Ⅰ、听力部分(共20小题,每小题1分 ,计20分)
1. A. guest B. get C. guess
2. A. may B. main C. my
3. A.important B.prove C. improve
4. A.suggest B. suggestions C. suggesting
5. A. invent B.inventions C. invents
6.Where are they talking?
A. At home.
B. In a shop.
C. In a restaurant.
7.Why does the boy want to buy a handbag?
A. For his mother.
B. It’s his mother’s birthday.
C. It’s Mothers’ Day.
8.How often does the boy go to see his grandfather?
A. Once a week.
B. Twice a week.
C. Once a month.
9. How does Anna usually go to school?
A. She drives her car.
B. She takes a bus.
C. She rides her bike.
10. How is Bill now?
A. He is well.
B. He isn’t well enough.
C. He is still badly ill.
11. What day was it yesterday?
A. Sunday
B. Saturday
C. Monday
12. What’s the weather lik e today?
A. Sunny
B. Windy.
C. Cloudy.
13. Who got there the earliest?
A. Jane.
B. Jack.
C. Lily.
14. What is Kate doing now?
A. She’s going swimming.
B. She’s washing her clothes
C. She’s doing her homework.
15. How will Lucy go to London?
A. By ship.
B. By plane.
C. By train.
Many great have changed our life. My father would like to buy a car to go to work . My mother wants to have a computer to work faster than before. I really want to get an MP3 to
my English. I am always afraid of listening tests. My grandfather wants to have own color TV to watch CCTV News at 7:00 every evening. As for my sister, her is to have an iPhone 5 to show off.
( )21. ---What’s the low-carbon lifestyle like?
---Save energy, produce carbon.
A.m ore; more
B. less; more
C. more; less
( )22. ---How long have you lived in this town?
---_____ December 22 nd,2001.
( )23. --- What would you do if it ______ tomorrow?
--- We have to carry it on, since we’ve got everything ready.
A. rain
B. rains
C. will rain
( )24. --- _______ plastic bags we use, _______ it will be to the environment. --- I agree.
A. The fewer, the better
B. The less, the better
C. The less, the worse
( )25.Ann always works hard, and she _________not fail in the exam.
A. must
B. need
C. should
( ) 26. Simon asked his workmates to wear black. But_________ of them followed him.
A. none
B. every one
C. no one
( )27.—You won’t pass the oral English test ______ you practise speaking more.
—I am sure that I will be the best. Don’t worry, mum.
A. when
B. if
C. unlessunfamiliar
( ) 28.Although I__________ the Walkman for three years, it still looks new.
A. have bought
B. bought
C. have had
( ) 29. ---Can you tell me ______?
---By doing more speaking.
A. how I will improve my English
B. which way can I choose
C. how do I deal with my English
( ) 30. ---- ________ is the pair of trainer shoes?
---- It ________ me 200 yuan.
A. How long; took
B. How much; cost
C. How many; paid ( ) 31. Science is very ____. I’m ____ in it.
A. interesting; interesting
B. interested; interested
C. interesting; interested
( ) 32. ---- What's your plan for your holiday?
---- It ________ the weather! If ________ doesn't rain, I will go climbing.
A. depends on; it
B. looks on; it
C. tries on; she
( )33. Is ______ necessary to return the book tomorrow?
A. this
B. that
C. it
( )34. Their school has more than two _____ teachers and _____ students.
A. hundreds of, thousands of
B. hundred, thousands of
C. hundreds, thousands of
( )35. The movie Batman and Joker is ______ one that I've ever seen.
A. more exciting
B. the most excited
C. the most exciting
Ⅲ.完形填空(每小题1分, 共15分)
John Thomas was an 18-year-old student, but he had been a famous champion. Everybody at Boston University liked this tall, quiet boy. Once he was hurt, everybody at Boston University was 36 . People all over the country 37 about John Thomas and often asked, "Will he ever jump again?"
John's mother went to the hospital to see her son. She looked at his 38 leg. Then she looked into his 39 . She knew what her son would 40 . "You're going to jump again, John,
I know it," she said." 41 will be all right."
If John hoped to jump again, he would have a 42 to do. He began at once. Even in his hospital bed John started to exercise. He used a wheel and other metal things. Soon his 43 looked like a machine shop!
