1. Little Jim should love ________ to the theatre this evening.
A. to take B. to be taken C. to bring D. to be brought
答案B。根据should love to do 和take sb to sp . little jim 与带走之间被动关系
2. Why not ________ going by boat for a change?
A. trying    B. tried    C. to try    D. try
答案D。根据why not do sth.
3. Charles Babbage is generally considered ________ the first computer.
A. to invent    B. having invented    C. to have invented      D. inventing
答案C。根据consider sb to do sth,而Charles Babbage发明第一台电脑是在主句谓语动词consider之前完成。因此需用动词不定式的完成结构to have done.
4. Today will be a busy day because I have a lot of work ________ .
A. to do          B. to be done      C. done        D. being done
答案:A。to do做后置定语修饰work,但是有与逻辑主语I构成主动关系这时用不定式的主动形式表被动。如果所接的不定式为不及物动词必须加上适当的介词。
Eg  I always want to find a room to live in alone.
5. I really don't know ________ or to leave.
A. if to stay      B. if stay        C. whether to stay      D. whether stay
答案:C。 whether 可与to do 连用,if不能。
6. I've worked with children before, so I know ________ in my new job.
A. what expect    B. to expect what    C. expect what    D. what to expect
答案:D 。主要根据know+疑问代词/副词  to do
7. ________ late in the morning, Bob turned off the alarm.
A. Sleeping      B. Sleep      C. To sleep      D. Having slept
答案:C。 to do 表目的
8. Please find a room for us ________ this evening.
A. to stay        B. staying      C. staying in        D. to stay in
9. It is nice ________ you to help me with my English.
A. of      B. for      C. with        D. to
答案A。根据it is adj for/of sb to do. “It’s +adj.+of+sb.+不定式”表示“某人(做某事)怎么样” 一般用表示人物的性格,品德.表示主观感情或态度的形容词. 若形容词是描述逻辑主语(行为者即of后的sb)的性格、品质特征的形容词. 这个adj.是用来形容sb.的. “It’s+adj.+for
+sb.+不定式”表示“做某事对某人来说怎么样”.常用于表示事物的特征特点,表示客观形式的形容词.若形容词是描述做的事情(即adj描述的是to do),不是对不定式行为者的品格进行评价,用for sb.
10. Hibernating animals (冬眠动物) have no choice but ________ down to sleep in winter.
A. lie      B. lying      C. to lie        D. lay
答案:C 根据have no choice but to do sth
11. I am determined to do what I can ________ my English.
A. improve      B. raise      C. to raise      D. to improve
答案:D 根据do what one can to do sth. 选C和D。而raise的意思是举起、 饲养。Improve的意思改善、提高
12. Tom kept quiet about the accident ________ lose his job.
A. so not as to    B. so as not to    C. so as to not      D. not so as to
答案B。根据so as to do sth和动词不定式的否定是在to前加not。
13. The boy's eyes need ________ with great care.
A. to examine    B. examined    C. to be examined      D. to be examining
答案C 根据sth need to be done /doing sth
hibernating14. —Was the work difficult?
  —Not at all. It was easy ________ .
A. to do    B. to be done    C. doing      D. to have done
15.  Her wish is ____ a doctor.   
A. becoming  B. become  C. to become  D. being come
答案 C .her wish 是还没有实现。而动词不定式表将来
