Fallacy谬误: Fallacies are types of faulty reasoning. Usually they are due to careless thinking; but they may also be used deliberately, as they are in much propaganda and advertising, to mislead. Following are some of the most common fallacies.
1. equivocation含糊We should not raise taxes. Life is taxing enough as it is.
2. slippery slope fallacy If we continue to allow legal abortions, the next steps will be the elimination of the physically and mentally undesirable and finally the killing of anyone we don’t like for any reason at all.
3. appeal to pity I deserve a raise. My car is in the shop, I am behind in my mortgage payments, and my wife left me with three children to raise alone.
4. false analogy If your finger suffers from gangrene, what do you do? Let the whole hand and then the body become filled with gangrene, or cut the finger off? By the same reason, we should execute the sexual offenders.
5. either/or fallacy A new car may be expensive, but do you want me to drive around in this junk pile for the rest of my life?
6. ad hominem Our new professor looks like Homer Simpson. How can we take him seriously?
7. hasty generalization Computer instructions are always confusing.
8. begging the question or circular reasoning Because women are not well suited for fighting, they do not do well in combat duty in the armed forces.
9. false cause Our new police uniforms have worked wonders. They were issued on September 2, and in the six months since then, arrests have increased forty percent.
10. bandwagon fallacy Four out of five doctors surveyed recommend Brand X painkiller for their patients. Methods of development:
1.chronological 时序method of development: ~ arranges events in a time sequence, usually beginning with
the first event and proceeding to the last.
2.analogy类比as a method of development: An analogy is a comparison that clarifies one thing by likening
it to something more familiar. In essays, analogies help explain difficult or abstract concepts. comparison and contrast比较对比as a method of development: Comparison and contrast is a method of development for presenting similarities or differences or both between two or more things. First, decide on the basis of comparison. After having chosen bases of comparison, select a method of presentation (a structure called the whole-by-whole [or block] method or a structure called the point-by-point method).
3.cause and effect 因果as a method of development: ~ is to explain why something happened or may
happen. On the surface, it may seem simple: This happened because of that. In fact, however, causal relationships are rarely simple. Usually there are multiple causes for an e
ffect, and several consequences may spring from a single cause. Moreover, causes and effects tend to occur in chain reactions, like domino falling:
A cause creates effects, which then become causes of still other effects, and so on.
4.problem-solution提出问题-解决问题模式as a method of development: The problem-solution method of
development is especially common in scientific, technical,and business writing. Typically, the writer states the problem at the outset and then discusses a possible remedy or remedies.
5.general-to-specific as a method of development总分: ~ begins with a general statement and then provides
facts or examples to detail and support that statement.
6.increasing order of importance as a method of development重要性渐升: ~ (also called climatic order)
presents the point of least importance first and builds, point by point, to the most important idea at the end.
However, the method can be used to great effect when the writer skillfully leads readers to the final important detail and leaves them at that point.
7.analysis as a method of development分析: Analysis takes a topic apart and examines or evaluates its parts
to determine how they contribute to the quality of the whole.
8.definition as a method of development定义: Depending on the purpose of the paper and on the audience’s
knowledge of the topic, the writer may give an extended definition of a key term or concept.
9.classification as a method of development分类: Classification groups items or subjects into categories to
help the audience understand them better. For example, a discussion of rock music might classify it in categories such as heavy metal, acid rock, hard rock, speed metal, and grunge.
unfamiliar10.description as a method of development描述: Description is a writing strategy and one of the four
traditional modes of discourse. (The others are argument, exposition, and narration.) description most often appeals to the senses by showing how a person, thing, or place looks, sounds, tastes, feels, and/or smells.