PowerPoint features a large library of shapes used for things like . That’s not all, though—PowerPoint also lets you combine and merge these shapes to create a unique object. Here’s how.
PowerPoint具有⼀个⼤型形状库,⽤于类的事情。 但是,还不⽌如此-PowerPoint还允许您组合和合并这些形状以创建唯⼀的对象。 这是如何做。
在PowerPoint中合并形状 (Merging Shapes in PowerPoint)
To merge shapes in PowerPoint, you’ll first need to insert the shapes you wish to merge. To do so, head over to the “Insert” tab and select “Shapes” found in the “Illustrations” group.
要在PowerPoint中合并形状,您⾸先需要插⼊要合并的形状。 为此,转到“插⼊”选项卡,然后在“插图”组中选择“形状”。
On the drop-down menu that appears, browse through the large library of shapes and select the one you want to use. We’ll use the oval shape in this example.
在出现的下拉菜单上,浏览⼤型形状库,然后选择要使⽤的形状。 在此⽰例中,我们将使⽤椭圆形。
Next, draw your shape. You can do so by clicking and dragging your cursor.
接下来,绘制形状。 您可以通过单击并拖动光标来实现。
Repeat the steps above to insert your next shape. Once ready, make sure the shapes are overlapping.
重复上述步骤以插⼊下⼀个形状。 准备好后,确保形状重叠。
To merge the shapes, you’ll need first to select both of the shapes that you want to merge. To do this, hold the Ctrl key while clicking each shape in turn.
要合并形状,您⾸先需要选择要合并的两个形状。 为此,请按住Ctrl键,同时依次单击每个形状。
改变button按钮的形状Once you select the shapes, you’ll notice a new tab appear—the “Shape Format” tab. Go ahead and select that tab.
选择形状后,您会注意到出现了⼀个新选项卡-“形状格式”选项卡。 继续并选择该选项卡。
Over in the “Insert Shapes” group, click the “Merge Shapes” button.
From the drop-down menu that appears, select your desired merge type. You can also hover over each option to get a live preview.
从出现的下拉菜单中,选择所需的合并类型。 您也可以将⿏标悬停在每个选项上以获取实时预览。
That’s it. Your shapes will now be merged.⽽已。 现在,您的形状将被合并。
