures)毙了拍摄续集的计划,他们担心电影里独特的美式幽默在海外不受欢迎。
'At the end of the day, the economics of the business have changed -- there is so much more pressure to play globally, and we couldn't fight that,' says Mr. McKay.
The rising clout of international audiences is a sea change for Hollywood. Decades ago, a movie's foreign box office barely registered with studio executives. Now, foreign ticket sales represent nearly 68% of the roughly $32 billion global film market, up from roughly 58% a decade ago, according to Screen Digest Cinema Intelligence Service.
海外观众日益增强的影响力对好莱坞而言是个翻天覆地的变化。几十年前,一部电影的海外票房几乎不被好莱坞电影公司的高管放在眼里。Screen Digest Cinema Intelligence Service的数据显示,如今,在价值约320亿美元的全球电影市场中,海外票房占了近68%,10年前则是大约58%的水平。
The result is that one of the most American of products is now being retooled to suit foreign tastes. Studios have begun to cast foreign actors in American-themed blockbusters like 'G.I. Joe.' Scripts are being rewritten to lure global audiences. And studios are c
utting back on standard Hollywood fare like romantic comedies because foreign movie-goers often don't find American jokes all that funny. Several Hollywood studios have gone as far as financing, producing and marketing original movies for markets like South Korea and Brazil.
结果就是,作为最具美式风格产品之一的电影正在重新定位以迎合外国观众的口味。电影公司已经开始让外国演员参演像《特种部队》("G.I. Joe.")这样的美国主题大片。剧本也被重新编排以吸引全球观众。而且,电影公司还在减少浪漫喜剧等好莱坞标准套路影片的制作,因为外国电影观众通常不能理解美式幽默。数家好莱坞电影公司甚至开始为韩国和巴西等电影市场的原创电影进行融资、制作和营销。
'We need to make movies that have the ability to break out internationally,' says Rob Moore, vice chairman of Paramount Pictures. 'That's the only way to make the economic puzzle of film production work today.'
派拉蒙影业副董事长罗布•摩尔(Rob Moore)表示,"我们需要制作出能在国际范围内脱颍而出的电影,这是当前解开电影制作经济迷局的唯一途径。"
The rise of the international box office has as much to do with a shifting global economy as with the evolution of the movie business. For years, Hollywood's bottom line was propped up by double-digit growth in DVD sales. From 2000 to 2005, for example, home-video sales increased by 91% in the U.S. But during the tough economy of the past two years, home video -- which used to account for the bulk of a film's profits -- fell more than 20%, according to Screen Digest U.S. Video Intelligence Service. Dwindling in-theater audiences in North America also have contributed to the shift.
