智能护眼 睛彩视界
Intelligent eye care vision
Portable intelligent eye massager
Scope of application
【1】 缓解眼疲劳,预防近视
relieve eye fatigue and prevent myopia
【2】 美容祛黑,活化眼肌肤
beauty remove black, activate eye skin
【3】 改善睡眠,抑制神经衰弱
improve sleep, inhibit neurasthenia
【4】 仿真按摩太阳穴,缓解头疼
massage the temples to relieve headache
【5】 脉冲振动,疏通眼部经络
pulse vibration, dredge the eye meridian
【6】 远红外热敷,促进眼部血液循环
far infrared hot compress, promote eye blood circulation 【7】 恢复睫状肌弹性,提升视力
to restore ciliary muscle elasticity, improve eyesight 【8】 内置磁石促进细胞代谢,活化细胞
the built-in magnet promotes cell metabolism and activates
Intended for
●上班族 久坐不动 ,血液流通慢,脑供血受阻,视力疲劳严重,长时间对着屏幕,
Office workers sedentary, blood circulation is slow, the brain blood supply blocked, visual fatigue serious, long time toward the screen, easily lead to eye interference, visual acuity decline
●熬夜族 经常熬夜,眼睛本身超负荷工作,长时间用眼,黑眼圈严重、容易导致眼睛
Stay up late the family often stay up late, the eye itself overload work, long time with the eye, dark circles are serious, easily lead to dry eyes, swelling pain, pain, visual fatigue increased, resulting in decreased
●司机族 驾驶员长时间,过度用眼,熬夜会导致眼部视觉过度疲劳。
Drivers long time, excessive use of eyes, stay up late will lead to
excessive visual fatigue of the eye.
●低头族 长时间使用手机,及对着手机屏幕,会导致视力疲劳及下降
bow heads, time to use the phone, and toward the phone screen, will lead to visual fatigue and decline
●学生族 长期的学习及用眼,会使视觉疲劳,视力下降
Students long-term learning and use of eyes, will cause visual fatigue,
vision loss
●爱美族 本产品对美容祛黑眼圈有很好效果
The beauty of this product for the beauty of black eye circles have a very good effect
●失眠族 容易失眠、睡眠质量不好的体
insomnia group prone to insomnia, sleep quality is not good
●近视族 近视或者高度近视体
A group of myopia or high myopia
●产妇族 产后或产中体
Maternity or postpartum group
●懒人族 不注意眼部保健体
Pay no attention to eye care groups
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ion descrip Switch key
开关机。短按chine for 2uetooth key 关闭并提示音uetooth to xt key
音乐,长按ond to play lume key
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ong. Switch off and pro 停
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service faulttch key
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cond. econds, mus 档.
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灯or 气压按Air pre func 音Music 按摩功能指示essure mass ction indicat 音乐指示灯
indicator lig 示灯sage