01 The house cost him an arm and a leg.(A)这套房子花了他很多钱。
(D)这套房子让他的胳膊和腿都受了伤。To charge someone an arm and a leg,这是指要价
太高。个人觉得本题选A以下试题部分选项省略,保留正确选项。02)Tom was given the axe.C汤姆被解雇了 03 We live out of cans.我们靠罐头食品过活。C 04)He went to bed with the chickens.他很早上床睡觉。D 05)It’s time to put on the feedbag.吃饭时间到啦.C 06)Please give me a bottle of Adam’s ale.请给我一瓶水。A 07 It’s your baby, not mine.那是你的任务,不是我的。A 08 Her re-election is in the bag.她在改选中已稳操胜券。D 9)H
e is a ball of fire.他精力充沛。C 10)The story happened before the Flood.故事发生在远古时代。B 11)I don’t know the ABC of computers.我对电脑一窍不通。B 12)His parents are going bananas at him.他爸妈快被他气疯了。A 13)Don’t pass the baby to me.不要把责任推卸给我。B 14)She employed a tender foot to help her.她请了一个新手帮她。B 15)玛丽是个马屁精Mary is an apple polisher.B 16)Don’t make yourself in the shit.不要自讨没趣。C(原意:不要自麻烦。)17)Mike is a lady killer.迈克是个师奶杀手。D 18)Ok, let’s talk turkey.好吧,让我们开诚布公地谈谈。B 19)He led a dog’s life.他过着穷困潦倒的生活。D 20)This music in the film is easy on the ear.电影里的音乐很动听。C 21)We held a back-street meeting.我们开了一个秘密会议。D 22)That boy never says uncle.那个孩子的嘴特硬。C 23)I will put my back into this program.我将对这个项目全力以赴。A 24)
Meg is the apple of her father’s eye.梅格是她爸爸的掌上明珠。B 25)This is an apple of love.这是一个西红柿。B 26)The fat is in the fire.事情搞砸了。C 27)She’s a knowing card.她是个精明鬼。A 28)Everyone has been under the gun.每个人都顶着巨大的压力。B 29)He lived from hand to mouth.他过着勉强糊口的生活。C 30)玛丽在殡仪馆工作。
Mary is funeral home.(B)
Mary is in funeral parlor.C)
Mary is at mortuary house.(D)Mary is an undertaker.这题我不确定(殡 仪馆可翻译为funeral parlor 或者the undertaker's)31)This novel can’t be less interesting.这部小说无聊极了。B 32)I have the deed to the house.我有这所房子的房契。A 33)You must hold your horses.你一定要镇静。A 34)Tom is good at winning girl’s ears.汤姆很能够博得女人的好感。35)Nobody can say I put on airs.谁也不能说我这个人摆架子。C 36)These transactions are aboveboard.这些交易是光明磊落的。37)I won’t buy your story.我不信你那一套。B 38)Has the cat got your tongue?(A)你为什么生气?(B)你为什么哭?(C)你怎么这 么唠叨了?(D)你的舌头让猫咬掉了?应该是D(原意:你为什么不吭声呢?)39)Old Green is a real card.老格林真是个活宝。C 40)Jim is the black sheep of our class.吉姆是我们班的害之马。D 41)David carried the ball in the firm.大卫负责公司里最困难的工作。B 42)I have a crush on you.我迷恋你。D 43)Can you find your feet?你能适应环
境吗?B 44)Cut out your banana oil.收起你的花言巧语。D 45)Can we get around this issue?我们能避开这个话题吗?B 46)This kind of dress sells like hot cakes.这款裙子很畅销。C 47)Where is john?洗手间在哪里?A 48)He was born to the purple.他出身皇族。B 49)Is he a Jonah?他是个带来厄运的人吗?C 50)You can’t beat that.再没有比这个更好的了.C 51)Why don’t you belt up?你干吗还不住口呢?C 52)The black dog is over Jim now.吉姆现在意气消沉。B 53)He is a blue nose.他是个严谨的人。B 54)Nick was run off his legs.尼克破产了。A 55)The escaped prisoner is still at large.那个逃犯仍逍遥法外。C 56)Those pretty girls are easy on the eye.那些漂亮的女孩子真是赏心悦目。D 57)The book is as good as a play.这本书非常有趣。B 58)He will help you, as likely as not.他可能会帮助你。B 59)She has been canned.她被解雇了。B 60)These youths are full of animal spirits.这些年轻人充满活力。D
I.Choose the one best translation of the Chinese phrases :(每题2分,计20分)(1)弱肉
A.the weak is the meat of the strong B.the weak are the prey of the strong C.the jungle principal D.the weak is the mercy of the strong(2)如鸟兽散
A.flee helter skelter B.as if birds and beasts disappearing C.flying away as birds D.running away as animals(3)深文周纳
A.well versed in literature and art
B.try to help innocent people out of enjoy great learning and popularity
D.convict sb by deliberately misinterpreting the law(4)首鼠两端
A.take both for granted
B.catch the first mouse coming along C.there being two sides to everything D.shilly-shally(5)师直为壮
A.an army fighting for a just cause has high morale B.an honest teacher is always eloquent in speech C.a great master is always speak out his mind D.strong physique is associated with moral life(6)文不加点
A.article with no definite argument B.have a facile pen
C.without the use of any punctuation D.plain style without and flourish(7)殊深轸念 A.fall a prey to
B.be sympathetic about
C.express deep solicitude for D.become bosom friends(8)余勇可贾
A.valor to encourage others B.with strength yet to left over for future at deeds for praise(9)纵横捭阖
A.criss-crossing the vast country B.a wide stretch of beautiful field
C.maneuver among various political groupings D.search up and down for a bosom friend(
A.duty is well placed
B.obligation should be observed C.blame goes to its destiny
D.responsibility rests where it belongs
II.Choose the best version among the four given.(每题2分,计40分)
A.She was a touch woman, physically and spiritually.Not a day passed that I didn’t feed off the bread of her spirit.B.In physique as well as in spirit, she is a strong and firm lady, everyday I absorb from her spiritual nutrition.C.I get strength from her everyday, since she is a strong-willed woman, both in body and in mind.D.She has got very strong will-power, and everyday I can benefit from her spiritual food as far as mind and constitution are concerned.12.他相识不久就想动手动脚。
A.Before the acquaintance got to a certain point, he wants to be physically involved.B.He even wanted to get in possession before the relationship is ripe.C.Before long, he started to show his true colors.D.He wanted to get physical early in a relationship.13. 科技的发展似乎对纸张的使用没有太大的影响,正如医学的进步也不能铲除病毒。
A.The development of science doesn’t seem to have great influence on the use of paper, just as the advances of medicine can not get rid of virus all together.B.Paper seems to be as immune to technology as viruses are to medical science.C.Paper is not very much affected by the development of technology;the same is true with the fact that progress in medical research cannot exterminate germs.D.The advances in science seems to have no function in affecting the use of paper, as the improvement in medicine and pharmacology are not able to wipe out viruses.14.那年中有好几次,我将我所受到的挫折以及失落感发泄到孩子们身上。A.Many times in that year, I vented out on my kids all the frustrations I experienced.B.On many an occasion that year I lost tempers and scolded my children for my own setbacks.C.I gave vent to my own lost feelings that year and wreaked my kids for my own headaches.D.There were quite a few times that year when I
took my frustrations out on the children.15.这是个未知的领域:如何成为宇航员?无准则可遵循,无先例可参照。
