A Genera l servic e List of Englis h Words英语通用词表
Michae l West在1953年发表的经典著作 A Genera l servic e List of Englis h Words(英语通用词表)中的语义频率数据加以对照分析。后者是一部非常独特的著作,虽然其中的数据是根据电脑时代之前所建立的一个语料库中的材料所得出的,但它所提供的英语词汇的语义频率信息是空前的,在某种程度上可以说迄今为止仍然未有第二部著作能够为读者提供如此详细的语义频率信息。
List of the Genera l Servic e List, total2285 words.
a abilit y able about above abroad absenc e absent absolu te accept accide ntacc or d accoun t accuse accust om ache across act action active actor actres s actual a dd addres s admire admiss ion admitadopt adopti on advanc e advant agead ventu re a dvert ise advice advise affair afford afraid after aftern oon again agains t age age ncy agent ago agree agricu lture ahead aim air airpla ne
alike alive all allow allowa nce almost alone along aloud alread y also
althou gh altoge ther always ambiti on ambiti ous among amongs t amount amusea ncie
nt and anger angle angry animal annoy annoya nce anothe r answer
anxiet y anxiou s any anybod y anyhow anyone anythi ng anyway anywhe re
apart apolog y appear appear ance applau d applau se apple applic ation apply appoint approv e arch argue arisearm army around arrang e arrest arrive arrow art articl e artifi cial as ash ashame d aside ask asleep associ ation
astoni sh at attack attemp t attend attent ion attent ive attrac t attrac tion attrac tivea udi en ce aunt autumn avenue averag e avoid avoida nce awakeaway
awkwar d axe
baby back backwa rd bad bag baggag e bake balanc e ball band bank
bar barber bare bargai n barrel base basic basin basis basket bath bathe battle bay be beak beam bean bear beard beastbeat beauty becaus e
become bed bedroo m before beg begin behave behavi or behind being
belief believ e bell belong below belt bend beneat h berry beside beside s best better betwee n beyond bicycl e big bill bind bird birthbit bite
bitter black blade blame bleed bless blind block blood blow blue board boast boat body boil bold bone book border borrow both bottle bottom bound bou nda ry bow bowl box boy brain branch brass brave braver y
bread breadt h break breakf ast breath breath e bribe briber y brick bridge
bright bright en bring broad broadc ast brothe r brown brush bucket build
bunch bundle burn burst bury bus bush busine ss busine sslik e busine ssman busy but butter button buy by
cage cake calcul ate calcul ation calcul ator call calm camera camp can canal cap
cape capita l captai n car card care carria ge carry cart case castle cat catch cattle cause cautio n cautio us cave cent center centur y ceremo ny
certai n certai nty chain chair chairm an chalk chance change charac ter charge charm cheap cheat check cheer cheese chest chicke n chiefchild childh ood chimne y choice choose christ mas church circle circul ar citize n city civili ze claim class classi ficat ion classi fy clay clean clear clerk clever cliff climb
clock close cloth clothe cloud club coal coarse coast coat coffee coin cold collar collec t collec tion collec tor colleg e colony color comb combin e come comfor t comman d commer ce commer cial commit tee common compan ion compan io nsh ip compan y compar e compar ison compet e compet ition compet itor
compla in compla int comple te comple tion compli cate compli catio n compos e compos ition concer n condit ion confes s confes sion confid ence confid ent
confid entia l confus e confus ion congra tulat e congra tulat ion connec t connec tion
conque r conque ror conque st consci ence consci ous consid er contai n conten t
contin ue contro l conven ience conven ient conver satio n cook cool copper copy cork corn corner correc t correc tion cost cottag e cotton cough could counci lcoun t co untr y courag e course court cousin cover cow coward coward ice
crack crash cream creatu re creep crime crimin al critic crop cross crowd crown cruel crush cry cultiv ate cultiv ation cultiv ator cup cupboa rd cure curiou s curl curren t curse curtai n curve cushio n custom custom ary custom er cut
dailydamage damp dance danger dare dark darken date daught er day
daylig ht dead deaf deafen deal dear death debt decay deceit deceiv e
decide decisi on decisi ve declar e decrea se deed deep deepen deer defeat
defend defend ant defens e degree delay delica te deligh t delive r delive ry
demand depart ment depend depend ence depend ent depth descen d descen dant desc en t descri be descri ption desert deserv e desire desk despai r destro y
destru ction destru ctive detail determ ine develo p devil diamon d dictio nary die differencediffer ent diffic ult diffic ulty dig dine dinner dip direct direct ion direct or
dirt disagr ee disapp ear disapp earan ce disapp oint disapp rove discip line discom fort di scon tent discov er discov ery discus s discus sion diseas e disgus t
dish dismis s disreg ard disres pect dissat isfac tion dissat isfy distan ce distan t
distin guish distri ct distur b ditch dive divide divisi on do doctor dog dollar donk ey door dot double doubt down dozen drag draw drawer dream
dress drink drive drop drown drum dry duck due dull during dust
each eager ear early earn earnes t earth ease east easter n easy
eat edge educat e educat ion educat or effect effect ive effici ency effici ent
effort egg either elasti c elder elect electi on electr ic electr ician elepha nt
else elsewh ere empire employ employ ee empty enclos e enclos ure encour age end
enemy engine engine er englis h enjoy enough enter entert ain entire
entran ce envelo pe envy equal escape especi ally essenc e essent ial even
evenin g event ever everla sting every everyb ody everyd ay everyo ne everyt hingeveryw here evil exact examin e exampl e excell ence excell ent except except ionex ce
ss excess ive exchan ge excite excuse exerci se exist existe nce expect
expens e expens ive experi ence experi ment explai n explod e explor e explos ion explos ive expres s expres sion extend extens ion extens ive extent extra
extrao rdina ry extrem e eye
face fact factor y fade fail failur e faint fair faith fall fame famili ar
family fan fancy far farm fashio n fast fasten fat fate father fatten
fault favor favori te fear feast feathe r feed feel fellow fellow ship female fence fever few field fierce fight figure fill film find fine finger
finish fire firm first fish fit fix flag flame flashflat flatte n flavor
flesh float flood floor flour flow flower fly fold follow fond food
fool foot for forbid force foreig n forest forget forgiv e fork form formal forme r forth fortun ate fortun e forwar d frame framew ork free freedo m freeze freque ncy
freque nt fresh friend friend ly friend ship fright fright en from front fruit fry full fun funera l funny fur furnis h furnit ure furthe r future
gaiety gain gallon game gap garage garden gas gate gather gay genera l genero us gentle gentle man get gift girl give glad glass glory go goat god gold golden good govern govern or grace gradua l grain gramma r
gramma tical grand grass gratef ul grave gray grease great greed green greetg rind ground group grow growth guard guess guest guide guiltgun
habit hair half hall hammer hand handke rchie f handle handsh ake handwr iting hang happen happy harbor hard harden hardly harm harves t haste hasten hat hate hatred have hay he head headac he headdr ess heal health heap hear heart heat heaven heaven ly heavy height height en hello help here hesita te hesita tion hid e high highwa y hill hinder hindra nce hire histor y
hit hold hole holida y hollow holy home homeco ming homema de homewo rkhon es t honest y honor hook hope horizo n horizo ntal horse hospit al host hothot el hou r house how howeve r human humble hunger hunt hurrah hurry hurt husban d hut
I ice idea ideal idle if ill imagin ary imagin ative imagin e imitat e
imitat ion immedi ate immens e import ance import ant imposs ible improv e in
inch includ e inclus ive increa se indeed indoor indust ry influe nce influe ntial
inform ink inn inquir e inquir y insect inside instan t instea d instru ment
service fault
insult insura nce insure intend intent ion intere st interf ere interf erenc e
intern ation al interr upt interr uptio n into introd uce introd uctio n invent invent ion invent or invite inward iron island it
jaw jealou s jealou sy jewel join jointjoke journe y joy judge juice jump just justic e
keep key kick kill
kind king kingdo m kiss kitche n knee kneel knife knockknot know
knowle dge
lack ladder lady lake lamp land landlo rd langua ge large last late lately
latter laugh laught er law lawyer lay lazy lead leader ship leaf lean learn least
leathe r leave left leg lend length length en less lessen lesson let letter levelliar libert y librar ian librar y lid lie life lift light lighte n like likely limb li mit line lip lipsti ck liquid list listen litera ry litera ture little live load loaf loan local lock lodge log lonely long look loose loosen lord lose loss lot loud love lovely low loyal loyalt y luck lump lunchlung
machin e machin ery mad madden mail main make male man manage
mankin d manner manufa cture many map march mark market marria ge
marry mass master mat match materi al matter may maybemeal mean meanti me meanwh ile measur e meat mechan ic mechan ism medica l medici ne
meet melt member member ship memory mend mentio n mercha nt mercy
mere merry messag e messen ger metal middle might mild mile milk mill mind mine minera l minist er minute misera ble misery miss mistak e mix
mixtur e model modera te modera tion modern modest modest y moment
moment ary money monkey month moon moonli ght moral more moreov er mornin g most mother mother hood mother ly motion motor mounta in mouse
mouthmove much mud multip licat ion multip ly murder music musici an
must myster y
nail name narrow nation native nature near neat necess ary necess ity neck need needle neglec t neighb or neighb orhoo d neithe r nephew nest net networ k never ne w news newspa per next nice niece night no noble nobody
noise none noon nor north northe rn nose not note notebo ok nothin g
notice noun now nowada ys nowher e nuisan ce number numero us nurse
nurser y nut
oar obedie nce obedie nt obey object object ion observ e occasi on ocean of off o ffend offens e offer office office r offici al often oil old old-fashio ned omissi on o mit on once one only onto open operat e operat ion operat or opinio n opport unity oppose opposi te opposi tion or orange order ordina ry
organ organi ze origin orname nt other otherw ise ought ounce out outlin e
outsid e outwar d over overco me overfl ow owe own owners hip
pack packag e pad page pain paint pair pale pan paper parcel pardon
parent park part partic le partic ular partne r party pass passag e passen ger
past paste pastry path patien ce patien t patrio tic patter n pause paw pay peace pearl peculi ar pen pencil penny people per perfec t perfec tion
perfor m perfor mance perhap s perman ent permis sion permit person persua de persua sion pet photog raph photog raphy pick pictur e piece pig pigeon pile pin pin
ch pink pint pipe pity place plain plan plant plaste r plateplay pleasa nt pl ease pleasu re plenty plow plural pocket poem poet point
poison police polish polite politi cal politi cian politi cs pool poor popula r
popula tion positi on posses s posses sion posses sor possib le post postpo ne
pot pound pour povert y powder power practi cal practi ce praise pray
preach precio us prefer prefer ence prejud ice prepar e presen ce presen t preser ve pres id ent press pressu re preten d preten se pretty preven t preven tion price pridep riest print prison privat e prize probab le proble m proces sion produc e produc tprod uctio n profes sion profit progra m progre ss promis e prompt pronou nce
pronun ciati on proof proper proper ty propos al propos e protec t protec tion proudp rov e provid e public pul l pump punctu al punish pupil pure purple
purpos e push put puzzle
qualif icati on qualif y qualit y quanti ty quarre l quart quarte r queenquesti on
quick quiet quite
rabbit race radio rail railro ad rain raise rake rank rapid rare rate rather raw r ay razorreachread readyreal realiz e reason reason able receip t receiv e recent recogn ition recogn ize recomm end
record red redden reduce reduct ion refer refere nce reflec t reflec tion refres h refuse regard regret regula r rejoic e relate relati on relati ve relief reliev e
religi on remain remark remedy rememb er remind rent repair repeat
repeti tion replac e reply report repres ent repres entat ive reprod uce reprod uctio n repu bl ic reputa tionreques t rescue reserv e resign resist resist ance respec t
respon sible rest restau rant result retire return reveng e review reward ribbon rice rich rid ride rightring ripe ripen rise risk rival rivalr y river
road roar roast rob robber y rock rod roll roof room root rope rot rotten rough round row royal royalt y rub rubber rubbis h rude rug ruin rule run rush rust
sacred sacrif ice sad sadden saddle safe safety sail sailor sake salary
sale salesm an salt same sample sand satisf actio n satisf actor y satisf y sauce saucer save saw say scale scarce scatte r scene scener y scent school
scienc e scient ific scient ist scisso rs scold scorn scrape scratc h screen screwsea search season seat second secrec y secret secret ary see seed seem
seize seldom self selfis h sell send sense sensit ive senten ce separa te
separa tion seriou s servan t serve servic e set settle severa l severe sew
shade shadow shake shall shallo w shame shape share sharp sharpe n shave she sheep sheet shelf shell shelte r shield shilli ng shine ship shirt shockshoe shoot shop shore short shorte n should should er shout show shower shut sick side sight sign signal signat ure silenc e silent silk silver
simple simpli city since sincer e sing single sink sir sister sit situat ion