  考试科目名称:翻译硕士英语 考试科目代码:211
  I. Vocabulary & Grammar (30%)
  Directions: There are 30 sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Mark your answers on the Answer Sheet.
  1. I have planned to have the meeting today, but it has been __________ until next Monday.
  A. cancelled
  C. called off
  B. postponed
  D. transferred
  2. A __________ is a person who chooses to die rather than abandon his or her religious belief.
  A. hero
  C. martyr
  B. patriot
  D. traitor
  3. __________ is the way in which written material is arranged and prepared for printing.
  A. Typography
  C. hand-writing
  B. calligraphy
  D. typeface
  4. __________ is a place where people who are in danger from other people can go to be safe.
  A. Sanctuary
  C. Relics
  B. Paradise
  D. Headquarter
  5. She decided to __________ the world and entered a convent.
  A. renounce
  C. revive
  B. reproach
  D. revenge
  6. You describe a situation as a __________ when it involves two or more facts or qualities which seem to contradict each other.
  A. conflict
  C. provision
  B. dilemma
  D. paradox
  7. Don't make __________ comments out of ignorance. Don't make improper comments before you know the whole story.
  A. presumptuous
  C. harsh
  B. quick
  D. easy
  8. Planets here show how and to what we are attached, and the degree of our __________.
  A. weight
  C. gravity
  B. relativity
  D. possessiveness
  9. The plane found the spot and hovered close enough to __________ that it was a car.
  A. examine
  C. ensure
  B. verify
  D. testify
  10. Picking flowers in the park is absolutely __________.
  A. avoided
  C. prohibited
  B. rejected
  D. repelled
  11. Obviously, the Chairman's remarks at the conference were __________ and not planned.
  A. substantial
  C. spontaneous
  B. simultaneous
  D. synthetic
  12. The professor's dedication to __________ earned him the respect of both his colleagues and students.
  A. teach
  C. being taught
  B. be taught
  D. teaching
  13. Do help yourself to some fruit, __________ you?
  A. can'tvaguely
  C. wouldn't
  B. won't
  D. don't
  14. She didn't __________ the door key to her landlord until she got back her deposit.
  A. hand in
  C. hand out
  B. hand down
  D. hand over
  15. You __________ me anything about it. I think it was none of my business.
  A. needn't have told
  C. needn't tell
  B. mustn't have told
  D. mustn't tell
  16. Jim was really rude to everyone in my party last night. It really __________ me __________.
  A. put … over
  C. put … off
  B. put … down
  D. put … up
  17. Please feel free to visit me whenever __________.
  A. you are convenient
  C. you will be convenient
  B. it is convenient to you
  D. it will be convenient to you
  18. I have been really __________ with the current situation in that country because my cousin was traveling there.
  A. worrying
  C. concerned
  B. involved
  D. regretful
  19. Language belongs to each member of the society, to the housewife __________ to the president.
  A. as far as
  C. as long as
  B. as much as
  D. the same as
  20. Fat cannot change into muscle__________ muscle changes into fact.
  A. any more than
  C. no less than
  B. no more than
  D. much more than
  21. While driving along the treacherous road, __________.
  A. my right rear tire blown out
  C. my right rear tire blows out
  B. I had my right rear tire blow out
  D. I had a blowout on my right rear tire
  22. Our friends said that they wouldn't mind __________.
  A. have a little light music
  C. they have a little light music
  B. to have a little light music
  D. having a little light music
  23. __________ for his help, I'd never have been able to achieve such a success.
  A. If it were not
  C. If I had not been
  B. Had it not been
  D. Had it not
  24. Without facts, one cannot form a worthwhile opinion, for he needs to have factual knowledge __________ his thinking.
  A. to base on which
  C. upon which to base
  B. which to be based on
  D. which to base upon
