1. Catching the first bus will mean ____ at 5:00.
A. to get up      B. get up      C. getting up      D. got up
2. I’ll never forget __ Paris for the first time.
A. to visit        B. visit        C. visiting        D. visited
3. The students are busy __ for the examinations.
A. not to study    B. not having studied C. not study  D. having not studied
4. I regret ____ hard at school.
A. Not to study  B. not having studied C. not study  D. having not studied
5. Your car needs ___.
A. to oil        B. being oiled      C. oil        D. oiling
6. The old man needs ___.
A. look after    B. looking after    C. being looked after D. to look after
7. The problem is worth __.
A. discussing    B. discuss        C. being discussed D. discussed
8. Instead of ___ sights, Edison would spend the time ___ in the public library.
A. seeing, reading B. see, read      C. to see, to read  D. seeing, to read
9. All the children enjoy __ at the seaside.
A. to play      B. play          C. to be playing  D. playing
10. Please remember __ the lights before __ the classroom.
A. turn off, leave B. to turn off, leave C. turning off, leave D. turning off, leaving
11. He prevented his son from __.
A. doing      B. to do          C. do            D. did
12. He was proud of __ the Nobel Prize.
A. he having won B. his son won    C. his son’s having won D. his son’s winning
13. I practice __ English every day.
A. speak      B. to speak      C. speaking      D. to be speaking
14. Thank you for __ so much help.
A. giving      B. give          C. being given    D. being giving
15. I prefer __ to __ in a bus.
A. walking, riding B. walk, ride    C. to walk, to ride  D. walking, to ride
16. __ is believing.
A. To see      B. Seeing        C. See            D. Having seen
17.. It is no use __ over spilt milk.
A. cry        B. to cry        C. crying          D. be crying
18. There is __ what the weather will be like.
A. not knowing B. no knowing  C. not know        D. no known
19. We didn’t miss __ the football match last night.
A. watching  B. to watch    C. watch            D. watched
20. We don’t allow __ in this room.
A. to smoke    B. smoking    C. people smoking    D. people to smoking
21. He has always insisted on his __ Dr. Turn instead of Mr. Turner.
hibernatingA. been called  B. called        C. having called      D. being called
22. You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.
Well, now I regret __ that.
A. to do        B. to be doing    C. to have done      D. having done
23. He regrets __ to watch the basketball match.
A. not being able B. can’t go        C. not to be ale to    D. can’t going
24. The old man’s __ pity on the snake led to his own death.
A. take        B. taking          C. have            D. being taken
25. We regret __ that the film was not worth __.
A. to say, to see B. to say, seeing    C. saying, to see      D. saying, to seeing
26. The students were busy __ for the coming exam.
A. to prepare  B. prepared      C. preparing          D. to preparing
27. I can’t imagine __ that with them.
A. do        B. to do          C. being done        D. doing
28. The sick woman needs __.
A. looking after B. to be looking after C. to look after      D. being looked after
29. Let’s have a break. Not now. I didn’t want to stop __ yet.
A. study      B. to study        C. for studying      D. studying
30. They enjoyed __ a wonderful evening at the Country Club.
A. being spent  B. to have spent  C. having spent      D. having been spent
31. My father hates __. He never allows me __.
A. to smoke, to smoke  B. smoking, smoking C. smoke, smoking D. smoking, to smoke
32. The bird was lucky that it just missed __.
A. catching    B. to be caught    C. being caught    D. to catch
33. It is very hot. I feel like __ something cool.
A. to drink      B. a drink        C. a little          D. drinking
34. He has not got used __ in the countryside.
A. live        B. to live        C. to living        D. living
35. How dare you go in without ___.
A. inviting    B. invited        C. being invited    D. invite
36. Teaching is __.
A. learn      B. learning        C. to learn        D. learned
37. __ is teaching you English.
