100 Ways to Increase Your Website Traffic
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100种增加网站流量的方法 | 100 Ways to Increase Your Website Traffic |
流量就是网络中的货币。网站流量越大,就越容易达到既定目标:赚钱,传播观点,与其他人联系互动,或是其他任何目的。 这也是为什么我要编写这么一篇100种提升网站流量方法的文章。只要运用一些(或是大部分)以下方法,保证你的流量就会大幅上升。 博客 1.添加博客到你的网站上。如果网站是静态的(Tristan:例如一个或是网上商店),考虑添加一个博客上去吧,定期更新一下内容。这样不仅能吸引回头客,还能从搜索引擎中获取更多流量。需要博客软件,当然是WordPress了。(免费又易用) 2.到其他人博客上留言。养成访问利基目标市场中的博客并留言的习惯。评论中会允许你留个链接,有些访问者也许就由此点击到你的网站了。通过访问Alltop来查看你的利基市场中都有哪些博客。 3.提交读者投稿。大部分博客都欢迎读者投稿。博主允许你投稿给他们,而且通常文章都会保留作者署名指向你的网站。把文章发给博主,看他会不会将文章作为读者投稿发表,就是这么简单。 4.赞助博客比赛。博客圈一个流行的做法是进行博客比赛。你可以去赞助一次比赛,提供奖品或奖金,博主们就会在比赛页面留一个链接指向你的网站。 5.参加博客嘉年华。博客嘉年华是指博主们聚在一起就某个话题进行写作的网上活动。嘉年华的主办方最后通常会写一篇总结文章,其中会给出文章链接指向每一个参与者,同时参与者之间通常也互相链接到对方文章页面。你可以和朋友们组织一次嘉年华,或是在BlogCarnival上一个正在举行的。 6.建立起关系网。有句俗话叫做“有本事不如认对人。”这同样也适用于网站推广,结识博主、站长交上朋友之后,他们会很乐意放上一个链接指向你的网站,并带来流量。不过在此之前你也许应该先链接到他们的网站上,或者通过e-mail联络联络感情。 订阅 7.发布RSS订阅源。发布RSS订阅源以方便读者通过RSS阅读器订阅博客。这样只要博客有更新,他们都能自动获知更新,这是一个既保证他们能阅读更新文章也促使让他们定期访问网站的好方法。 8.利用Feedburner。如果想方便管理RSS,就应该注册一个Feedburner账号。这项服务完全免费,还有许多有用的功能,比如统计订阅用户信息,拥有各种自定义选项等等功能。Feedburner还能让博客输出内容很好地和大部分浏览器以及RSS阅读器兼容,不至于因为技术原因丢失掉订阅者。 9.提供邮件订阅。许多网友还不使用RSS,提供邮件订阅就显得非常必要,幸运地是利用Feedburner很容易实现。只需在Feedburner激活“Publicize”特性,将订阅的链接粘贴复制到网站上就行了。 10.创建一个 email newsletter(邮件简报)。将邮件订阅再优化一下就可以创建email newsletter了,这样可以有效控制推送到订阅者邮箱的内容。比如定义一个自动推送的规则,将特定内容在特定时间发送到订阅者邮箱中。你需要一个邮件营销软件来实现这一功能,比如用Aweber这个软件。(Tristan:这是个付费的解决方案) 内容为王 11.爆料第一手的新闻。如果你的网站是第一个爆料的新闻源头,将会有许多谈到这件事的网站链接指向你,流量当然也就上去了。 12.写一篇有争议的文章。如果能成功写出一篇具有争议性的文章,人们在争论的时候自然会链接到你的文章,不管他们是同意你的观点,还是,大多数情况下不同意。结果当然是流量能大大增加。 13.写一个“Top 10”的列表。上网的人都喜欢“十大xx”的列表,形式简洁易懂,又能包含有效的信息。(比如十大xx资源,十大tips等等) 14.写一个“Top 100”的列表。如果“Top 10”的列表能带来很大流量的话,“Top 100”肯定更加有用。这篇文章就是一个例子。因为这类文章能聚合总结出有价值东西,人们会很自然地在书签中标记这篇文章,并分享它。 15.写一篇做某事的“通用教程”。人们乐意学习新事物,尤其是能够解决他们问题的技巧。确保你的教程尽可能详尽,访问者会蜂拥而至的。 16.发布一篇采访。如果被访者有个博客或网站的话效果会更好,对方会给个链接到访谈文章,他的访问者也就点击过来了。 17.利用节日或是定期性盛会作为话题。写一些和节日或是定期举行的盛会相关的内容,流量也会大增。比如关于圣诞,选举,奥运会,世界杯等等节日和活动。 链接诱饵 18.创建一个测试。人们都喜欢做测试(Tristan:这里指那种游戏性质的测试),如果能想出一个有趣的测试,访问者不仅自己乐意做,也会分享给他们的朋友,这样流量也会增加。到ProProfs可以方便地创建测试。 19.写一个排行榜。比如,发布一个“50个最热辣的女企业家”,这样的排行榜正好利用人们好奇带来大量流量。 20.写一个网站排行。与前一个策略相似,写一个网站的排行榜,比如“25个最好的减肥博客”。被提到网站的站长肯定愿意给一个链接指向这篇文章(Tristan:如果你能和他们取得联系告诉他们这个排行榜,效果更佳,流量更大)。 21.贴一张搞笑的图片。结束忙碌的一天,人们也许都只想好好点乐子轻松轻松。贴一张搞笑的图片就能满足大家愿望了,同时还能增加流量。上哪儿图片去呢?看看Reddit上的Pics section吧。 22.创建一个信息图表。如果你有创意也喜欢做调查,可以尝试创建一个信息图表,这也是吸引别人链接和流量的好办法。点击这里有教程帮助你创建一个。 免费策略 23.发布一本电子书。这是获取流量最有效的方法之一。写一本能吸引人的电子书,放到网站上;给利基市场中的博主和站长们发一封邮件通知,附上直接下载的地址。书中的信息越有用,就有更多的人分享评论,流量也就更多。 24.创建一个免费的CSS模板。CSS模板在网络上很流行,提交模板到CSS目录中,总会有许多人会使用。在页脚放一个链接指向你的网站,肯定会获得一些流量。 25.写一个免费的WordPress主题。你也可以直接将CSS模板转化成一个WordPress主题(或者从头开始创建一个新的主题)。WordPress有着上百万的用户,提交你的主题到目录(包括官方主题目录)后总会有许多人下载你的主题。 26.制作一份备忘单。备忘单在网上很流行,你能制作一个的话肯定会发现访问者大幅增加。想参考范例的话,可以看看这篇列举了超过30个网络开发备忘单的文章。 27.提供网页设计的资源。网页设计社区是网络上最活跃的社区之一,为他们提供资源是增加流量的好办法。比如提供图标集,字体,纹理,Photoshop画笔等等类似的资源。 举办比赛活动 28.发起一个RT(转发)的比赛。发起一个活动,人们需要转发比赛的页面来获得随机抽奖的机会,奖项可以是现金,产品,或是赞助商提供的服务。根据奖品大小,一段时间后就能看到病毒式转发的次数多少。 29.发起一个留言大赛。除转发之外的另一种抽奖形式是通过人们在比赛文章后面留下评论来获得机会。因为RSS读者以及邮件订阅读者要到网站上发表留言,无疑会增加访问量,同时也会激发他们更多地到文章页面发表评论。 30.进行一个评论写作比赛。想要提升网站Google排名的话,可以试着举办一次写作大赛,参赛者需要写一篇和大赛主题相关的文章来获得评比的机会。这样获得的外链不仅带来PR权重,还有新的访问者。不过需要注意的是奖品需要有足够吸引力来让参赛者愿意写与主题相关的文章。 31.举办一次投票比赛。你需要做的仅仅是在比赛中用投票表决的方法选出获胜者。比如你有一个关于健身的网站,你可以邀请读者提交他们认为最好的健身小技巧,然后由读者投票表决出胜者得奖。这样做能让参与者链接到投票的页面,然后邀请他们的朋友访问并投票。 32.流量竞赛。如果流量就是你想要的,为什么不把比赛标准直接与之挂钩呢?比赛中要求参赛者直接引导流量到网站的特定页面,可以是比赛的页面(以达到病毒传播的效果)或是资源页面(比如提供电子书的页面)。在设定好时间期限(比如2周,1个月或是其他)之后,只要查看网站的流量分析,看哪个网站带来了最多的访问者,就能决定谁获奖了。 多媒体 33.视频初体验。你也许听说过,视频已经是现今互联网的一大基础应用了,但如果还没有尝试用它来做宣传的话,就可以动手了。可以先简单体验一下,就在摄像头前录制下一段讲话(当然所谈内容要吸引访问者,而不是泛泛而谈)。 34.录制屏幕演示。当操作电脑时,把屏幕录制下来制作成吸引人的视频,是非常有效的方法。例如,可以用这个方法来教别人如何进行电脑的某个操作或者怎样在网上完成某个任务。可以使用这个免费软件CamStudio来录制屏幕演示。 35.提交视频到各大网站。准备好视频之后,就可以在尽可能多的网站上提交传播了,不要只想到YouTube哦。幸运的是有个网站能帮你节约很多时间,TubeMogul,能自动为你完成提交的过程。 36.制作一个播客。这个方法可能成为优质流量来源的主要原因在于播客领域的竞争特别小。也就是说,只要稍微投入一些精力,你的播客就能很快成为利基市场中的领跑者。所需要做的仅仅用一个USB麦克风来开始录制。 37.发布采访音频。我们已经知道采访专家是个获取流量的好办法。除了文字采访,你还可以发布采访音频。Skype使得录制音频也很简单,只要到一个能录制Skype对话的软件就行了。PowerGramo的免费版就能做到。 社会化书签网站 38.人顶你的文章。如果你的朋友正在用Stumble Upon,请他们帮忙顶一下你最好的文章。这样像滚雪球一样,顶的人越来越多,就能让更多人看到,同时可能就有其他人喜欢,从而带来大量流量。 39.争取挤上Digg首页。想上Digg首页自然很难,不过却值得一试,一旦成功,迎接你的将是成千上万次的访问。首先要成为Digg的活跃用户,尽可能地添加好友并观察什么样的文章最能在上面流行。做好之前两步之后,就让朋友提交一篇你最好的文章,并发动朋友网络一起去顶它。 40.提交文章到Reddit上面。如果在Digg上的努力失败了,就在Reddit上再试试。和Digg的原理类似,Reddit不过规模小一点,却有一个友好的社区,也许你的文章在那里比较容易受欢迎。发布搞笑类,科技类和政治类的文章到Reddit上都是比较合适的。 41.让访问者用 Delicious分享文章。发布一些教程类,“如何做”的文章,会在Delicious上获得大量访问。在文章后面添加一个Delicious分享按钮,然后发动朋友在第一时间帮忙收藏到Delicious上,如果在短时间内能够获得足够多分享的话,就可能被推荐到Delicious的首页上去。 42.添加社会化分享书签到网站上。想被分享和收藏得更多的话就添加更多的分享书签到网站上。使用这个工具自动生成书签分享的图标,然后粘贴代码到网站上就可以了。 43.尝试利基市场中的社会化书签分享网站。上面提到的四个书签分享网站都是网上最大的几个,但是还有众多小规模的分享网站,关注某个利基市场的书签分享网站仍能够给你带来许多流量。这里就有一张列举了83个利基书签分享网站的列表,加入一个和利基市场相关的网站,看看能带来多少流量。 社会化网络 44.在尽可能多的社交网络上创建个人资料页面。在社交网络上创建个人资料页时,通常可以添加自己网址。这不仅是构建外链的机会,还能带来流量(一是因为看到资料页而来的访问者,二是页面上的链接带给网站的权重link juice)。Mashable上有350多个社交网络的列表,好好利用吧。 45.使用Facebook。想在社交网络上获得流量,必须得在Facebook上露个脸才行。最起码也得创建一个账户,和尽可能多的人建立起关系。这样才可能在Facebook上添加有链接的文章时获得流量。 46.创建Facebook粉丝页面。另一个充分利用Facebook的方法就是创建粉丝页面。粉丝页面专门针对你的网站,访问者可以成为粉丝,发表评论等等。这里有一个教程可以 帮你创建第一个粉丝页面。 47.在网站上添加Facebook的”Like”按钮。Facebook最近推出了“Like”按钮,嵌入网站后,用户能通过Facebook账号分享评论。添加这个按钮也只是复制粘贴几段代码的功夫,可以在这个页面获得代码。 48.使用Twitter。另一个必须使用的社会化网络是Twitter。可以为自己创建账号,或者直接为网站创建账号,发布的内容可以是最近博客更新的链接,也可以是网上所有相关的内容。 49.在网站上添加Tweetmeme按钮。添加Tweetmeme按钮让访问者只需要点击一下就能分享文章,这样可以增加从Twitter来的流量。 50.探寻利基社会化网络。也许从利基社会化网络上获得的流量根本不能和从Facebook或Twitter相比,但还是应该尝试一下,因为从这种网站来的流量会更具针对性和目标性。这里是一个根据利基划分的233个社会化网站。 网站优化 51.自定义你的404错误页面。无论你是否乐意见到,总会有访问者在网站上被带到404错误页面。或许是拼错了URL地址,或许是被链接到了网站不存在的页面,或是其他原因。如果使用默认的404页面,访问者立马就转到其他网站去了。但如果优化一下404页面,添加有用的链接,或许就能将他们引导到网站其他页面了,也算是增加了流量。 52.网页之间互相链接。这个方法在两个方面增加访问量,首先访问者查看网站更方便,增加每个页面访问数量。同时,也能提升网站搜索排名,因为link juice将更加广泛地分配给整个网站。 53.突出最受欢迎的内容。人们在访问一个网站时都想知道哪个是最热门的。突出最受欢迎的内容并推荐给读者,能从每个访问者那儿得到更多页面访问量。最简单的方法就是在侧边栏上添加“热门文章”。 54.在不同浏览器中测试网站。如果网站在访问者的浏览器中不能正常显示,他们会毫不犹豫地放弃访问。这就是为什么得确认网站在大部分浏览器中能正常显示的原因。在线服务能够帮你检测,而且完全免费。 55.加速网站。许多研究已经证实大部分互联网用户只能忍受几秒钟的网页加载时间,如果迟迟不能显示,大部分人都会立马转向其他网站。更为重要的是现在搜索引擎开始把加载速度作为影响排名的因素了,加载越快,排名自然更高。想提速第一步就应该减少网页上不必要的元素,缩小图片大小。使用Firefox的Firebug扩展可以对分析加载速度提供更多的细节。 56.提供缓存页面服务。一个有效减少加载时间的方法是提供缓存页服务。同时还可以减少web服务器负载,使网站反应更快。WordPress用户可使用WP Super Cache的插件来实现。 57.寻一个优秀的主机托管方案。无论怎么优化网站,如果托管方案一开始就很一般的话,加载网页仍旧会很缓慢。所以应该远离免费或廉价的托管主机。每个月投资$10到高质量主机上是必须的。 搜索引擎优化 58.创造原创内容。想从搜索引擎获得流量,就该把所有时间集中在一件事上,努力添加原创内容。这是Google和公司都最为看重的,原创内容越多,更新越频繁,效果越好。 59.构建反向链接。想提升搜索排名获得自然流量第二重要的事是构建反向链接。需要有尽可能多的网站链接到你的网站,链接的权威性和相关性越高,效果越好。比如你有一个科技类博客,获得从TechCrunch或者其他权威科技博客的链接将会对SEO有着奇迹般的作用。 60.实施关键词研究。搜索引擎围绕关键词工作,了解人们使用什么关键词才能调整内容与之相匹配。比如,关键词“funny pictures”(搞笑图片)的搜索量是“funny images”(搞笑图像)的15倍,所以在标题中使用“funny pictures”更有帮助。使用谷歌AdWords关键词工具可以查询任何关键词的搜索量。 61.优化网页标题。网页标题是指网页的标题部分,位于HTML代码头部的标签<title></title>之间,访问网页时出现在浏览器顶端标题栏中。这是一项非常重要的页面SEO因素。应该确认网站每个网页都有独特的网页标题,而且关键词要出现在其中。WordPress用户可以装All in One SEO Pack的插件来自动实现。 62.创建一个HTML网站地图。一个HTML网站地图是一个链接到其他所有页面的网页(最好是也被其他所有网页链接)。HTML网站地图帮助搜索引擎抓取和索引网站,提高搜索排名。 63.使用图片。大多数站长都忘记了Google有个非常受欢迎的“图片搜索”,这意味着在网页中使用图片也可以增加从搜索引擎来的流量。确保利用相关关键词优化好图片的名字,记着在图片中经常使用ALT和TITLE属性。在网站sxc.hu上可以到成千上万的版权免费图片。 64.翻译网站内容。根据网站的主题,翻译网站成其他语言网页可能在搜索引擎中获得倍增的流量。想达到这个目标还需要一个能使搜索引擎索引翻译后网页的插件。WordPres用户可以使用这个Global Translator。 移动设备 65.创建一个适合移动设备的网站版本。随着越来越多人使用移动设备访问网站,拥有一个能适应这些新平台的移动版将变得非常重要。使用WordPress的话可以添加一个WPTouch的插件自动生成一个移动版的网站。 66.为网站创建一个iPhone应用。iPhone被认为是最流行的智能手机,尽管有争议,它的大部分用户都非常依赖其应用程序来管理自己的内容。如果能创建一个iPhone应用来展示网站内容,不仅能获得新的读者,也可以让既有的读者在iPhone上更方便地阅读。有一个开源项目可以免费帮助你创建。 67.为网站创建一个Android应用。Google的手机操作系统Android,正在智能手机领域迅速扩展,所以也应该为其创建一个应用。不过这个需要掌握一些编程知识。 网上论坛 68.加入网上论坛,在签名中放一个网站链接。不论网站主题是什么,总能到许多相关论坛加入。大部分会允许放一个链接在签名档中,利用这个也能将访问者送到你的网站上。需要寻网络论坛的话,可以使用Big-Boards,它的数据库中有以类别划分的数以千计的论坛。 69.在帖子中链接到你的文章。除了在签名中放一个链接,发帖时也可以插入一个链接指向你文章。比如写了一篇对论坛其他成员非常有用的文章,就可以发一个帖子让他们知道,并请求反馈。不过得保证文章的相关性,不然会被标记为一个spammer垃圾制造者。 70.加入Craigslist论坛。浏览Craigslist(Tristan:网上最流行的分类广告网站)时,会发现每个城市都有一个“论坛”分区。可以在那儿发文章,添加到你网站的链接,只要和讨论相关就行。 71.考虑在网站上添加论坛。一旦网站达到一个临界用户水平(比如每日独立访问者5000或以上),就可以考虑在网站上添加论坛了。这将给访问者一个提问题和分享内容的平台,同时也增加流量。可以使用phpBB这个可靠和免费的论坛软件。 内容聚合 72.在Squidoo上创建“lenses”。在Squidoo上每个“lens”都是关于某个主题的概述简介页面。创建lenses是免费的,可以把任何内容放进去,记得把网站链接也插进去。 73.在HubPages上创建“hub”。和Squidoo很相似的一个网站叫做“HubPages”。可以创建关于特定主题的“hubs”,当然可以放网站链接在里面。不过需要阅读一下网站指南,确保你的hubs能够被发布。 74.在雅虎问答上回答问题。花点时间看看雅虎问答上的问题,只要遇到和你网站主题相关的问题就去回答。可以在回答中提供一个网站的链接作为参考资料,或者直接提供你网站上能回答这个问题的具体文章链接。 75.回答LinkedIn上的问题。LinkedIn Answers是另外一个问答平台,你可以回答其他用户的问题,提供一个网站或文章的链接。记住主题要相关,围绕职业提供吸引人的业务答案。 传统方法 76.提交网站到网页目录。这个方法能取得的流量取决于能收录你网站的网页目录的质量。但如果能提交到几百个目录中,也能获得可观流量。这里有一个列表提供了根据PR排序的几百个网页目录。 77.提交博客到博客目录。有博客的话也可以提交到博客目录中(就是那些只收录博客的目录)。可以从这篇文章列举的50个目录开始。 78.提交内容到文章目录。通过文章营销是一个增加流量非常普遍和有效的方法。所需要做的只是把文章提交到文章目录中。几乎所有的文章目录网站都允许插入一个指向你网站的链接,这样就能增加流量了。这个列表列举了50个最受欢迎的文章目录网站。 79.交换链接。交换链接的做法在网络出现的时候就存在了,之所以长盛不衰就因为它非常有用。应该注意的是要只和那些有原创内容和对访问者有用的网站交换链接(否则可能受到Google惩罚)。 80.利用广告交换。另外一个相似的做法是利用广告交换。你拿未使用的广告位来推广合作伙伴的网站,而对方也这么做。广告可以是任何形式的,从横幅广告到邮件通讯中的推广信息。 81.分发新闻稿。写一篇新闻稿并到处分发也可以带来一些流量,尤其是关于你的领域里面的新消息。既可以付费给像PRWeb这样的公司来替你代劳,也可以手动提交新闻稿(这里有50个网站可以去提交) 82.把网站链接添加到的签名当中。仍是现在使用最广泛的交流方式,因此你可以利用它来让你的联系人都知道你的网站。 付费方法 83.Google AdWords。PPC(Pay-per-click,按点击数付费)广告形式是为网站购买流量最有效的方式,Google AdWords又是网上最大的网络平台。创建账户是免费的,之后就要给需要的关键词出价了。根据你确定的利基市场,是可能以很低的价格买到点击量的。 84.Facebook广告。替代Google AdWords的最佳广告平台就是Facebook的了。可以按照每次点击或是每1000次展示来付费,而且还可以设定具体的目标受众作为广告对象,以确保访问者会对你的内容感兴趣。 85.StumbleUpon公司的广告。如果你的网站在社会化媒体上表现良好的话就可以尝试一下StumbleUpon公司的广告。你的网站(或是某个具体页面)将会以$0.05每次展示的价格显示给StumbleUpon用户。如果众多用户积极投票给你提供的内容,还能获得一些免费的流量。 86.Reddit的赞助商链接。另一个能购买广告的社会化书签网站是Reddit。你创建的赞助商链接将会作为特内容出现在主页上,然后Reddit用户将能投票让他上升会下跌。 87.直接购买横幅广告(banner ads)。事实上,所有的站长都愿意出售横幅广告。如果能到一个和自己网站非常相关的网站,可以直接联系站长询问一下横幅广告的价格。这样的投资回报率可能很高,因为访问者可能留在你的网站上,成为忠实读者。 88.从第三方广告平台购买横幅广告。网上有广告平台可以通过支付包月费帮你购买横幅广告。BuySellAds就是一个拥有众多网站可投放的广告平台。 89.购买付费评论。有时付费评论对提升流量非常有用,因为你的网站将直接展示在文章当中(也就是说,链接将会直接展示在其他网站读者面前)。买付费评论可以直接联系站长,也可以通过SponsoredReviews这样的专业网站(确保赞助链接有nofollow属性,不然可能受到Google惩罚)。 线下推广方法 90.告诉你的朋友和家人你的网站。这些人肯定会对你的网站感兴趣,并点击过去,而且要是内容经常更新的话,他们也很可能继续过去看看。 91.把你的网站告诉你的同事。这是另外一会对你的网站感兴趣并经常访问的人。要是你的网站和工作有关的话,效果将更好。 92.把网址添加到名片上。要是经常给人名片的话,可以考虑把网站链接放上去。商业伙伴毕竟还是可能感兴趣的。 93.把网址印在T恤上。现在购买定制的T恤很方便也很便宜,穿上印有你网站的T恤将是把网站传播出去很好的办法。 94.制作印有网址的贴纸并在周围到处贴上。想来点游击式推广方法的话,可以制作一些带有网址的贴纸,并在周边到处贴。汽车啊,窗户啊,电脑上,都可以贴上。 95.在当地报纸上打广告。根据网站的利基市场,在当地的报纸上打广告会是不错的投资方式。比如,你要是有个关于当地新闻事件的博客,在当地报纸上打广告将给你带来一些新读者。 非常规方法 96.想一个有创意的愚人节恶作剧。四月一号互联网也活跃异常,许多公司和站长都会想出有趣的恶作剧。你要是也能想出一个有创意的恶作剧的话,其他人就可能给你一个链接,从而带来流量。你可以看看TechCrunch总结的2010年度创意恶作剧来灵感。 97.把你用过的任何电脑的主页都设置为你的网站。如果能一直坚持下去的话,也会带来不少的流量。例如,在学校,工作,图书馆等地方只要你用过某个电脑就把它的主页设置为你的网站。 98.在电脑商店中导航到你的网站。这个方法能来带很大流量,而且肯定还是个有趣的方法。只要你走到一个展示有电脑的商店,就去启动浏览器并打开你的网页,这样走过的人就会看到了。 99.把你的网站放在出售名单上。即使不打算卖掉网站,也可以放上去试试。感兴趣的买家会访问你的网站,这就是获得流量的方法。如果能放在一些大型交易网站上,比如Flippa,还可能获得上千的访问者(也许还有不错的报价!)。 100.假装受到黑客攻击。每次当某个网站或博客被黑的时候,在博主和站长们的社区里都会引起不小的骚动。如果你能假装受到黑客攻击了(比如在主页上放一段奇怪的信息),就会得到许多反向链接和一次流量的暴涨。但是,如果被他们发现是恶作剧的话,人们可能会很生气。 来源 编译:Tristan | Traffic is the currency of the web. The more traffic your website has, the easier it will be to achieve your objective, be it to make money, to spread your ideas, to connect with other people or anything else. That is why we decided to create a compilation with 100 ways you can use to increase your website traffic. Apply some (or most) of them and we are sure your numbers will go up! Blogs 1. Add a blog to your website. If your website is static (e.g., a corporate site or an online store), consider adding a blog to it, where you’ll write new content regularly. This will give your visitors a reason to come back, and your search engine traffic will increase too. If you need a blog software, check out WordPress (it is free and easy to use). 2. Leave comments on other blogs. Develop the habit of visiting blogs inside your niche and leaving comments on them. You can include a link to your website on each comment, and some visitors will certainly come through those links. You can use Alltop to find blogs in any niche. 3. Write guest posts. Most blogs accept guest posts. That is, they allow you to write a post for them, and usually the post carries an author byline with a link to your website. Simply send your article to the blog owner and ask whether or not he wants to publish it as a guest post. 4. Sponsor blog contests. Another common practice around the blogosphere are contests. You can sponsor one by donating products or money, and the blogger will link to your website from the contest page. 5. Join a blog carnival. Blog carnivals are online events where bloggers get together to write about one specific topic. The host of the carnival will them write a round-up post linking to all the participant entries, and participants usually link to each others’ entries as well. You can organize one with your friends, or browse for existing ones at BlogCarnival. 6. Network, network, network. Ever heard the saying “it is not about what you know, but who you know”? It applies to promoting a website as well. If you become a friend with a blogger or website owner, he will be much more likely to link to your website and send traffic your way. A good way to achieve this is to link to other bloggers first and to establish a relationship via email. Subscribers 7. Publish an RSS feed. Once you publish an RSS feed your visitors will be able to subscribe to your website using an RSS reader. After that whenever you publish new content they will receive it automatically, which is a great way to keep these visitors engaged with your content and visiting your website regularly. 8. Use Feedburner. If you want to get the most out of your RSS feed you should sign-up for a Feedburner account. It is completely free, and you’ll get a wide range of features, including statistics about your subscribers, customization options and so on. Feedburner will also make your RSS feed compatible with most browsers and RSS readers, so you won’t lose any subscribers due to technical problems. 9. Offer email subscriptions. Many Internet users still don’t use RSS, so offering an email subscription to your content is a must. Fortunately it is very easy to do this once you have a Feedburner account. You just need to activate this feature under “Publicize,” and then copy and paste the subscription link on your website. 10. Create an email newsletter. You can take your email subscription option one step further and create an email newsletter. This will give you more control regarding the messages you send to your subscribers. For example, you could create an auto-responder sequence, sending specific messages at specific time intervals to your new subscribers. You’ll need an email marketing software to manage your newsletter, and you can use Aweber for that (it is a paid solution). Content is King 11. Break a news story. If your website is the first to talk about a news story it will receive many links from other sites who will cover it as well, and your traffic will increase as a result. 12. Write a controversial article. If you manage to write something controversial, people will talk about and link to your article, either because they agree with you or, most likely, because they disagree. The result will be a lot of traffic. 13. Write a “Top 10″ list. Internet users love “Top 10″ lists, because they are easy to digest and contain useful stuff (i.e., 10 resources, 10 tips, and so on). 14. Write a “Top 100″ list. If “Top 10″ lists are good for traffic generation, “Top 100″ ones are great. This article is an example. People will bookmark and share your “Top 100″ list naturally because of the value it packs together. 15. Write a “Definitive guide” to something. People love to learn new things, especially if such things will solve some of their problems. Make sure to make your guide as complete as possible, and visitors will flock to read it. 16. Publish an interview. This strategy works even better if the interviewee has a blog or website, as he might link to the interview and send his readers to your site. 17. Leverage holidays and seasonal events. You can drastically increase your traffic if you publish content related to big holidays and seasonal events. Examples include Christmas, elections, Olympic games, the World Cup and so on. Linkbaits 19. Create a quiz. People love quizzes, and if you create an interesting one your traffic might increase as visitors both take the quiz and share the results with their friends. You can use ProProfs to create your quiz. 19. Create a ranking of people. For example, publish a ranking with the “50 Hottest Female Entrepreneurs.” Such rankings tend to get a lot of traffic because it plays with people’s ego. 20. Create a ranking of websites. A similar strategy is to create a ranking of websites, say the “25 Best Weight Loss Blogs.” The owners of the sites mentioned are likely to link to your article (especially if you contact them to let them know about it, thus sending your traffic. 21. Publish a funny image. At the end of the day, people just want to have a good laugh. Publishing a funny image is a good way to help them with that, and it might increase your traffic at the same time. Want some inspiration? Check the Pics section on Reddit. 22. Create an infographic. If you are creative and like to research, then you should try creating infographics, as they tend to attract many links and traffic. Here is a tutorial that will help you to create one. Freebies 23. Release an eBook. This is one of the most efficient ways to generate traffic. Simply write a compelling eBook, and then release it on your website. Include a direct download link, and email bloggers and webmasters in your niche to let them know about it. The better the information in your eBook, the more people will share and recommend it, and the more traffic you’ll gain. 24. Create a free CSS template. CSS templates are very popular around the web, and if you submit yours to CSS directories many people will end up using it. Include a footer link to your website and you’ll surely get some traffic. 25. Create a free WordPress theme. You can also transform your CSS template into a WordPress theme (or create a new theme from scratch). WordPress is used by millions of users, and many people will download your theme if you submit it to directories (including the Official Themes Directory). 26. Release a cheat sheet. Cheat sheets are very popular on the web, and if you create one you’ll certainly see a bump in the number of website visits. If you want to see some examples, check this article listing 25 useful cheat sheets for web developers. 27. Create web design resources. The web design community is one of the most active online, and creating resources for them is a good way to increase your traffic. Examples include icon sets, fonts, textures, Photoshop brushes and the like. Contests 28. Launch a retweet contest. You can launch a contest where people need to retweet the contest page in order to get an entry to the random draw. The prize can be either money or products and services from your sponsors. Depending on the size of your prize the retweets could go viral after a while. 29. Launch a comment contest. An alternative contest format is to ask people to leave a comment on your contest post in order to get an entry. This will increase your traffic because your RSS and email subscribers will need to visit your website to leave a comment, and it will stimulate them to comment on your posts more often. 30. Launch a review contest. If you want to increase your search rankings you could launch a contest where people need to write about the content in order to get an entry. The links you’ll get will send you both Google juice and new visitors. Keep in mind that you need a good prize to motivate people to write about your contest though. 31. Launch a voting contest. You basically need to create a contest where the winner will be picked with a voting session. Suppose you have a fitness website. You could invite your readers to submit their best fitness tip, and then a voting session would decide which tip gets the prize. This would motivate participants to link to the voting session and to encourage their friends to visit your website and vote. 32. Launch a traffic contest. If traffic is what you want, why not be direct about it? You can launch a contest where people need to send traffic to one particular page inside your website. It could be the contest page (for a viral effect) or a resource page (e.g., a page where you give away an ebook). After the established time frame (e.g., 2 weeks, 1 month or anything else), you’ll simply need to check your web analytics to see which websites sent you more visitors, and then award the prizes. Multimedia 33 Experiment with video. As you probably heard, video is huge on the web right now. If you are not experimenting with it yet, you should. If you want to do something simple, just record yourself talking in front of the web cam (obviously what you are talking about should be interesting to your visitors, as opposed to some general rambling). 34. Create screencasts. A very efficient way to create compelling videos is to record your computer screen while you perform some task. For instance, you could use it teach other people how to use the computer or how to do things on the Internet. You can use a free software called CamStudio to create your screencasts. 35. Submit your videos to multiple sites. Once you have your videos ready to go, you should spread them on as many video websites as possible, and not just on YouTube. Luckily there is a site that can help you do that without spending too much time at it. It is called TubeMogul, and it automates much of the submission process for you. 36. Launch a podcast. This could be a good traffic generator for one main reason: there isn’t much competition out there as far as podcasts go. In other words, as long as you put some effort into it, your podcast could become the leader inside your niche quite fast. All you need is a USB microphone to start recording. 37. Release audio interviews. We already mentioned that interviews are good for traffic. Apart from text interviews, however, you can also release audio interviews. Skype makes it really easy to record one. You’ll just need to use a software to record your Skype conversation. PowerGramo has a free version that works well. Social Bookmarking Sites 38. Get people to stumble your articles. If you have friends using Stumble Upon, ask them to stumble your best articles. This should get the ball rolling, and if other Stumble Upon users like your content it might receive a lot of traffic from it. 39. Try to reach Digg’s front page. Reaching Digg‘s front page is quite difficult, but it is worth a try, because once you manage it you’ll receive tens of thousands of visitors. You should start by becoming an active Digg user, trying to make as many friends as possible and to understand the kind of content that works there. Once you have these two things, get a friend to submit one of your best stories, and get your network of contacts to vote on it. 40. Submit your content to Reddit. If you fail to get success with Digg, try Reddit. It works in a similar way, but it is smaller and has a more friendly community, so your content might do better there. Funny stuff, technology and politics are topics particularly suitable for the site. 41. Get your visitors to bookmark your articles on Delicious. If you publish many how-to articles and tutorials, Delicious could be a good traffic generator for your website. Simply add a Delicious icon below your articles, try to get some friends to bookmark your articles as soon as they get published. If you get enough bookmarks in a short period of time your article might get promoted to Delicious front page. 42. Include social bookmarking icons on your site. You can increase the number of votes and bookmarks you’ll get by including social bookmarking icons on your site. You can use this generator to create the icons automatically and paste the code on your website. 43. Try niche social bookmarking sites. The four social bookmarking sites mentioned above are the largest ones on the web, but there is also a wide range of smaller, niche focused bookmarking sites that can send you some traffic. Here is a list with 83 of them. Simply join the ones related to your niche and check how much traffic they can send you. Social Networks 44. Create a profile on most social networks. When you create a profile on a social network, you are usually able to include the URL of your website. Guess what? This is a link building opportunity, and it might increase your traffic (both because of the visitors you’ll get and because of the link juice). Mashable has a list with over 350 social networks, so use that to get started. 45. Start using Facebook. If you want to generate social media traffic, you must have a presence on Facebook. The very least you should do is to create an account there and network with as many people as possible. After you’ll be able to generate traffic by posting links to your website on your Facebook stream. 46. Create a Facebook fan page. Another great way to leverage Facebook is to create a Fan page. This is basically a page dedicated to your website, where your visitors can become fans, leave comments and so on. Here is a tutorial to help you create your first Fan page. 47. Include a Facebook “Like” button on your site. Facebook recently introduced the “Like” button, which you can embed on your site to let your users share your content through their Facebook accounts. Getting the button is just a matter of copying and pasting some lines of code. Here is the page where you can get it. 48. Start using Twitter. Another must have social network is Twitter. You can create an account for yourself, or one for your website directly, where you’ll post updates with links to your recent posts and related content from around the web. 49. Include a Tweetmeme button on your site. By including a Tweetmeme button on your website you’ll allow your visitors to retweet your posts and pages with a single click, which can increase the traffic you’ll receive from Twitter. 50. Explore niche social networks. You problably won’t get as much traffic from niche social networks as you will from Facebook and Twitter. But you should still give them a shot, because the traffic will be much more targeted. Here is a list with 233 social networks divided by niche. Website Optimization 51. Customize your 404 error page. Whether you like it or not people will get 404 errors on your website. Maybe they will misspell your URLs, maybe someone will link to an inexistent page inside your website, and so on. If you use a normal 404 error page, visitors will simply move on to another website. If you customize your 404 error page to include some useful links, however, you’ll channel these visitors to other parts of your site, thus increasing your traffic. 52. Interlink your pages. This strategy will increase your traffic in two ways. First of all it will allow your visitors to explore your website more easily, increasing the number of pages views per visit. Secondly, it will also improve your search rankings because your link juice will be distributed among all pages of your website. 53. Highlight your most popular content. People like to know “what is hot” when they are visiting a website. You can increase the number of page views you’ll get per visitor if you highlight your popular content and encourage them to read it. The easiest way to achieve this is to create a “Popular Articles” section on your sidebar. 54. Test your website in different browsers. If web users can’t visualize your website properly they’ll just move on to another site. That is why you need to make sure that your site works fine on the most popular browsers. There is an online service called that can help you with that, and it is completely free. 55. Speed up your website. There are many research papers confirming that most Internet users will only wait a couple of seconds for a web page to load. If it doesn’t, they will close it and move to another website. On top of that search engines also use the loading speed as a ranking factor, so the faster your site loads, the higher your search rankings. The first thing you should do to improve your loading speed is to remove unnecessary elements from your site and to reduce the size of your images. You can use the Firebug extension for Firefox to perform a more detailed analysis of your loading speed. 56. Serve cached pages. A very efficient way to improve the loading speed of your pages is to serve cached versions to your visitors. This will also reduce the load on your web server, and make your site more responsive. WordPress users can install a plugin called WP Super Cache to achieve this. 57. Get a decent hosting plan. No matter how much your optimize your website, however, it will still load slowly if your hosting plan is mediocre to begin with. That is why you should stay away from free and cheap web hosts. Investment $10 per month to get a quality hosting plan is a must. Search Engine Optimization 58. Create unique content. If you want to receive search engine traffic and only had time to work on one thing, you should work on creating unique content for your website. This is what Google and company values most. The more unique content you have, and the more frequently you publish new stuff, the better. 59. Build backlinks. The second most important thing you can do to improve your search rankings and receive organic traffic is to build backlinks. That is, you need to have as many websites linking to you as possible. The higher the quality and relevancy of these links, the better. If you have a tech blog, for example, getting a link from TechCrunch or some other authoritative tech site would do wonders to your SEO. 60. Perform keyword research. Search engines work around keywords, and if you understand the keywords that people use you can tailor your content to match that. For example, the term “funny pictures” is 15 times more searched than the term “funny images,” so you probably should use that in a post title . You can use the Google AdWords Keyword Tool to discover the search volume of any keyword. 61. Optimize your title tags. The title tag is the title of your pages. It goes inside the <title></title> tags in the header of your HTML code, and it is displayed on top of the browser when visiting your page. This is a very important on-page SEO factor. You should make sure that you have a unique title tag on each page of your site, and that your main keywords are present there. WordPress users can install the All in One SEO Pack plugin to achieve this automatically. 62. Build an HTML sitemap. An HTML sitemap is basically a page inside your website linking to all other pages (and preferably being linked from all other pages too). The HTML sitemap helps search engines to crawl and index your website, thus increasing your search rankings. 63 Use images. Most webmasters forget that Google has a feature called “Image search,” which is quite popular. This means that by using images inside your pages you can increase the amount of search engine traffic you get. Just make sure to optimize the name of your images with relevant keywords, and always include an ALT and a TITLE attribute in your image tags. You can use the sxc.hu website to find thousands of royalty free images to use on your website. 64. Translate your content. Depending on the topic of your website, translating your pages into other languages could multiply your search engine traffic. In order to achieve this you need a plugin that will get your translated pages indexed by search engines. WordPress users can use one called Global Translator. Mobile 65. Create a mobile version of your website. As more and more users start accessing the web through mobile devices, it becomes important to have a version of your website that works perfectly these new platforms. If you are using WordPress you can install a plugin called WPTouch to create a mobile version automatically. 66. Create an iPhone app for your website. iPhone is arguable the most popular smartphone around, and most of its users rely heavily on apps to consume their content. If you create an iPhone app to display the content of your website you could both get new readers and allow your current ones to read your stuff on their iPhones. There is an open source project that will help you do this for free. 67. Create an Android app for your website. Google’s mobile operating system, called Android, is quickly catching up, so you could create a website app for it as well. You’ll need some coding knowledge for this though. Online Forums 68. Join online forums and put a link to your website in your signature. Regardless of the topic of your website, you’ll certainly find dozens of related online forums to join. Most of them allow you to put a link in your signature, and you can use that to send visitors to your own website. If you need help to find online forums, check Big-Boards, as they have a database of thousands of forums divided by categories. 69. Link to your articles from post threads. Apart from putting a link to your website in your signature, you can also link to your articles when writing forum posts. For example, if you just wrote a post that is useful to other forum members, you could start a thread letting them know about it, and asking for feedback. Just make sure to do this when your article is relevant, else you might get flagged as a spammer. 70. Join the Craigslist forums. If you browse on Craigslist (the most popular classifieds site on the web) you’ll notice that inside each city there is a “Discussion forums” section. You can write posts there, and include links to your website whenever relevant to the discussion. 71. Consider adding a Forum to your site. Once your website reach a critical mass of users (i.e., 5,000 daily unique visitors or more) you could consider adding a Forum to it. This will give your visitors a place to ask questions and contribute content, while increasing your traffic. phpBB is a reliable and free Forum software you can use. Content Hubs 72. Create “lenses” on Squidoo. Each “lens” on Squidoo is an overview page about a specific topic. Creating lenses is free, and you can include any kind of information on them, including links to your own website. 73. Create a “hub” on HubPages. A very similar site is called HubPages. You can create “hubs” about specific topics, and include links to your website there. Just make sure to read the site guidelines, to make sure your hubs will be published. 74. Answer to questions on Yahoo! Answers. Spend some time browsing the questions on Yahoo! Answers, and whenever you come across one related to the topic of your site, answer it. You can include a link to your website as an additional resource, or to a specific article inside your site that answers the question too. 75. Answer to questions on LinkedIn. LinkedIn Answers is another platform where you can answer to questions from other users and include a link to your own website or articles. Keep in mind that topics gravitate around career and business here. Old School 76. Submit your site to web directories. The amount of traffic you’ll get from this tactic depends on the quality of the web directories that will accept you. If you submit to hundreds of them, however, the traffic might build up. Here is a list with hundreds of web directories, organized by Google PageRank. 77. Submit your blog to blog directories. If you have a blog, you can also submit to blog directories (i.e., web directories that only list blogs). This article lists 50 of them to get you started. 78. Submit content to article directories. Article marketing is a very common and effective way to increase your traffic. You basically need to submit your articles to article directories. Virtually all of them allow you to include a link back to your site, and that is how your traffic will increase. Here is a list with the 50 most popular article directories on the web. 79. Exchange links. The practice of exchanging links is as old as the web, but that is so because it works. You just need to be careful to only exchange links with sites that have unique content and are relevant to your visitors (else Google might get upset). 80. Use ad swaps. A similar strategy is to use ad swaps. That is, you use your unused ad space to promote the website of your partner, and he does the same with his unused ad space. The ad itself could be anything, from a banner spot to an email message to your newsletter. 81. Distribute a press release. Creating and distributing a press release can still send some traffic to your website, especially if you have something new in your segment. You can pay companies like PRWeb to do most of the work for you, or you can submit the press release manually (here is a list with 50 sites you can submit to). 82. Include your website’s URL in your email signature. Email is the most used communication channel these days, and as such you should use it to let your contacts know about your website. Paid Methods 83. Google AdWords. Pay-per-click advertising is one of the most efficient ways to buy traffic for your website, and Google AdWords is the largest ad network for that on the web. Creating an account is free, and then you’ll need to bid on keywords. Depending on your niche it is possible to buy clicks for as low as some pennies. 84. Facebook ads. The best alternative to Google AdWords is the Facebook Ads platform. You’ll be able to pay both per click and per 1,000 impressions, and you can also target very specific demographics, to make sure the visitors will be interested in your content. 85. StumbleUpon ads. If your content performs well on social media you could try StumbleUpon ads. Your website (or a specific page inside it) will basically be displayed to StumbleUpon users, with a cost of $0.05 per view. If many users vote positively on your content you’ll also receive some free traffic. 86. Reddit sponsored links. Another social bookmarking site where you can buy ads on is Reddit. You’ll basically create a sponsored link that will be featured on the homepage, and Reddit users will be able to vote it up or down. 87. Purchase banner ads directly. Virtually any website owner is willing to sell banner ads. If you find a website that is closely related to yours, therefore, you could contacts the owner asking how much he would charge for a banner ad. The return on the investment might be high here, because the visitors that will come will be likely to stick around and become loyal readers of your site. 88. Purchase banner ads through networks. There are ad networks that might also help you purchase banner ads, paying a flat monthly fee. BuySellAds is a large one with a really big inventory of websites. 89. Purchase sponsored reviews. Sometimes sponsored reviews work better for traffic generation, because your website will be featured inside a post (i.e., it will be exposed directly to the readers of the other site). If you want to buy a sponsored review you could either contact the website owner directly, or browse through the marketplace of sites like SponsoredReviews (make sure the sponsored links will have the nofollow attribute, else Google might get pissed). Offline Methods 90. Tell your friends and family about your website. These folks are certainly going to be interested in checking your website out, and if you put new content there frequently, they might keep coming back. 静态网页模板免费下载的网站91. Tell your co-workers about your website. This is another group of people that will be interested in visiting your website at least one. If the content of your website is somewhat related to your work this strategy will work even better. 92. Include your website’s URL in your business card. If you give business cards away frequently, consider including your website’s URL there. Professional contacts might be interested in visiting it after all. 93. Print your website’s URL in some T-shirts. It is very easy and cheap to get custom T-shirts these days (just Google it), so getting some with your website’s URL could be a nice way to spread the word about it. 94. Create stickers with your website’s URL and spread them around. If you really want to go guerilla, get some stickers with your website’s URL and spread them around. Cars, windows, computers, you name it! 95. Put an ad at a local newspaper. Depending on the niche of your website, getting an ad on a local newspaper could be a good investment. For example, if you have a blog about local news or events an ad on the local newspaper could definitely bring you some new readers. Out of the box Methods 96. Come up with an April Fools’ prank. The first of April is a very lively day on the Internet, where many companies and webmasters come up with funny pranks. If you come up with a funny or interesting one other website owners might link to your, sending you traffic. You can check TechCrunch’s summary of the 2010 pranks for inspiration. 97. Set your website as the homepage on any computer you use. If you apply this tactic consistently it might actually bring good results. For instance, you could set your website as the homepage of all computers in your school, work, libraries and so on. 98. Navigate to your website on computer stores. This might not bring you a lot of traffic, but it sure is a funny tactic. Whenever you go to a store with computers being showcased, open the web browser and navigate to your website, so that people passing by will see it. 99. List your website for sale. Even if you are not planning to sell it, that is. The interested buyers will visit your website to check it out, and that is how you’ll increase your traffic. If you list your site on popular marketplaces, like Flippa, you might actually get thousand of visitors (and possible some good offers!). 100. Fake a hacker attack. The community of bloggers and webmasters gets in turmoil every time a website or blog gets hacked. If you fake such an attack (i.e., by putting a weird message in your homepage) you’ll certainly receive many backlinks and a bump in traffic. People might get pissed if they find out it was a prank, though. Don’t have a website yet? Then check our main tutorial. It is a step by step guide that will help you get your own website up and running today! Sign-Up To Our Newsletter And Get A Free eBook! If you don’t want to miss our future articles, make sure to sign-up for our email newsletter. You’ll get notified whenever we publish new content, and we’ll also send you a free copy of our eBook, “50 Mistakes to Avoid When Making Your Website.” |
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