Module6 A trip to the zoo单元卷
(时间:90分钟 分值:100分)
1.    His brother                 a kite in the park every afternoon.
    A. fly    B. flys    C. flies    D. is fly
2.    Your English teacher                 tall and she                 curly hair.
    A. has; has    B. is; is    C. is; has    D. has; is
3.    She is very rich and she                 three houses.
    A. get    B. have    C. has    D. had
4.    My mother is a teacher. She                 on weekends.
    A. not work    B. isn't work    C. don't work    D. doesn't work
5.    --- Can I help you, sir?
    --- Yes, I bought the radio here yesterday, but it                 .
    A. didn't work    B. won't work    C. can't work    D. doesn't work
6.    Does Amy                 music?
    A. likes listening to    B. like listening
    C. like listening to    D. likes to listen to
7.                    your friend like English?
    A. Does    B. Do    C. Is    D. Has
8.    The camel comes                 Africa and it lives                 the deserts.
    A. of; at    B. from; in    C. in; for    D. at; on
9.    Zhou Yang is                 skating. She won a gold medal at the 2010 Olympic Winter Games.
    A. good at    B. weak in    C. tired of    D. angry with
10.    He speaks Japanese                 English and French.
    A. as well    B. as well as    C. too    D. also
    Once upon a time, there was a man and a dog. One cold night, the man became     11    . His dog did not come back     12    . Then he asked his neighbors to     13    him look for the dog.
    They     14    the dog in nearby woods(树林),     15    they didn't find it. Then some of them went towards the man's farm. When they   16    to a bridge, they found the dog. The dog was     17    and well. It was lying and looking at them. Then they found that it was    
18    something. It was a     19    . The dog was keeping the baby     20    . All of them were moved.
11.    A. happy    B. excited    C. interested    D. worried
12.    A. school    B. home    C. park    D. zoo
13.    A. hurt    B. help    C. pull    D. give
14.    A. looked after    B. played with    C. looked for    D. talked with
15.    A. but    B. because    C. if    D. until
16.    A. got    B. arrived    C. reached    D. stopped
17.    A. ill    B. asleep    C. crazy    D. alive
18.    A. eating    B. protecting    C. pushing    D. hitting
19.    A. dog    B. cat    C. baby    D. pig
20.    A. warm    B. cold    C. cool    D. hot
    Most people don't know about a blobfish(水滴鱼). It is the world's ugliest animal.
    Blobfish live in the sea near Australia and New Zealand(新西兰). For most of time, they stay in the water between 600 to 1,200 m deep. When some little fish swim past them, they try to catch them for food. They can grow up to 30 cm long. They have very large heads, small bodies and thin tails. They look like a large jelly(果冻). So they get their name.
    People don't eat blobfish, because they are not good for people to eat. But fishermen kill thousands of them each year when they catch other fish in the sea. Scientists are worried that this will put the blobfish on the list of animals in danger.
21. What are the blobfish like?
    A. Friendly.    B. Ugly.    C. Harmful.    D. Strong.
22. What can we learn about blobfish from the passage?
    A. Blobfish live in the sea around the world.
    B. Blobfish can grow to 50 cm.
    C. Blobfish look like other fish.
    D. Each year thousands of blobfish are killed.
23. Blobfish get their name because of their                 .
    A. shape    B. color    C. eyes    D. heads
24. Which of the following is NOT true?
    A. Blobfish eat small fish.
    B. Fishermen catch blobfish for food.
    C. Blobfish's tails are thin.
    D. Blobfish's heads are big.
25. We can learn                 from the passage.
    A. there will be rules to catch blobfish
    B. blobfish will become pets
    C. there will be less blobfish
    D. blobfish can swim fast
      Some animals sleep in winter because the weather can be very cold and it is difficult for them to find food. They can sleep for a long time. This kind of winter sleep is called “hibernation”.
      If an animal moves about a lot, it needs food. Hibernating animals do not need to eat much because they are not moving about. Their hearts beat (心跳) very slowly and they also breathe (呼吸) slowly. They find a place out of danger. Their body fat keeps them alive and warm.
      Some animals, such as bears, may wake up from their hibernation on warm winter days and then quickly go back to sleep again when they see the snow is still thick on the ground. When the weather becomes warmer in spring, the animals start to wake up and look for food.
