Advanced Output Center Sullivan Center, Rm. 1232
Page: 1 of 2    Last Modified: May 17, 2018 9:42 AM Guide for Trotec Rotary Tool
Measure your material with a pair of digital calipers to get an  accurate diameter of your material. Keep this number handy for later as you will be needing it for your file creation and software setup.
Ask an AOC staff member to install the rotary attachment. Do not  attempt to install or uninstall the attachment yourself! Do not touch the cord or plug! In doing so you run the risk of doing immense permanent damage to the machine! Loading material, file creation, and software setup is your responsibility as an AOC patron, but staff members can provide support if needed.
#1 - lever that when unlocked  allows the entire left part move back and forth to accommodate the length of your cylindrical material #2 - knob that when unlocked allows the component to move up and down to accommodate how tall your material is •The right component of the attachment will only
move up and down. •Twist to unlock the lever towards the back.•Using the cylindrical handle circled in the bottom photo, lift or lower the entire section including the large black cover.•Y ou will want to match this height to the height of the left component so your material is even.•When engraving an object with a handle such as a coffee mug, the  components must be raised far enough up so that handle will not smack the bottom of the attachment. Ask a staff member for assistance with this.
Loading Material:
move offY our material must be  completely locked in with all the levers and knobs tightened. A good way to ensure a tight fit is to first squeeze the spring on the left side.
•Next, insert your material between the cones and while holding onto it with your right hand, continue squeezing the springs with your left hand and move the left component closer in to your object as pictured.•While keeping that tension, lock down all levers and knobs. Make sure your material does not feel loose and that it is well centered within the cones.
Advanced Output Center
Sullivan Center, Rm. 1232Page: 2 of 2    Last Modified: May 17, 2018 9:42 AM
With the machine powered on, focus the laser as you  normally would by dangling the focusing tool on the head
and moving the bed up until it falls off.
After you have locked in your material, ask an AOC staff member to plug in and power up the machine.  DO NOT PLUG IN THE ATTACHMENT YOURSELF!
The 4 directional buttons work  differently with the rotary as shown in this image. After  setting the focus, rotate the material to check that it stays consistent all the way around.
Make sure you keep an eye on the long metal piece on the left side of the attach-ment as you move the bed up. Make sure it does not come up too high as it can crash into the lid.File Setup and Job Control Software:The graphic shown here is setup and ready to be sent to Job  Control. The artboard is 10.5” wide because 10.5” is the  circumference of the tube. This value was calculated by using the diameter of the tube which we measured previously and  multiplying it by Pi (3.1415). The height is 2” because I want 2” of the tube to be engraved.
The graphic is also rotated this way because Job Control will automatically rotate it to make the rhinos on top of one  another instead of next to each other.
When you send the job to print, there are  important changes that need to be made in the printing preferences. First, check the box next to “Rotary Attachment”. Then, type in the diameter of the material. The circumference will be  calculated automatically. For height, put in the height of your artb
oard. Put in the rest of your  settings as normal and press the Job Control button.
In the final print window, check to make sure the media size is “Defined by Driver” and matches the dimensions you entered in the previous window. Also check that your graphic can be seen in the preview and is not being cut off. When you are done checking the settings, hit “Print” to send to Job Control.
Drag the job to the preview window. Y ou will see an image of the rotary as a background. This background image is just to alert you that rotary mode is enabled - you do not need to line your graphic up with any part of that image. Y ou can move the graphic left and right in the preview to adjust where it will engrave. Y ou can also move the head back and forth with the directional buttons on the laser cutter and then snap the  graphic to the cross hair in Job Control. Job Control’s preview can be described as “what you see is what you get” so make sure your graphic is rotated correctly in the preview because it will engrave what you see.
Grab a staff member so they can check your settings before you start the job and engrave your material.
