Creative Systems, Inc.
GHS Crane Module Training Manual GHS起重机模块训练手册
Translated by: Sintong Marine & Offshore Pte Ltd 中文翻译:欣通船舶与海洋工程设计有限公司
Updated on更新于: 27 January 2023
Table of Contents 目录
1.0 Working with Cranes in GHS 使用GHS起重机模块 (3)
2.0 The Main Wizard Window 主向导窗口 (5)
3.0 Crane Setup 起重机设置 (6)
4.0 Crane Parameters Dialog 起重机参数对话框 (7)
5.0 Crane Drawing Wizard 起重机绘制向导 (11)
6.0 Testing the Geometry Model 测试几何模型 (15)
7.0 Setting Lifting Modes 设置起吊装模式 (16)
8.0 Hook Capacity Table 吊钩能力表 (18)
9.0 Crane Analysis 起重机分析 (22)
1.0 Working with Cranes in GHS使用GHS起重机模块
When a load is suspended by a crane, the weight is considered as acting downward from a point on the crane that supports the cable. The BOOM command is available to simplify locating the coordinates of the boom end, allowing input of azimuth & elevation rather than L,T,V. By entering parameters based on the crane's geometry (boom length, topping angle, swing angle, etc.), GHS will determine the location of the support load in the model's coordinate system. This location is reported in the status weight output.
当起重机吊起重物时,钢丝绳所承受的力被看作重物作用在吊点向下的力. Boom命令可以简化吊点位
置,采用方位角以及仰角来代替L,T,V(LCG,TCG,VCG). 通过输入起重机模型参数(臂长,仰角,方位角,等等),GHS可以确定吊点在模型坐标系中的位置。重物以及吊点可以在重量状态报告中输出.
With macros and run files, the BOOM command can analyze multiple lifting scenarios. In addition, the BOOM command can also be used to account for the effects of counterweights, boom weight and other crane mounted weights.
使用宏命令和运行文件,Boom命令可以分析各种各样的吊装方案. 此外,Boom命令还可以反应出配重块,吊臂以及其他起重机配件的重量重心.
Since cranes, geometrical and structural arrangements vary greatly, the use of the BOOM command can get complicated. The Crane Module is available to assist the user in setting up and analyzing complex and multiple cranes, this wizard can be found under the menu: Wizard > > CRANE. Note: The Crane Module must be part of your GHS system to use this module. If desired you can add a shortcut key or macro to your GHS.LF load file. See the General Training Guide for additional details.
由于起重机,运行轨迹以及内部结构的复杂性,使得Boom命名在使用时显得非常麻烦。Crane Module模块可以很好的帮助用户建立和分析复杂多变的起重机工况。这个模块向导可以在菜单:Wiza
rd > > CRANE下到。注:Crane Moulde模块只有已安装到GHS系统中,这个模块才能使用。如果需要,您可以添加快捷键或者设置GHS.LF宏命令来运行文件。详情请参阅通用培训指南。
The CRANE wizard provides many advanced features to help analyze crane operations. It simplifies data entry for the BOOM command to calculate the effects of the crane load, boom, jib, counterweight, etc. Other loads, typically not considered by the Boom command, such as the weight of the rope and multiple blocks can be included. In addition, its provides the ability to set up a synchronized Condition Graphic view that will display the crane geometry respecting the current crane position.
Crane模块提供了许多高级功能以帮助计算分析起重机的操作工况。简化了Boom命令用来计算吊物,吊臂,悬臂,配重块......时输入的数据。包含了一些Boom命令下不太考虑的重量,例如索具和各式吊钩组重量. 此外,还提供同步图像显示功能,显示当前状态下的起重工况。
To add to the functionality of Load Editor, hook load capacity tables can be defined. With these tables, the standard crane load displayed in Load Editor can include warnings if either the load or the list (sometimes called cross) angle are close to or exceed an allowable limit.
Options to select include:
∙Predefined stability criteria
∙Define lifting modes
∙Set a stow mode which when in use, the boom weight is treated as a distributed weight
∙Set options for a Crane Operator's Output Table (COOT)
选择选项“Crane Operator's Output Table”(起重机操作输出表) (COOT)
Define a lifting beam if present
The weight effect of the lifting beam is automatically removed from its stowed location and added to the crane load when in use.
As with most wizards, it is good practice to be in a working folder dedicated to the job at hand. The reason for this, is that files are created and saved by the wizard, some without warning. To return all the previous values, the wizard uses these files, again sometimes without warning if present in the working folder.. If you use a single folder for multiple crane analyses, previous data will be overwritten.
2.0 The Main Wizard Window 主向导窗口
Opening up the wizard without a geometry file loaded
will prompt the user for a geometry file and then a
lightship weight. If a geometry file is loaded when the
wizard is run, this step is skipped. The main window
looks like this.
The current geometry file is displayed in blue at the
top and two buttons, directly below, are available to
change the lightship data or set the longitudinal
locations of the forward and aft draft marks.
The Condition Graphic setup button allows
the user to choose the order of appearance
of Plan, Profile or Body views within the
synchronized CG window that is displayed
during the Load Editor session. Select the
check-box beside the pane and the desired
display, with or without sails, although
including sails in the profile and plan views
is preferable.
Condition Graphic setup
We will now temporarily leave the main window to setup one crane.
