7.1 复习笔记
Ⅰ. Christianity
1. T eaching
2. The Bible
Ⅱ. The Christian Church in Britain
1. The Church of England
2. Other Church in England
Ⅲ. The Decline of Religion
Ⅳ. Superstition
Ⅰ. Christianity(基督教)
1. T eaching(教义)
Christ’s teaching was based on love: love of God, and love of our neighbor, i.e. of all our fellow-men regardless of race. Love, humility, repentance and prayer lead to everlasting happiness in Heaven.
2. The Bible(圣经)
The Bible, which is the holy book of Christianity, consists of two ‘testaments’. The Old Testament, The New Testament.perl是什么的缩写
Ⅱ. The Christian Church in Britain(英国教会)
1. The Church of England(英国教会)
The Church of England, or Anglican Church, is one of the many ‘Protestant’ sects which broke away from the more ancient and more orthodox Roman Catholic Church several centuries ago.
2. Other Church in England(英格兰的其他教会)
Roman Catholics, Presbyterian organisations, the Methodist Church, the Congregational and Baptist Churches, and many others.
removeclass 多个
Ⅲ. The Decline of Religion(宗教的衰落)
During the last century religion was very popular; during the present century it has seriously declined, and today only a minority goes to any kind of church regularly.
宗教在上个世纪很流行;在本世纪中,它已严重衰落,今天只有少数人定期去教堂。Ⅳ. Superstition(迷信)
Superstitions about how to avoid bad luck and get good luck.
7.2 课后习题详解
Ⅰ. Explain the following:
1. Christianity
【答案】(1) Christianity refers to all doctrines and religious groups based on the teaching of Jesus Christ. It was founded in the 1st century in Palestine.
(2) Jesus Christ is accepted by Christians as the son of God, and his teaching is contained in the Bible, the holy book of Christianity.
(3) In Europe, Christianity is divided into three major groups, Roman Catholic Church, Protestant Church and Orthodox Eastern Church.
2. Jesus Christ
【答案】(1) Jesus Christ was a Jew who lived in Palestine 2000 years ago and is accepted by Christians as the son of God.
(2) He was born to a virgin named Mary.
(3) His teaching was based on love: love of God, and love of our neighbour.
(4) His teaching and accounts of his life are contained in the New Testament of the Bible.
3. The Bible
【答案】(1) The Bible is the holy book of Christianity. It consists of two testaments.
(2) The Old Testament contains the Jewish writings before the coming of Christ.
(3) The much shorter New Testament contains four accounts (“gospel”) of the life of Christ, followed by the writings of the early Christians, of whom St Paul was the greatest.
4. The Church of England
【答案】(1) Also called Anglican Church, it is one of the many “Protestant” sects which broke away from Roman Catholic Church during the Religious Reformation.
(2) It is an established Church, which means that it represents the official state religion, having certain duties towards the state, and receiving certain privileges from it.
(3) Its temporal head is the Queen, and twenty-six of its highest priests sit in the House of Lords.
5. Roman Catholic Church
【答案】(1) It refers to the Christian Church headed by the Pope in Rome.
(2) All members of the Church accept gospel of Christ and the teaching of the Bible.
(3) Roman Catholics throughout the world recognize the supreme holy authority of Pope in Rome and of the Church or priesthood in general.
6. Protestant Reformation
【答案】(1) A religious movement started in 1517, when the German monk Martin Luther posted for debate a series of theses that challenged Roman Catholic teaching.
(2) Many Protestant sects broke away from the central organization of Roman Catholic Church.
(3) Most of the Protestants stressed the Bible as the source and the norm of their teaching instead of the Pope as a source of authority.
Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks:
1. In Europe, Christianity is divided into two major groups, _____ and _____.
【答案】The Catholic Church; The Protestant Church
2. The Bible consists of two parts, _____ and _____.
【答案】The Old Testament;The New Testament
3. _____ is the non-priestly head of the Church of England and _____ is the spiritual leader of the Church of England.
【答案】The Queen, The Pope
4. The Trinity, according to the Christian doctrine as developed by St Paul and the early Church, refers to the three aspects of the same one God, _____ and _____. 【答案】Jesus; Holy Spirit
5. The Church of Scotland in organization is _____.
6. _____ is the supreme holy authority of the Roman Catholic.
【答案】The Pope
7. Point out five major Protestant sects that are mentioned in the text: _____, _____, _____, _____ and _____.
【答案】The Church of England, presbyterian organisations, the Methodist Church, the Congregational, Baptist Churches.
