Dear Claire, 
I'm writing to tell you my life after I became a student in Grade Eight. I have more homework than before. So my life is full every day. I go out for a walk with my parents together every day after doing my homework. And I take piano lessons twice a week, play basketball three times a week. I hardly ever watch TV or play computer games because I am too busy. How about you? Are you the same as me? 
Dear Mark, 
I'm happy to hear you have such a full life. I have homework, but I'm also very busy. I'm learning swing dance and I need to take lessons four times a week after school. And I also help my mother with housework every day. I run in the morning and dance in the evening. They keep my mind clear and my body healthy. That's what I do in my free time. 
(1)How is Mark's life now? ______   
A. Busy.    B. Boring    C. Wonderful    D. Healthy.
(2)What doesn' t Mark usually do in his daily(日常的)1ife? ______   
A. Take piano lessons.    B. Take a walk
C. Do exercise    D. Watch TV
(3)What lessons does Claire take after school? ______   
A. Piano lessons    B. Chess lessons
C. Dance lessons    D. English lessons
(4)What does Claire do to keep her mind clear and body healthy? ______   
A. She helps her mother with housework    B. She does much homework.
C. She learns swing dance.    D. She runs and dances
(5)What does the passage mainly talk about? ______   
A. What Mark and Claire do in the school.
B. Why Mark and Claire are so busy every day.
C. Where Mark and Claire go after school.
D. How often Mark and Claire exercise.
2.(10分)A lot of people like taking a trip with no plans (计划).They think it is very exciting and has more fun.But in fact(实际上), it is not good. Making vacation plans is very important. 
First, a vacation plan can make sure that everything goes well. If you visit a place but you don't book a hotel, you may have no place to stay at night. 
Second, you have lots of things to take with you for a vacation. You need to plan what things you have to buy and what things you need to put in bags. For example,you wan
t to visit one place,but when you arrive at the airport (机场), you forget to bring your plane ticket! You may be late for the plane. 
Third, making a vacation plan can help you save a lot of money. No one wants to spend more money than they want to. If you surf the Internet before you go on a vacation, you may find some cheap plane tickets and hotel rooms. 
Next time when you go on a vacation, try to write down some plans. They can help you have more fun in your vacation. 
move off
(1)The writer thinks that taking a trip without plans is ______ . 
A. interesting    B. relaxing    C. bad    D. exciting
(2)From this passage we can know it's very important ______ . 
A. to make a vacation plan    B. to take a trip by plane
C. to surf the Internet    D. to visit a place with more money
(3)______  can make sure that everything goes well during the vacation. 
A. Bringing your plane ticket    B. Booking a cheap hotel room
C. Taking many things with you    D. Making a vacation plan
(4)The underlined word"book" in the passage means ______ . 
A. 装修    B. 预订    C. 扩建    D. 推荐
(5)The passage mainly tells us ______ . 
A. why ve must make a vacation plan    B. it's important to have more fun
C. how we can make a vacation plan    D. what we must take during the vacation
3.(10分)Many people have weight(w体重)problems. These problems are bad for their health.One of the biggest reasons is that we sit around too much. So, the best way to lose weight is to move your body. 
Turn off the TV. It's the first thing you need to do. Once a week, turn off the TV and play some sports with your family. You can do something more interesting than sitting in front of the TV, such as playing games and taking a walk. 
Walk more. Look for small ways to walk more.When you get the mail, take a walk around the house. Take the dog for a walk each day or ride your bike for 10 minutes before getting ready for work. 
Do some housework. Watering the flowers, cleaning the windows, washing clothes and so on. These kinds of activities may not be vigorous (有力地)exercise, but they can keep you moving. 
(1)What is the biggest reason for weight problems according to the passage? ______   
A. The hard work    B. Watching TV for too long
C. Too much sleep    D. Sitting too much.
(2)What is the first thing you should do to lose weight? ______   
