Taoist Culture and C-E Translation
Taoist Culture and C-E Translation
▪ 道教文化背景知识 Taoist Culture
道家 Philosophical Taoism
道敎 Religious Taoism
Taoist organizations:张道陵 Zhang Daoling 五斗米道 西晋
Taoist doctrines:老子李耳 Laozi 唐高祖李渊 Tang Dynasty
老子 Laozi
▪ 老子 Laozi, honorific title
老 “venerable”, “old”
子 “master”, honorific suffix
李耳 Li Er, 字伯阳 Boyang (courtesy name)
▪ 道家学派始祖 founder of philosophical Taoism
▪ 《道德经》 Tao Te Ching
▪ 宇宙哲学 Chinese cosmogony
▪ 信仰:Beliefs
▪ Tao “way”, “path”
▪ 無為 Wu wei “without action”
Hayek:spontaneous order
James Dorn: minimizing the role of government and letting individuals develop spontaneously would best achieve social and economic harmony.
▪ 三宝
▪ 慈 compassion
俭 moderation (Thrift)
不敢为天下先 humility
▪ 朴 simplicity, the primordial state of tao
▪ 去甚,去奢,去泰 Discarding extremes, extravagance and excess
▪ 少私寡欲 wipe out selfish desires
▪ 清静恬淡 live a quiet life/ quiet world
▪ 知足常乐 the attitude of contentment on what one owns
▪ 道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物。
▪ The Tao gives birth to One. One gives birth to Two. Two give birth to Three. Three give birth to all things.
▪ 五令人目盲,五音令人耳聋,五味令人口爽,驰骋田猎令人心发狂。
▪ Iridescent colors cause blindness. Beautiful music causes deafness; delicious food causes loss of taste. Racing and hunting cause madness.
▪ 知足之足,常足矣.
▪ The with knowing contentment is always contented.
▪ 知足不辱,知止不殆.
▪ whoever is contented will meet no disgrace, whoever knows when and where to stop will meet no danger.
▪ 见素抱朴,少私寡欲
▪ manifest plainness, embrace simplicity, reduce selfishness, and hold few desires
▪ 出家之人,恶衣恶食,不积财,恐害身损福也。
▪ Taoists make light clothing and food and they accumulate no wealth, because these might damage health and fortunes.
▪ 全真七子之一
▪ ——丘处机
▪ Qiu Chuji
▪ 道人不厌贫,贫乃养生之本。饥则餐一钵粥,睡来铺一束草,褴褴褛褛以度朝夕,正是道人活计 。thrift
▪ As Ma Yu, a famous Taoist of the School, put it, “Taoists are not tired of deficiency, as deficiency is the root to preserve one’s health. When feeling hungry, they eat a bowl of porridge. When tired, they sleep on a sheet of grass. They pass the days and nights in shabby clothes. This is exactly what Taoists must do in life.”
▪ “全真七子”之一
▪ ——马钰
▪ Mu yu
▪ 《西游记》The Journey to the West
▪ 日迸裂,产一石卵,……目运两道金光,射冲斗府。惊动高天上圣大慈仁者玉皇大天尊
玄穹高上帝,驾座金阙云宫灵霄宝殿,聚集仙卿,见有金光焰焰,即命千里眼、顺风耳开南天门观看。(第一回灵根育孕源流出 心性修持大道生)
▪ As his eyes moved, two beams of golden light shot towards the Pole Star palace and startled the Supreme Heavenly Sage, the Greatly Compassionate Jade Emperor of the Azure Vault of Heaven, who was sitting surrounded by his immortal ministers on his throne in the Hall of Miraculous Mist in the Golden-gated Cloud Palace.
▪ 祖师道:“‘道’字门中有三百六十傍门,傍门皆有正果。不知你学那一门哩?”悟空道:“凭尊师意思。弟子倾心听从。”祖师道:“我教你个‘术’字门中之道,如何?”悟空道:“术门之道怎么说?”祖师道:“术字门中,乃是些请仙扶鸾,问卜揲蓍,能知趋吉避凶之理。”
▪ "There are three hundred and sixty side-entrances to the Way, and they all lead to a True Result," the Patriarch said. "Which branch would you like to study?"
▪ 祖师又道:“教你‘流’字门中之道,如何?”悟空又问:“流字门中,是甚义理?”祖师道:“
流字门中,乃是儒家、释家、道家、阴阳家、墨家、医家,或看经,或念佛,并朝真降圣之类。” …………祖师道:“若要长生,也似‘壁里安柱’
▪ "Shall I teach you the Way of Sects?" the Patriarch asked.
▪ "What are the principles of the Sects?" said Monkey.
▪ "Within the branch of Sects, there is Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, the study of the Negative and Positive, Mohism, medicine, reading scriptures and chanting the name of a Buddha. You can also summon Immortals and Sages with this branch.“
▪ the Patriarch replied, "is like 'putting a pillar in the wall.'
▪ 祖师道:“教你‘静’字门中之道,如何?”悟空道:“静字门中,是甚正果?”祖师道:“此是休粮守谷,清静无为,参禅打坐,戒语持斋,或睡功,或立功,并入定坐关之类。” … …祖师道:“也似‘窑头土坯’
▪ "Shall I teach you the Way of Silence?" the Patriarch then asked.
▪ "What True Result can be got from Silence?" said Monkey.
▪ "It involves abstaining from grain, preserving one's essence, silence, inaction, meditation, abstaining from speech, eating vegetarian food, performing certain exercises when asleep or standing up, going into trances, and being walled up in total isolation.“
▪ "It's like building the top of a kiln with sun-dried bricks," the patriarch replied.