51. _____ production up 60%, the company has had another excellent year.
  A. As                B. For                C. With                D. Through       
52. Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, _____, of course, made the others unhappy.
  A. who                B. which                C. this                D. what
53. _____ to take this adventure curse will certainly learn a lot of useful skills.   
  A. Brave enough students                    B. Enough brave students                   
  C. Students brave enough                    D. Students enough                   
54. The pupil is too nervous to stand before the teacher, _____ he?                                   
  A. is                B. isn’t                C. doesn’t            D. does   
55. I think it necessary _____ last week’s meeting.                                   
  A. for you to join                        B. of you to be present at               
C. that you take part in                    D. that you have taken part in                   
56. _____ the hibernating animals _____ any movement _____ they hibernate.   
  A. Hardly had; made; when                B. Scarcely had; made; before                       
  C. Hardly do; make; when                  D. No sooner had; made; than                       
57. Au human being are born _____.   
  A. equally            B. to be equally        C. to be equal            D. equal               
58. When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door _____ “Sorry to miss you; I’ll call later.”   
  A. read                B. reads               
C. to read                D. reading
59. Your performance in the driving test didn't reach the required standard; _____, you failed.   
  A. in the end        B. after all            C. in other wards      D. at the same tine               
60. The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, _____ it more difficult.   
  A. not make          B. mot to make        C. mot making          D. do mot make           
61. Few pleasures can equal _____ of a cool drink on a hot day.                               
  A. some            B. any              C. that                D. those
62. Robert is said _____ abroad, bat I don't know what county he studied in.
A. to hove studied      B. to study            C. to be studying      D. to have been studying   
63. The letter I was looking forward to _____ at last.   
A. came              B. come                C. coming            D. have come
64. —We haven’t seen Jane for a long time.                               
  —What do you suppose _____ to her?                               
  A. was happening    B. to happen          C. has happened        D. having happened   
65. The meeting was putting off, _____ was exactly what we wanted.   
  A. what            B. this              C. which                D. that
66. _____ the book, you ought to read the “Introduction” carefully.
  A. Making the best of    B. Doing the best for      C. To make the best of    D. To do the best for
67. Where was _____ you picked up the wallet?                           
  A. it                B. the place            C. the place that        D. it that?   
68. _____, the work car be done much better.                           
  A. Give more time      B. Giving more time      C. More time given        D. If giving more tine
69. She dislikes speaking in the public, _____?                           
  A. is she            B. isn’t she          C. dues she          D. doesn’t she   
70. _____ in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United states.
  A. It was founded    B. Being founded      C. Founding            D. Founded           
71. —Have you decided which yon like better _____ the round table or the square table?   
    —Of the two, the round one is                               
  A. the nicest          B. the nicer            C. nicer                D. a mice one
72. _____ are living at the end of _____ street.                           
  A. The Turners; the Turners                B. The Turners; Turner               
  C. Turners; Turner                          D. Turners; the Turners       
73. We are going to Beijing next month. There will be the first time I _____ it.                A. have visited        B. am visiting       
C. shall visit          D. shall have visited
74. My mother bought me a piece of cloth and an article of _____ yesterday.
  A. suit                B. dress              C. clothes              D. clothing
75. Niagara falls _____ not as high as Victoria Falls.                       
  A. is              B. are                C. will be                D. must be
Many animals use some kinds of “language”. They use signals(信号) and the signals have meanings. For example, __1  a bee has found some food, it goes  2  its home.  3    is difficult for a bee to tell  __4  bees where the food is speaking to them, but it can do a little dancing. This tells the bees where the food is and  5  it is.

   Some animals show  6  they feel by making sounds. It is not difficult to tell if a dog is angry because it barks. Birds make several different sounds and  7  has its meaning. Sometimes we humans make sounds in the same way. We make sounds like “Oh” to  8  how we feel about __9__ or we  10  something on our feet.

   We humans have languages. We have words. These words have meaning of things, action, feeling or ideas. We are able to __11__ each other information, to tell other people  12  we think or we feel. By writing down words, we can remember what has happened or  13  messages to people far away.

   Languages, like people, live and die. If a language is not used by people, it is called a dead language. This language cannot live and grow because  14  speaks it.

   A living language, of course, is often spoken by people today. It grows and changes with time. New words are created, and some old words have  15  meanings.

   1. A. because        B. since            C. when        D. as

   2. A. out of          B. back from        C. away from    D. back to

   3. A. It            B. This          C. That      D. He

   4. A. each other    B. another          C. the other    D. others

   5. A. how long      B. how far away    C. how many    D. how old

   6. A. why        B. which          C. how      D. what

   7. A. each            B. every          C. all        D. some

   8. A. show        B. say            C. talk      D. speak

   9. A. everything      B. something        C. nothing      D. anything

   10. A. put            B. drop          C. fall          D. set

   11. A. give          B. put            C. show      D. take

   12. A. that          B. which           C. what      D. why

   13. A. send        B. bring            C. push      D. get

   14. A. someone      B. no one            C. anyone      D. everyone

   15. A. new      B. right              C. real        D. good
